Title: I put on health
- Language: Polish
- Author: Andrzej Janus
- Issue: Jan 2006
- ISBN 10: 83-921922-1-4
- ISBN 13: 978-83-921922-1-3
- Pages: 128
- Dimensions: 145 x 204 mm
- Cover: soft, foiled
- Price: 18 zł
In my own example to persuade the reader that, properly selecting food ingredients could combat the overweight without unnecessary starvation, counting calories, excessive spending on special foods and without the yo-yo. Not only that, eliminating errors enough nutrition will strengthen the immune system that allow the body's self-healing power of spontaneous healing of a number of diseases without the use of pharmaceutical preparations, while the healthy will keep in excellent physical and mental condition and keep it until the late age.
The book contains many valuable comments and practical rules of healthy eating, taking account of the changing seasons.
It also contains knowledge about the causes of secondary diabetes, and having this knowledge - easily makes your is getting this "fashionable" last illness.
Much of the book devoted troubling situation who appears out of a general and a mass scale, which is associated with infection of the organism fungus Candida albicans drożdżopodobnym and effective fight against it.
Chapter Candida albicans and other yeast also contains a description of the principles of proper nutrition during the treatment of ringworm and a large number of recipes to use in practice.
List of chapters:
- Get rid of excess weight and regain health
- For a diet to health
- Principles of good nutrition
- Candida albicans and other yeasts
- Probiotics
- In accord with the nature
- Homeopathy - Myths and Reality
- Sugar is strengthened
- The meat in our diet