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Flavon max

Why do we recommend Flavon? 

flawom, berries, malinyWspółczesny human life twenty-first century associated with poor nutrition, daily stress, with severe physical or mental work seriously devastate our body. To counteract the negative effects of these factors is necessary to assist the body by supplying it with food according to the number of natural antioxidants. 

Natural ingredients with powerful antioxidant - flavonoids and other polyphenolic compounds occupy an increasingly prominent place in scientific research. They play a very important role in prevention and health care, and defend the body against cell damage. 

Who recommended? 

Citrosept, bioflavonoids, vitamin c, grapefruit

Citrosept is a dietary supplement, containing a liquid concentrate from the seeds, pulp and white parts of the grapefruit. Contains important health and natural bioflavonoids, grapefruit comes from vitamin C. 


* Are an excellent source of nutrient responsible for a healthy diet,
* Contain a wealth of vitamins, including vitamin C, immunity booster, and also known for their antioxidant properties of vitamin E and P, 
* Have antifungal and antibacterial properties, 
* Help maintain a healthy heart and entire circulatory system, 
* Regulate the speed of digestion and metabolism. 

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