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Cancer is not cited

Cancer - Information for thought

The problem with cancer deal with scientists around the world, but does not change the fact that cancer is the leading cause of death is every third person in the world. The first mention of cancer date back to the twelfth century BC. Serious scholars began to investigate the disease in the nineteenth century. According to today's classification, there are over 150 types of cancer. A number of methods to combat cancer. Unfortunately, oncologists armed with all the achievements of modern technology, they are helpless.

Nishi anticancer system


1. Sleep on hard mattress and pillow



Starting position
lying on their backs plant a hands under his neck at a height of 4 and 5 cervical vertebra and the full weight of adhering to the floor.Join legs, toes, "pull" towards the head. All the bulge (occiput, arms, calves, pelvis), press the floor.


Cancer - summary


After hearing a diagnosis, not panic, depression, and stupor. I know that this is like a blow head, but we need to get over yourself and start to think and act rationally. Cancer is a disease like any other and it is to treat. Just at that moment we have to mobilize your body to fight with him. Cancer is not knocks once, so most of these steps with care we can and must do ourselves. Prepare yourself and coming to a long struggle for health, knowing that he is to win. An optimistic attitude is a prerequisite for success.

Ourself breed a cancer


Brought to me once, a boy, he was twelve years old. For the past two years had a strong paroxysmal attacks of asthma.His face was swollen and pale yellow, stated curvature of the spine, he was obese (the effect of hormone treatment) had relief from even the simplest exercise. Playing football, cycling, swimming - all this remained a dream. He sat before me unhappy, deprived childhood, twelve disabled.The worst thing was that his future life was outlined even worse (bronchial asthma is a chronic disease very difficult to cure). To my question "What does he like to eat?" mother replied that the meat, soups, dairy products and sweets, cakes.


For what people get sick and die quickly


Trying to trace the process of developing many diseases is not as time consuming as it might seem to us. While the body of every man is different, is an individual, the pattern of diseases in the formation of all is the same. In brief, it says - that every illness, from mild reddening of the skin (eg allergies) to any organ cancer is a disease of the whole organism, not its individual parts. It does not matter what this disease, as it is called, it's important that it is caused by accumulated toxins in the body. These poisons enter the body in two ways:

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