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Citrosept, bioflavonoids, vitamin c, grapefruit

Citrosept is a dietary supplement, containing a liquid concentrate from the seeds, pulp and white parts of the grapefruit. Contains important health and natural bioflavonoids, grapefruit comes from vitamin C. 


* Are an excellent source of nutrient responsible for a healthy diet,
* Contain a wealth of vitamins, including vitamin C, immunity booster, and also known for their antioxidant properties of vitamin E and P, 
* Have antifungal and antibacterial properties, 
* Help maintain a healthy heart and entire circulatory system, 
* Regulate the speed of digestion and metabolism. 

A Brief History of grapefruit 

The history and origin of the grapefruit are not exactly known. Most likely, this fruit is a cross between a sweet orange pumps. In the seventeenth century, Captain James Schaddock grapefruit brought from Polynesia in Barbados. The current name comes from the English words "grape" or circle, and "fruit" means fruit - it has to do with the fact that these fruits grow in clusters resembling grapes. 

Grapefruit are grown in the subtropics. Grapefruit tree reaches a height of 6 to 15 meters and produce fruit spherical reaching a diameter of about 15 centimeters. 
What does the grapefruit? 

Grapefruit pulp is made up of about 90% water. However, we find in it the sugar, organic acids, valuable health, vitamins, plant pigments, flavonoids, pectin and fiber. 

100 grams of fruit grapefruit provides about: 

* 40 calories, 
* 9.8 grams of carbohydrates 
* 0.7 grams protein 
* 0.6 grams fiber 
* 230 milligrams of potassium 
* 80 milligrams of vitamin C 
* 20 milligrams of calcium 
* 17 milligrams of phosphorus 
* 12 milligrams of folic acid 
* 10 milligrams of magnesium 
* 0.3 milligrams iron 
* 0.3 milligrams of vitamin E 
* 0.2 milligrams of vitamin B3 (PP) 
* 0.1 milligrams of zinc 
* 0.05 milligrams of vitamin B1 
* 0.03 milligrams of vitamin B6 
* 0.02 milligrams of vitamin B2 

One result of the mass reaches about 200-500 g. 

Properties of Grapefruit 

Grapefruit should be an integral part of the diet of every person.They have a lot of great and important health properties. 

* Nutrients included in grapefruit are known to prevent oxidation.bad cholesterol (LDL) responsible for the formation of atherosclerotic changes in the circulatory system. In this role work best are often rejected by consumers and white, bitter film. 
* Grapefruit reduces blood glucose levels. A diet rich in these fruits is indicated for the prevention of diabetes. 
* Naryngenina and pectin in grapefruit help to speed up the metabolism and digestion. This is especially important for people struggling with unnecessary pounds. 
* Grapefruit pulp contains acids accelerate urination - play an important role in proper functioning of the urinary tract and kidneys. It also helps in the treatment of intestinal debris and toxins. 
* The substances contained in the seeds, and pulp of grapefruit błonkach have antifungal properties, antibacterial and antiviral - operate on approximately 800 types of viruses and bacteria, and for about 100 kinds of pathogenic fungi. 


Did you know ... 

* Formerly known as grapefruits were schaddockami? The name is derived from the name of Captain James Schaddocka, who brought grapefruit and settle there on the island of Barbados. 
* Do not drink grapefruit juice medication? The juice of this fruit has an effect on the absorption of certain classes of drugs, so it can strengthen or weaken their effects. In order to avoid interaction is best to do even a few hours break between taking the drug and the consumption of grapefruit or grapefruit juice. 
* Formerly grapefruit extract has been used by farmers to protect the wooden tools to prevent mold? In this way, used antifungal properties of the grapefruit seed extract. 
* To dishes containing citrus may want to add a little butter or oil?Thanks to this addition of fat the body absorbs more of the nutrients in fruits. 
* 150 gram grapefruit already covers our need for vitamin C and beta-carotene for the next 24 hours? It is worth while to eat one fruit a day - has a positive effect on immunity. And the average weight of the fruit of grapefruit is about 200-500 g. 
* The bitter taste of grapefruit responsible naryngenina? It is also responsible for supporting metabolism. 
* For the healthiest variety of grapefruit is considered a red grapefruit? They are more healthy antioxidants, including flavonoids.
Citrosept, bioflavonoids, vitamin c, grapefruit

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