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What to do with "niejadkiem?
Infants are generally happy to eat and lots. In the second year of life while the child learns the world and voraciously eating recedes into the background. It turns out then that Barry does not want to vegetable soup that had previously willing to eat, and Krzysio not tolerate milk. Meanwhile, parents know that children need to eat soup and cottage cheese, drink milk, eat cold cuts, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, or everything he needs for normal development.Family begins with feeding your baby. Mom sticks to his mouth with a soup spoon, daddy it entertains, wyczyniając various things, my grandmother tells a story. Everyone is nervous, and the child senses this perfectly. Since then, the meal will associate him with coercion, with something unpleasant. Parents are on the lost items even when they promise to be eaten soup child favorite candy.
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