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Flavon max

Why do we recommend Flavon? 

flawom, berries, malinyWspółczesny human life twenty-first century associated with poor nutrition, daily stress, with severe physical or mental work seriously devastate our body. To counteract the negative effects of these factors is necessary to assist the body by supplying it with food according to the number of natural antioxidants. 

Natural ingredients with powerful antioxidant - flavonoids and other polyphenolic compounds occupy an increasingly prominent place in scientific research. They play a very important role in prevention and health care, and defend the body against cell damage. 

Who recommended? 

Consuming Flavon recommend to anyone 

* Who does not eat the necessary daily amounts of fruits and vegetables, 
* Who are not sure whether his meals contain the required maximum number of essential nutrients, 
* Who wants to supplement your diet previously used, 
* Who is of particular concern surrounds your health and your family, 
* Who wants to take advantage of the product developed for the twenty-first century man. 

Know your mortal enemies, and take the fight. 

Civilization diseases cause more than 80% of all deaths. Why, despite such appalling statistics, most of us seem to do everything possible to find a group of people affected by one of these diseases? 

We are talking about cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, obesity, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal disorders, allergies and psychological problems such as depression or burnout. Each of us in his life he met many of the people affected by these diseases. 

Focusing on the treatment effects did not eliminate the real causes.This approach makes the disease one of the diseases of civilization greatly increased risk of developing another. Medicine is powerless in cases where they require treatment, but they do not eliminate the harmful agent acting constantly. 

It has been proven that it is the lifestyle of modern man is the source of the emergence of the disease. Improper nutrition, low physical activity, daily stress, polluted environment, excessive medication underlie diseases of the XXI century. 

All these factors are responsible for the formation in the body of excess free radicals. Their excess has a destructive influence on the structure of the cells, disrupting the functioning of the whole body and ruining our health. Hence the cause of most diseases lies at the cellular level and not at the level of organs or systems of our body.The disease is caused by a biochemical imbalance in the cell. 

Our body has defense mechanisms. Operate efficiently at physiologically emerging, small amounts of free radicals. However, introducing into the body so an enormous amount of free radicals that we are not able to eliminate them. For this reason it is necessary to support our body against them by providing the appropriate amount of food antioxidants. 

Flavonoids are considered some of the best substances with antioxidant properties, a substance neutralizing free radicals. The compounds included in the immune systems of plants. Particularly significant is characterized flavonoid content of dark fruits with berry group. Supplied with food may play in the human body, as in the great number of plant functions. 

To provide the body with the optimal dose of flavonoids is necessary to consume 1 - 2 grams of flavonoids per day. Coverage of the daily requirement for antioxidants in the form of flavonoid intake gives 1.5 kg of fresh fruit and 2.1 kg of fresh vegetables, originating from crops clean *. 

Do you have such a possibility? 

* Why do we stress the importance of organic crops? As the plants from the plantation, receiving nutrients in the form of fertilizers and growing often in constant environmental conditions such as constant temperature, are not exposed to stress. Therefore, do not need and do not produce as many antioxidants as plants from organic cultivation.
Flavon max

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