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Deworming of children - bathing in herbs, honey, flour

Herbs recipe
ola31121982 23.11.2005, 17:43 archived

I once sent me a text my brother who just joined a robaczycy - wierzyłam.dzis not found this thread on the forum and read cały.nie know whether to believe or not believe it - I have spróbowac.dziecko I still have a small 6 miesiecy.chciałam only write to these who do not believe - not to have commented on and made fun of because it's not ładnie.jak not believe let not revived - naprawde.każdy is entitled to that believe in what chce.bede track the whole affair more pozdrawiam 

I read this forum for several months now and I use your advice without having the proper time offset by the third month in a diet, actually, Dr. 
Verzellii, incredibly improved contact between us and our daughter Mireczką, improved eye contact and execute commands, a few days ago, it actually instinctively gave her a box and asked to threw in the trash, and even though she had to przjścia three rooms, it did it is what I asked. For several weeks bathing in Epsom salt, she began to walk up the stairs alone and stir with a spoon to eat a plate-alone, passed the fear of open spaces and new places. And now came the robaki.Próba carried out successfully and bezglutenowo.

Gives a recipe for a blend of herbal bath.

thyme herb 50 g 
calamus rhizome 50 g 
50 g root of Oman 
25 g of mint leaves 
walnut leaf 25 9 
20 g wormwood herb 
tysiącznika herb or 
20 g of yellow gentian 
leaf Bóbrka 2o g 
camomile 20 g 
the fruit of cumin 20 g 
all together pour hot water and brew for an hour. I soaked in the girl about 15 minutes. Younger was delighted that he can swim in the soup (because I watched her herbs in a pot in which I cook the soup.)The bath has a dark brown color. The same provision is in the tincture to drink, and because the skin absorbs the child as well as the intestine, so some of these uninvited guests got rid of the first pile jelitek after bathing. Returning to the bath, the other treatments as I have written a lot of honey and rice meal with us and it was exactly as described betka111. For those who do not work out, the first worms need to wait a bit. Spread your back honey, rinsed again, smear, to sniff at hand blackheads are hard to penetrate the heads of these creatures, then we will go alone ...

Children tend not to insight, and the second one because my daughter looked with amazement at what I'm doing the other, and even I looked at it more than a fascination with horror, I've seen worse things here already. What's new with my children Mireczka better sleep, and Asia is not the same 
girl, good girl, and suddenly all the love, so it would have been. Now I must go now, but how do I find the time to give one more tasty and cheap way to get rid of intestinal worms.

Thank you for being here, and conveys much valuable information.

A tasty recipe for worms in the intestine;
100 grams of pumpkin seeds, must necessarily be cropped fresh seeds, and now a pumpkin is not hard, in every grocery stand orange head. Pit mix with milk, rice and divided into two parts naczczo give them every 30 minutes. Then the children can eat a normal breakfast, and after 2-3 hours, give a teaspoon of olive oil. In the original recipe is oil 
Castor, but I do not risked in children with intestinal problems. For adults is 300 g of seed and two teaspoons of castor oil, at the same intervals as above.

Recipe from an old book from the herbal shop with herbs, the newer one does not write that the seeds have to be fresh, and most important, who was at a conference in Wroclaw is also heard from Dr. Dawidiuk.

Returning to the bath, this is what breaks through the skin is not zwałkowana flour "because the flour is poured just as worms escapes to the outside. In adults, this procedure does not go, because we have too little elastic skin, unless someone has the proverbial baby's skin 
The provision of seeds is the most frequently occurring parasites in children, and even on stubborn tapeworm so many other ways.

It's enough for now, I wish you successful getting rid of unwanted guests.


7777777s 27.11.2005, 21:53 archived

dirgone, herbs are not there so that it became "something" to leave the body but it is to kill as we go out.The individual herbs in this blend is a typical antypasożytnicze herbs commonly used for drinking cures antypasożytniczych and such is their purpose (some of them also have softening properties.)

It can remind the whole procedure:

-Hot water in a tub of herbs zaparzonymi 
-When the body is overheated lubricates the back, shoulders to the elbow, back of your neck with the flour mixture of honey (or honey, and flour). 
-Massaged into the mix in the right places 
-Leaves for a moment and rinsed 
-If nothing happens, repeated lubrication 2 and 3 again, if it starts to get out of "something" is either a shaved shaver scrubs or coarse cloth and repeat until it stops lubrication yet come out.

Be careful not to lubricate the front.

That's how it is done more or less, more or less because you can also use the porridge but instead of herbs for the bath and not spread. In this case, poured into porridge, or hot water after several minutes, drain off, or boiled and the brew or brew is poured into the tub. I cooked porridge but since I was in the pot while it zgęstmiała, little things to odcedziło no to mixed it in its entirety and completely poured into the tub.The problem is that it is later settlements in the tub for a softening effect is fantastic. 

I have done it yesterday itself and after the first lubricated nothing happened, posmarowałam second time and also thought that nothing, I began to wash down your arm and it turned out that is not possible because some bumps on the shoulder and neck is done for nothing and do not want it oderawać .Spawning like mad, scraped the fingernails and somehow I managed, but aware that half a worm is on top of a half in the middle and I can not cope with was appalling. I was lucky that it only appeared on the shoulder and not on the back where I could not just scrub. Well, in any event, I would not recommend doing this yourself! After all the surgery I shook hands, and in general I was finished with the nerves. 

And on the theory that the toxin. Toxins do not adhere to the body, as has already occur on the skin it washes them and this "something" is impossible. Whoever did it knows it.


ewka_c 12.05.2006, 22:24 archived
I was in that year under the bath, at the instigation of colleagues, in Mrs. K. Chrzanow near Biłgoraj (about 90 km from Lublin-I have a phone to the Mrs.). Indeed, something came out from the pores on the back, shoulders and neck, but what it was I do not know (only one thing seems strange to me because the worms should be the same regardless of the host au my daughter three years fatter au-year old son of a much thinner-it to me that the lime, that really leaves a meal that her daughter is now a bigger and "noodles" gubszy). 
I must add, however, that before the bath my son had done research on giardia antigen Lamblia Gardi and went to him four pluses and after these treatments did so out of curiosity once again in the same laboratory, and came just two advantages. 
I was there for 4 weeks to come up months but I went because somehow I do not fit, ie the bath. Somehow it seemed to me that just about the money involved (PLN 40 a child). My friend was with the child only once (but the mother of Mrs. K as I was) and as the lady told me that I come again, I thought to myself that this younger generation wants to earn more money from family 
interest. I would add that Mrs. K. mentioned that these baths have already did her grandmother after her mother and now she was asking and really like the way it fell as soon as her name is and that people said 'that the worms. " The whole family was przeleczona (May 2005), metronidazole and furazolidone, 
control tests in various laboratories have not shown lamblia antigen-final in February 2006
Deworming of children - bathing in herbs, honey, flour

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