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Tea Purifying the body

Tea Purifying the body
50 g of burdock root, couch grass rhizome 50 g, 50 g roots spiny restharrow, 3-5 pieces of fruit juniper. burdock, couch grass and rest-harrow mix. 4 tablespoons cooked mixture in 1 liter of water, covered about 15 minutes. Remove from heat, make juniper fruit and pour into a thermos. Drink during the day.

Tea restore good humor
1 tablespoon dried herb borage, or 1 tablespoon dried basil herb, or 1 / 2 tablespoons dried borage oil and 1 / 2 tablespoons dried basil 1 cup of boiling water pour. You can add a teaspoon of honey (herbal tea sweetened with sugar never.) These teas are very tasty (the French drink it) and applied systematically bring long-lasting, good mood.

Parsnip dishes

Breaded parsnips
Cooked parsnips (? Pasternak wipe), cut into thick slices, surround them with flour, broken egg, bread crumbs and fry on both sides in lard and serve meat dishes instead of potatoes or the vegetable puree with a sharp sauce.

Parsnip after Masuria
60 dag cooked parsnip grate with large holes. Pour a glass of milk, salt and sugar to taste and pour over 5 grams of melted lard.

Soups and coolers

Coolers is best eaten in the warm seasons (summer, autumn). People who have trouble emptying can eat them all year round. They are very healthy because they contain all the vitamins and minerals (which are not destroyed by heating) and structured water and oxygen.

Soup raspberry (or strawberry)
A glass of sour milk, add 3 tablespoons of water and 3 tablespoons of crushed raspberries or strawberries. You can add a tablespoon of honey.

Winter salads

Pink sauerkraut
100 g sauerkraut mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of juice from sugar.Add 1 / 2 small white or red onion and a tablespoon of oil rośinnego. Mix.

Pickled cabbage with apples
Up to 100 g sauerkraut add 1 / 2 grated apples (antonówki), 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and sprinkle with half the chopped onion.

Spring salads

Important! In order to remove the bitter taste of dandelion leaves, they must be soaked for 1 / 2 hours in water with salt (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water). Dishes with radishes should be prepared at least 1.5 hours before eating (if not close to either pain or flatulence).

Red cabbage
Whip 1 / 4 sugar, add 60 g grated carrot, 30 g of finely chopped raw potatoes, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 teaspoons juice from currants or raspberries and 1 tablespoon chives. Stir everything together and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs.
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