Gram Zdrowia


Wojciech Cejrowski of kitchens:

Let's listen to what he says Wojciech Cejrowski of kitchens: 

"I do not recommend you to Polish cuisine, for all the nice food did before the war, and now no longer exists, so that the 60 egg yolks do something, right? Outside the yolk is not. So let's forget about the Polish cuisine. Besides, it has the disadvantage that does not fit our lifestyles today, because it was so heavy and wet behind the ears kitchen as if someone had cold in the house and worked hard on the field, it had nażreć before. The same defect is German cuisine ... " 

Mr Wojtek whether the current kitchen, you can even call it Polish? - I think not, because she, as you rightly pointed out is not like a real Polish food, where did the dishes with 60 egg yolks. 

Polish cuisine heavy and wet behind the ears? - Unless you did not know Wojtek Polish cuisine, because if he knew (if they eat up), you would know that Polish cuisine is light and in any case not wet behind the ears, for someone who is so alive, and if someone ordinary rice and oranżadek in the bush, it actually may have a problem with the digestion of Polish cuisine and receive it as hard and rough. 

Mr. Wojciech not aware of one more thing - Polish cuisine, the heavy and wet behind the ears as it is said, is very nutritious, so its much less likely to feel hungry - in the kitchen we have no need to fry every hour - after a good breakfast, forget about the Polish eating the same wieczora.A Mr. Wojtek certainly has again and again fry or sip oranżadki. 

greet Mr. Wojtek. 

Wojciech Cejrowski of kitchens:

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