Shrub growing up to 60 cm high , down woody stem , frutescens , densely leafy , leaves nearly sessile, lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate equally blunt , one - sory , adenoid dotted , flowers nibyokółkach , on top of clustered , often in apparent unilateral ear , crown floletowo blue or blue. It blooms from July to August. Grown sometimes run wild in the meadows .
It is used herbs - Herb Hyssopi , derived from crops or store bought herb .
The chemical composition
Herb contains essential oil - about 1% ( camphene , pinene ) , tannins - about 8% , flavonoids ( diosmin , hysopina ) , wit . C - 100-170 mg/100 g, oleic acid and ursolic quarter , carotenoids and others .
The volatile oil consists of hyzopowy pinokamfenu - 30-40 % , alpha- and beta - pinene and camphene cineolu .
Hyssop has an expectorant , against diarrhea , anti-inflammatory, antiperspirant , antibacterial ( hyssop are sensitive , such as Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus aureus , Bac . Sporogena , Bac . Mesenthericum ) , cholagogue , wiatropędnie ; disinfected bile ducts , surging liquefies the mucous secretions in the respiratory tract and facilitates its removal increases the secretion of gastric juice , it increases appetite.
Indications: dry cough , inflammation of the upper respiratory tract , inflammation of the larynx L of the mouth , digestive disorders , diarrhea , excessive sweating ( recommended to combine with sage ) , weakness , inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract , cold , infectious diseases , inflammatory biliary disorders the secretion of bile.
Externally : wounds , bruises , seborrhea , acne purulent and biznowcowy , skin inflammation , abscesses , inflammation of the hair follicles.
Infusion: 2 tablespoons herb pour 2 cups boiling water , let stand for 20 minutes . , Strain. Drink 3-6 times a plot of 150-200 ml infants weighing 3-4 kg -8.5 ml , 5-6 kg - 10.7 ml , 7-3 kg - 15 ml , 9-10 kg - 19 ml, children weighing 15-20 kg - 42 ml , 25-30 kg - 55 ml , 35-40 kg - 75 ml , 45-50 kg -107 ml , 3-4 times a journal or more often if necessary .
Tincture Hyssopi - tincture Hyssopi : half cups of herb pour 400 ml of vodka , macerate 14 days ; filter. Take 3-4 times a plot of 10-15 ml in 5 ml of water. Children given 5-10 ml of tincture in hot milk sweetened with honey.
Hyssopi oil - Oleum Hyssopi : half cups of herb (dried or fresh) pour hot oil 200 nil universal , soy , grape and sunflower digest 14 days ; filter. With constipation, digestive disorders linked to take 2 tablespoons oil 2-3 times a journal is a great seasoning for many soups, meats , sauces , fish and salads. Use it to treat wounds , abscesses , boils , bruises and inflammation and healing wcierań przeciwprzeziębieniowych , influenza antibodies and reinforcement (oil rub before going to bed in the chest , the back, the neck , the abdomen and feet).