Basil, Thai Basil, or Sweet Basil - Ocinum basilicum (L.)
Family - Labiatae
An annual plant growing up to 50 cm high with a characteristic aroma , stem straight , branched , root bundle pipe , ovate leaves , light green , foliage - parallel, flowers small , whitish , pink , reddish or yellowish, gathered on the tops of the stems in the form of spikes ( grow out of angles leaves pedunculate ) , zrosłopłatkowe , double-lip , arranged around the stalk . Fruit - Schizocarp with black , sticky spherical rozłupkami . It blooms from June to late autumn. Grown .
Collected during flowering herb , and dried at 40 ° C. Herb Basilici - sold in herbal shops and food . Basil oil available in herbal stores and pharmacies ( Pollena Aroma ) .
The chemical composition
Herb contains about 1 % essential oil (and him, eugenol, linalool, cineole , camphor , metylochawikol , alpha- pinene, karwakol , pinene ) , tannins - to 5-6 % , flavonoids , saponins (about 0.13 %) , sq. coffee, square citric quarter rosemary , fatty acids, glycosides, bitterness , numerous salts and vitamins.
Action: mainly stimulates the secretion of saliva, gastric , pancreatic , and biliary tract , also carminative , antiseptic , expectorant , anti-inflammatory , diaphoretic , mlekopędne , stimulating vasomotor center , general tonic .
Indications: digestive disorders, loss of appetite, slight abdominal pain, inflammation of the sinuses and respiratory system .
Contraindications : pregnancy
The formulations , dosage and application :
· Brew - 3-4 times a plot of 100-150 ml;
· Broth - 3-4 times a plot of 100 ml lotion , compresses ;
· Tincture Basilici - 3-4 times a plot of 5-10 ml, for washes and wcierań ;
· Oleum Basilici our production - 2-3 times a plot of 1 tablespoon ( appetizer ), as a seasoning for food ( soups, sauces, meats , etc. ) to wcierań ( the whole body or locally in infectious diseases, przeziębieniowych in catarrh of the respiratory system and the przemarznięciu , neuralgia , myalgia ) and wraps abscesses and sores ( ulcers ) .
· Basil essential oil 1-3 times a plot of 2-3 drops with honey or milk with respiratory catarrh , colds , digestive disorders , scanty menstruations and blednicy . Do not apply the excessive menstruation and pregnancy.