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Home Masters dr Henryk Rozanski Herbs White nettle, white dead-nettle - Lamium album (Labiatae)

White nettle, white dead-nettle - Lamium album (Labiatae)



Perennial growing up to 60 cm high , leaves ovate, coarsely serrated banks ; flowers in 6 -16 -flowered like whorls , calyx campanulate with five teeth , crown white, with a bent tube , double-lip , upper lip vaulted and hairy, lower while longer, of filamentous side flaps , stamens 4, column 1, the entire plant adenoid hairy, with grinding fragrant . Common plant , grows in thickets , orchards , on the banks of the waters, the forests , meadows , gardens , and sometimes there en masse .


The raw material is Herb - Herb Lamia albi collected before or during flowering and flower - Flos Lamia albi that can be extracted from its natural state or buy in the store herb (pack of 10, 20 , 25, 50 g).

Raw dried at temperatures up to 40 ° C. In some cases , the root is used jasnoty - Lamia Radix , which are a valuable resource. They should be collected in autumn , early spring or spring , dry in an open oven heated to a temperature of 60 ° C.


The chemical composition

Herb and flowers contain essential oil , locks , saponins , tannins ( in the herb about 12-14 %) , flavonoids ( lamiozyd , lamiid , hipolamiid ) , iridoid glycosides , biogenic amines ( choline, histamine, tyramine ) , a lot of carotene , various salts mineral and sugarcane . Root contains many saponins and stachyose .



The root has a strong expectorant , diuretic and diaphoretic . However, herbs and flowers inhibit uterine bleeding , regulate menstruation ( rather decreases ) , increasing the number of red blood cells , improve metabolism , detoxify the body , enhance the secretion of gastric juice , stimulate appetite , regulate bowel movements , seal and strengthen blood vessels , work cholagogic , relaxant , diaphoretic , diuretic , przeciwcukrzycowo , antiseptic , expectorant , anti-inflammatory and strengthening .


The whole plant operates a calming and slightly hypnotic

Indications : excessive menstrual bleeding and in addition irregular vaginal discharge (drink herbal tea and use sitz baths) , bleeding pozamiesiączkowe disease, spleen , liver and pancreas, smooth muscle contraction , abdominal pain, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis , excitement , insomnia , restlessness , drug , stress, and post - menopause , inflammation of the appendages , skin diseases , inflammation of the respiratory tract , constipation, inflammation of the intestines and stomach, digestive disorders , infectious diseases , anemia , metabolic disorders . Root used mainly for cough and infections and inflammation of the respiratory system , also helps with asthma and hay fever ( hay fever ), helps you sleep , cure a cold.

Infusion: 2 tablespoons herb or 3 tablespoons of flowers pour 2 cups boiling water , leave for 20 minutes and strain. Drink 3-4 times a plot of 100-150 ml, infants weighing 3-4 kg - 4-5,7 ml , 5-6 kg - 7-8,5 ml , 7-8 kg - 10-11 ml , 9 -10 kg - 12,8-14 ml , 3-4 times the plot , children weighing 11-15 kg - 15,7-21 ml , 16-20 kg - 22,8-28,5 ml , 21-25 kg - 30-35,7 ml , 26-30 kg - 37-42,8 ml , 31-35 kg - 44-50 ml , 36-40 kg - 51-57 ml , 41-45 kg - 58,5-64 ml , 46-50 kg - 65,7-71 ml , 51-55 kg - 72,8-78,5 ml , 3-4 times the plot

Flowers and herbs can also scald the milk , which then should sweeten with honey.

Decoction : 2 tablespoons root pour 2 cups of water , boil for 5 minutes and let stand for 20 minutes , strain and in the case of infectious diseases, przeziębieniowych , cough , etc. sweeten with honey (if we treat disorders of the digestive system does not sweeten ! ) . Drink a brew .

Alkoholatura " cold " : a half cups of fresh minced herb pour 400 ml of vodka , digest 14 days ; filter. Take 3-4 times a plot of 10 ml ( maximum 15 ml). Similarly prepared from dry herb liqueur and fresh raw materials intrakt and similarly they are also dosed .

Especially recommended is the Alkoholmel Lamia (100 ml of alcoholic extract mixed with 100 ml of honey ), which strengthens and expectorant , and taking it 3-4 times a plot of 1 tablespoon .

Mel Honey jasnotowy Lamia : for every 1 tablespoon fresh chopped herb give one tablespoon of honey and 10 drops of glycerin or alcohol mix. Take three times a plot of 1 tablespoon .

Rp .

  • Herb jasnoty - 1 tbsp
  • Herb celandine - 1 tbsp
  • Flower and herb tansy - 1 tbsp
  • The rhizome or butterbur leaves - 1 tbsp
  • The rhizome or herb kokoryczki - 1 tbsp


2 tablespoons of mixture pour 2 cups boiling water , let stand for 1 hour, then strain . Drink 3 times a plot of 150 ml . strong medicin!

Indications : stop menstruation , irregular menstrual bleeding , menstrual cramps , inflammation of appendages , vaginal discharge ( also used orally and flushing the vagina or 40 -minute sitz baths ) , hormonal disorders , and post - menopause and the diseases associated with it, neurosis, nervous exhaustion , insomnia, restlessness , hypertension, cardiac disorders , stress , constipation , abdominal pain and ovarian cancer , metabolic disorders , " hot flashes " , sudden sweating , dizziness , temporary darkness in his eyes, flushing , digestive disorders during menstruation . To take a very regular basis !

Contraindications : pregnancy !

White nettle, white dead-nettle - Lamium album (Labiatae)

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