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Home Masters dr Henryk Rozanski Herbs Bertram Medical - Anacyclus officinarum (Hayne) (!)

Bertram Medical - Anacyclus officinarum (Hayne) (!)


Bertram Medical - Anacyclus officinarum (Hayne) (!)

Bertram grayleaf or Dalmatian (maruna!) - Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium (Trev.) (!)

Family - Compositae



Both plants are very similar.

Plants two-or long-term , which, in the first year of life rosette leaves. In subsequent years, branched stems grow growing to 50-100 cm high , leaves doubly and triply pierzasto - slashing , sections 2-3 year olds , greyish , hairy bottom , flowers - baskets up to 1 cm in diameter, mounted one on each stem , petals ( tabs ) white, from the bottom with a reddish bloom , flower measures ( tube ) to yellow fruit - achene , narrow , yellow-brown , winged , 0.6 cm wide . They bloom from June to July. Plants are often grown in gardens. Sometimes they are called złocieniami ! .



Obtains the root and flower ( basket ) maruny - Radix et Flos ( Anthodium ) Anacycli ( Pyrethri ) . Raw materials were dried at 40 ° C.

The chemical composition

Maruny contain essential oil - 0.3-0.5 % , alcohols (eg phyrethrol ) , alkaloids ( pyrethrins I and II , Cinerin and yasmoliny ) , choline , inulin - about 30 % , stachydrynę , resin acids ( chrysanthemum and pyretrowy ), salts . Raw materials contain about 0.5-1% pyrethrins ( to 1.5 %).

Action: analgesic , anthelmintic , insecticide .

Indications: parasites ( roundworms, pinworms , tapeworms , lice , bedbugs , fleas , mites , swędziki , skórożarłoczki ) , stomach pain , nerve pain .


The formulations , dosage and application :

- Broth ( 1 tablespoon dried in 200 ml of water - boil for 5 minutes) -3 times a plot of 100 ml and also enema (100 ml liquid rectal temperature of 38 C) after 6 hours of drug use as a laxative herbal ingredients as follows :

Rp . Mix laxative - anthelmintic

Herb celandine - 1 tbsp

Bark or fruit of Euonymus - 1 tbsp

Elderberry Fruit - 1 tbsp

Mix . 2 tablespoons of mixture pour 2 cups of water , bring to a boil , let stand for 30 minutes , then strain .

Drink 200 ml . As a laxative can also use glycerine extract of celandine , dandelion , couch grass , butterbur or nasturtium , and same glycerol (children weighing 20-30 kg - 20-30 g , adults - 30-60 g - with lemon juice , for young children calculated - 1 g glycerol per 1 kg of body weight , for example, when the child weighs 15 kg - 15 g of glycerol , always mixed with juice ) . In diseases of the stomach to drink 100 ml of decoction 2-3 times the plot

- Pulvis Pyrethri - three times the plot as much powder as will fit on the end of a teaspoon (up to 1/3 teaspoon ) of tea , good drink . Use for neuralgia and nervous exhaustion .

- Tincture Anacycli ( the root ) - 3 times a plot of 30-40 drops in 50 ml of water , the undiluted wcierań by lice or other parasites (e.g. ticks, mites ), for spraying articles coated with insects or mites (for infected plants use spray decoction ( strong ) or dusting powder marunowym ) ;

- Acetum Anacycli - to wcierań a lousy place ( wet hair wet marunowym undiluted vinegar and cover with foil for 2 hours, then rinse in the infusion , decoction or water with vinegar or a tincture of this plant , if necessary, repeat the procedure ), the spray locations covered with insects. Vinegar also anacyklowym combat ticks and świerzby .

- Solutions ( vinegar - 1 tablespoon of the drug in 200 ml of water -1 tablespoon liqueur in 200-250 ml of water ) used to wash the genitals infected with parasites , and can be used for this purpose too strong infusions and decoctions .

· Gel Anacycli ad usum externum ( jelly marunowa for external use ) - used rectally ( heated to 36 ° C, and entered with the pears into the anus of 100-150 ml of liquid jelly ) , vaginal and skin ( infested by mites or insects of jelly cover every 2 hours ) .

Bertram Medical - Anacyclus officinarum (Hayne) (!)

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