Gram Zdrowia


The treatments require a simple lemon, with the best that the fruit had a thin crust. Fresh lemon juice very rapidly decomposes on exposure to air and light, and therefore every time you prepare a fresh batch of juice. Among the people who can not tolerate acid is a widespread view that a large amount of lemon juice can cause stomach upsets. Fears are unfounded and the one who thinks so is completely ignorant of the physiology of digestion process. Lemon juice has a sour taste at the time of preparation. As soon as is consumed, the enzymes in the mouth affect the taste of sweet. Nevertheless, the stomach occurs, citric acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), but these two acids compared with hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach is so weak that in no case may harm the gastric mucosa. On the contrary - people who suffer from cold or suffer from stomach ulcers beneficial effect of treatment with lemon juice. It is rich in vitamin C, trace elements and hormones. Superbly cleanses the body of an insoluble salt and slime. Who wants to look young, you should drink the juice of one lemon every day.

During this treatment you should drink only juice in its pure form that is not diluted with water, do not add either honey or sugar. Should drink half an hour before or one hour after the meal, as anyone comfortably. To treat severe, chronic illness should be over the entire course of treatment to drink the juice of 200 lemons (or one less, but may be more).Treatment lasts 12 days and each day we consume quantities of lemon juice according to the scheme [day / number of lemons]

1 / 5 - 2 / 10 - 3 / 15 - 4 / 20 - 5 / 25 - 6 / 25 - 7 / 25 - 8 / 25 - 9 / 20 - 10/15 - 11/10 - 12 / 5

Total 200 lemons. Lemon juice drink several times a day 3-5 times. 

Very rare to disturbances in the stomach or intestines, but if any, should go to the 10-day prophylactic treatment according to the scheme:

1 / 1 - 2 / 2 - 3 / 3 - 4 / 4 - 5 / 5 - 6 / 5 - 7 / 4 - 8 / 3 - 9 / 2 - 10 / 1

the 10-day cycle to help the stomach to get accustomed to the lemon juice. During the prophylactic treatment of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey can sweeten.

During treatment, the first few days appear to be more effective work function. Urine can change the color, it becomes dark, can occur in the solid dark color, consisting of a urate salt.In the first phase of treatment is sometimes a large quantity of sludge, which testifies to the intense excretion of uric acid. At the end of treatment, the urine becomes amber, do not see the sediment, even after long periods of standing, which indicates that there is an excess of uric acid in the body. Citric acid is the only acid binds with calcium in the body, resulting in a unique salt is formed during the dissolution of the body is replaced by the phosphorus and calcium, elements that normalize metabolism and regenerate the bone tissue.

If you're not convinced yet, read the adventures of Mrs. Barbara (?  ), Which for decades had suffered, diagnosed and treated by doctors using only the procedures of scientific medicine frmakologicznych assisted chemical companies.


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