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Cirrhosis According to optimal medical

The liver is one of the most regenerative organ in the body. Just to maintained the minimum quantity of flesh of this body to be able to completely rebuild it, but man is not able to function without its normal operation.

In the early 90's, the U.S. conducted the study, which confirmed an amazing ability of the liver.
After removal of liver cirrhosis of the deceased, it was grown "in vitro" and after some time noticed the reconstruction of normal lobular structure.

In the human body, it seems impossible, because the marginal liver failure leads to death.
The causes of cirrhosis are not really known. The most popular viral hepatitis is only a predisposing factor, the actual cause of the low resistance allow the development and propagation of the virus. It does not cause cirrhosis of the same alcohol as is commonly believed. Of course, alcohol accelerates the destruction of lobules, however, malnutrition is a major factor in drug addicts who do not eat enough high-value protein.
Currently used treatments for this disease are actually getting better, but the nutrition of patients effectively eliminates the effects of medication. Recommended called. "Liver diet" is based on kleikach rice and lean meat, in order to relieve the liver. The upshot is that the disease is considered incurable, and the survival of up to 5 years.
The liver is an organ designed to digest fats, and if it fails to deliver in the diet, it comes to the stagnation of bile ducts in the liver, with what we are dealing with a standard treatment of cirrhosis.
In addition, patients recommended diet does not contain the protein needed
to rebuild the organ.
High-carbohydrate feeding in such situations is a factor which ultimately determines the fate of the patients.
The sugars from the gastrointestinal tract are absorbed into the catchment vein return, they get directly to the liver and are processed here on lipids, which absorbs a significant part of liver metabolic capacity.
Also, amino acids from digested protein leak into the circulation loop and must be processed by this organ.
Lack of fat in the diet leads to increased pressure in the bile ducts, in effect, which the liver increases its volume, and there are pains caused by pressure on a surrounding capsule.
Accumulation of these processes is a cause of obstructed blood flow through the liver, resulting in overload cardiac hypertrophy and the occurrence of edema. Heart failure worsening liver function and will generate a vicious circle leading to the destruction of the organ.
Turnover of this circle can be interrupted by optimal nutrition, because it is based on animal fats, which are an excellent source of energy, and after absorbing bypass circulation to the liver tissues of getting through the lymph and then blood.
Salutary effect of saturated fat has already been confirmed by clinical studies, but the pressures of the medical community led to the abandonment of further research.
Using the optimal nutrition has repeatedly met with cases of cure liver cirrhosis, which is logical Given the high of its physiology.
In the case of the disease starting with optimal nutrition should first contact your doctor, who will sensitize the need to preserve the proper balance between protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Patients usually meets, and other comorbid diseases (diabetes, hypertension, etc.), the treatment, which is often used drugs toxic to the liver, sometimes you have to be quickly discontinued.
When properly used the diet, limiting protein to 0.5 - 0.8g/kg body weight, symptoms recede relatively quickly.
Already seen signs of improvement after several days, but still important is the control of biochemical and clinical parameters, because of the possibility of complications such as cholelithiasis caused or parasitic disease.
In most cases the status of patients (even hard) is much better after 2 - 3 months.
Complete recovery occurs in less than a year.
Patients who have cirrhosis of the liver has never come back to the previous model, bearing in mind feeding their sufferings. Unfortunately, most patients in Poland is still doomed to disease without hope of recovery.

Lek. Przemyslaw Pala, MD
medical consultant and tutor.

Cirrhosis According to optimal medical

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