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Home Masters Uleszka Treat yourself Nervous Diseases

Nervous Diseases


Insomnia IN ADULTS

Sleeping on a pillow stuffed with hay or leaves of eucalyptus.

Before bed eat 1 tablespoon of honey.

Boil 1 / 2 cup of green tea, add 2 teaspoons of coffee creamer and 1 / 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink before bedtime.

Stopper warp right nostril and breathe through the left.

3 teaspoons cider vinegar mixed with 1 tablespoon honey, eat, drink water or milk.

Breathe right turn once again left a hole on the nose drops Valerian.3-5 times each with a hole-free, we inhale and exhale. Drops of breathing before bedtime for 3-4 months. After a month of treatment effects have already been noticed.

50 g fennel seeds add 1 / 2 liter of red sweet wine, cook 1-2 minutes. Use before bedtime by 50-60 ml.

Drink a glass of milk at night with a teaspoon of honey.

For the night 3 cabbage leaves applied to the neck and sometimes on their feet.

In a cup of boiling water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink before bedtime.

After 50 g - lemon balm leaf, herb marzanki, sweet clover herb, St. John's serdecznika, valerian root, hops, cone, St. John's wort, herb mugwort, heather flowers, primrose flowers, elder flower. Drink 3 times a day 1 cup 20 minutes before a meal.


For a few days ago before going to bed put in the paragraph 1 tablespoon sugar (crystal) and zapijać it with warm water.


To drink - after 50 g - yarrow herb, angelica root, valerian root, sweet flag rhizome, cone hops, lavender flowers, peppermint leaves, rosemary leaves, lemon balm leaf, heather herb, St. John's marzanki. Drink 3 times a day 1 cup 20 minutes before a meal.
Bath - 100 g - thyme herb, the fruit of juniper, sage leaf, calamus rhizome. For every bath to take seven spoons the mixture, pour 2 liters of water, boil 10 minutes, covered, to stand for 30 minutes, strain. Pour the decoction for hot water in the bath and swim 15 minutes every other day.


To drink - after 50 g - lemon balm leaf, valerian root, St. John's wort, kocanki inflorescence, the flower marigold, yarrow herb, calamus rhizome, Icelandic lichen, Fenugreek seed powder. Drink 2 times a day 1 cup 20 minutes before a meal.
Bath - calamus rhizome (400 g), white mustard seeds (200 g), nettle leaf (300 g), peppermint leaves (100 g). Stir everything together, take seven spoons (for children 5 tbsp) mixture. Pour 2 liters of water, cook 10 minutes, stand for 30 minutes, then strain. Pour into the bath water, bathe in it every second day - 15 minutes adults, children - 10 minutes. The free day evening bath rub your whole body with a damp towel, then wipe dry. Treatment lasts for 2 months.


To drink - after 50 g - bearberry leaf, lemon balm leaf, valerian root, St. John's tasznika, knotweed herb, Horsetail herb, St. John's wort, St. John's rdestu ostrogorzkiego, baskets arnica. Drink 2 times a day 1 cup.
Bath - calamus rhizome (400 g), pine buds (300 g), thyme herb (200 g), nettle leaf (200 g), primrose flower, elder flower - stir, take seven spoons (for children 5 tablespoons) mixture. Pour 2 liters of water, cook 10 minutes, stand for 30 minutes, then strain. Pour into the bath water, bathe in it every second day - 15 minutes adults, children - 10 minutes.


After 50 g - valerian root, spiny restharrow, willow bark, elder flower, flower meadow, inflorescence linden, sunflower, St. John's wort, thyme herb. Drink 3 times a day 1 cup 20 minutes before a meal. In addition, apply compresses to the painful areas with a towel soaked - 3 tablespoons of arnica, 3 tablespoons thyme, pour 3 / 4 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, let stand for 30 minutes.

Nervousness IN ADULTS

500 g of honey mixed with 500 g of sugar. Take 2 times a day, a spoonful.


After 50 g - baskets of chamomile, lemon balm leaf, St. John's wort, heather flower, cone hops, chicory root, lovage root, valerian root, inflorescence hawthorn, angelica root, lavender flowers. Drink 2-3 times a day after a glass before a meal.


To drink - After 50 g - willow bark, nettle leaf, herb rue, lemon balm leaf, lavender flowers, burdock root, cone hops, valerian root, chamomile baskets, St. John's wort, walnut leaf - Mix all ingredients together and each take time heaping tablespoon of the mixture, pour a cup of boiling water, cover for 3 hours. Strain, gently and drink 3 times a day after a glass before a meal.
Bath - willow bark (300 g), the fruit of juniper (200 g), sweet flag rhizome (400 g), nettle leaf (200 g). - Mix the ingredients together and take a bath every seven tablespoons of the mixture, pour 2 liters of water and cook for 10 minutes. Strain, pour the decoction for hot water in the bath and bathe for 15 minutes every other day. For children all about half as much. Treatment lasts up to 3 months.


After 50 g - leaf rosemary, blackthorn flower, cone hops, lemon balm leaf, lavender flowers, valerian root, burdock root, St. John's wort, angelica root, leaf rue, chamomile baskets.
To drink - all the ingredients mix together and each time take heaping tablespoon of the mixture, pour a cup of boiling water, cover for 3 hours. Strain, gently and drink 3 times a day after a glass before a meal.
Bath - the ingredients and method as in epilepsy. Be present as often as the sea and forests. It is recommended that additional treatment with copper. Copper wire connected to the pipes in the bathroom, hold the ends of the wires in the left and right hands for 30 minutes. Do it tonight.

Strong fear, terror

After the anxiety endured drink a glass of water with a small amount of dissolved sugar.

Multiple Sclerosis

After 50 g - skylight herb, herb mistletoe, St. John's wort, a leaf of rue, violet herb Tri-Color, bladder wrack, elder flower, willow bark, buckthorn bark, spiny restharrow, peppermint leaf. The book is not specified how to use.


To drink - after 50 g - Kalina coral bark, willow bark, Tri-Color violet herb, dandelion root, valerian root, birch leaf, sweet clover herb, calamus rhizome, zlele skyscraper. Drink 3 times a day after a glass before a meal.
Bath - chamomile baskets (100 g), valerian root (200 g), white mustard seeds (300 g), pine buds (200 g), sweet clover herb (200 g). For every seven spoons to take a bath, swim 15 minutes every other day.
Alternatively - to drink - after 50 g - heather flower, herb alchemilla, burdock root, hops, cone flower jasnoty white Bóbrka leaf, valerian root, yarrow herb, licorice root. Drink 3 times a day after a glass before a meal.
Bath - 200 g - oak bark, herb thyme, pine buds, baskets arnica. For every seven spoons to take a bath, swim 15 minutes every other day.


After 50 g - herb mistletoe, morszczym follicular, inflorescence hawthorn, willow bark, valerian root, leaf rue, violet herb Tri-Color, elder flower, the fruit of the rose, herb serdecznika, horsetail herb.Drink 3 times a day 1 cup 20 minutes before a meal. The size of the consequences of stroke is dependent on the rate of correct diagnosis and provided immediate medical assistance and medication. Treatment with herbs is incidental.

Enthusiasm "root" NERVOUS

To attach a list of patients of horseradish for a few days (till complete cure.) The leaves can be changed daily.

Nervous Diseases

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