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Home Masters Uleszka Remarkable cabbage
Remarkable cabbage

What and how to apply?


Dr. Górnicka gives ways to use sprouts in medicine by providing that it writes on the experience of French physicians.

Aphonia (loss of voice)
The juice of cabbage with a little honey to eat and rinse. Serve coleslaw with red beet.

(Measures drug abuse). Consuming raw or stewed cabbage and fresh juice and odwykowo detoxicating work.

One to two glasses a day of raw cabbage juice.


What the ordinary cabbage can do?

Specific properties have fresh leaves. Applied externally treat the following diseases: rhinitis, bronchitis, gastrointestinal diseases, liver, bladder, eczema, herpes, acne, dandruff, gangrene and necrosis, tumors and cancers, hemorrhoids, various infections (abscesses, phlegmon, boils, felon) rheumatic neuralgia, dental, facial nerve, gouty, renal colic, burns, cracks and odmroziny with blisters, shingles, and paroxysmal fever, hypertrophy of the lymph nodes, skin eruptions of syphilis, a cold abscess, tuberculosis, arthritis and bone contusions, bruises, severe headache , headaches, bites, pleurisy, asthma, inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, capillaries, vascular problems, varicose veins, swollen tonsils.

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