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Body cleansing - Detoxification


Cleaning teeth

Prof. Tobak writes - clean teeth usually 30-40 seconds, when the maximum effect for the prevention and strengthen the teeth can be achieved by clearing them of not less than 3-5 minutes. The Japanese have a good, healthy teeth, and rarely use a toothbrush. They prefer to brush your teeth with your index finger, applying to it a little bit of toothpaste. This method cleans beautifully and strengthens teeth and massages gums at the same time. I am of all the ways I chose her, which consists of a combination thereof.

OTHER TYPES purification


THERE TYPES OF purification Purification of uric acid - OPTION I

Treatment same as cleaning the lymph and blood, but differing amounts of fluid consumed. We do it for 3 days and by this time you should not eat anything but orange or grapeifrutów. During the day you should drink 4 liters of a mixture of juice and make every day a new one.

Composition of the mixture for 1 day:
The juice of 900 g grapeifrutów juice, 900 g orange juice, lemon 200 g, 200 g of distilled water.
Carrying out treatment (each day):


Purification of blood vessels

At the end of a curiosity. Wandering around the internet I found a kind of beauty studios signed with the name of Professor. Tombak.From what he writes in his books can be concluded that the cleansing of the body takes about one year, but there customer cleanse for one week. And that's how. Weekly STAY in a double room costs PLN 1,200.00, and the single "only" PLN 1400.00.
Herbal mixture of honey

Purification of lymph and blood

This treatment should be carried out during the period when theepidemic begins with flu or other bacterial disease (early spring andlate autumn). We do it for 3 days and by this time you should not eatanything but orange or grapeifrutów. During the day you should drink2 liters of juice blends and make every day a new one.

Composition of the mixture for 1 day:
The juice of 900 g grapeifrutów juice, 900 g orange juice, lemon 200g, 200 g of distilled water.
Carrying out treatment (each day):

Purification of kidney

Some symptoms of kidney pollution
The appearance of bags under the eyes, white spots on nails, wet hands.

Some causes of kidney pollution
The accumulation of mucus, from which stones are formed.
Enlargement of kidneys from excessive intake of fluids.
Narrowing of the kidney from excessive consumption of salt, meat, fish, bread, sweets and refined flour products.

External symptoms of poor kidney function
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