If you lack of niacin, then part of the tryptophan is consumed to produce niacin, the tryptophan is less to create serotonin, which allows us feel good - we are happy and confident.
So it is good to provide the body with both niacin (vitamin PP, B3) and tryptophan.
The source of niacin may be a baker's yeast - this is what I've read the best source, but you can also use others - lean meat, liver, heart, poultry, fish, beans, peas, brewer's yeast, peanut butter, skim milk, cheese, soy, nuts, dried peaches, whole grains, almonds, mushrooms.
The best sources of tryptophan are boletus mushrooms, cannabis seeds, dried dates, papaya, mushrooms, bananas, strawberries, cherries, mangoes, cashews, gejfruty, pineapple, nuts or carrots, mushrooms, crayfish, and of course egg yolk.
On the day the body produces serotonin, but at night it is produced instead of melatonin, which is responsible for the ability to tan and hair color - which would explain the pale skin and graying hair.
Eating large amounts of sugar (sweetness), starch, also causes loss of niacin and hence the need for chromium, allowing the body to better assimilate sugars and less wywołu hunger for these products, which should lead to that more remains in the body of niacin and does not need to weartryptophan, to supplement the deficiency of niacin.
The sources are lame baker's yeast and corn, cereal, bread, coarse.
I suspect that acute stress causes the body has a very large need to serotonin, which takes place at the expense of melatonin, which results in lack of gray hair.