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Home Masters Uleszka Self-diagnosis

What the body needs

Our mood is a reflection of what and how we eat. But there are ingredients, without which the body can not function properly. This vitamin, macro and micronutrients or elements which our body must have in one another to function flawlessly. The lack of any disease can cause or initiate a chain of events that will lead us to them. All these elements enter the body via the diet, rather than tablets and therefore we know what we are lacking.

Popular and epidemic diseases and symptoms


Now that you know, some external signs indicating the possibility of disease, we should take stock. Since both diseases and their symptoms is very much, consider the ones that are found most frequently.

Anemia pale face, brown discoloration, lower eyelid, pearly white of your eye color, pearly teeth discoloration, pallor of the ears, zajady corner of the mouth, burning tongue, smooth tongue, and red


The spine

An incomplete list of diseases that are caused by lack of interest due to its backbone. Damage to the vertebrae (even minor and undetectable with present methods of research) can cause illness, which are listed below.

Cervical dislocation, allergy, deafness, eye disease, a variety of eczema, throat diseases, diseases of the thyroid



The skin is the second most important organ in the lungs breathing. To be healthy should seek to maximize skin contact with air, water, and of course within reason, with the sun.

? Face pale - hypotension, anemia, circulatory disorders
? Yellowish skin - disturbance of liver function and gallbladder




? Left shoulder higher than right - the tendency to rheumatism
? Pain in his right shoulder - liver disease, gallbladder
? Pain in left shoulder - a stomach ulcer

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