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test-slinowyFrom the standpoint of a doctor practicing traditional mainstream medicine, fungal infection is a very difficult disease to treat, resulting in numerous relapses. Frequent opinions of the patients undergoing multiple therapies indicate that systemic candidiasis (with spread to the internal organs) is an incurable disease. There is a grain of truth in it, for the reasons that are outlined below.
Suffering a number of increasing unspecified ailments, a sick person seeks the help from his doctor trying to determine the underlying cause of those problems.

Routine and additional tests do not reveal any significant deviations from the norm. The most common disorders are those of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and food allergies, dry cough, arthritis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, genital discomfort and inflammation, anxiety disorders, phobias, emotional disturbances, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Problems get worse, but their causes cannot be determined. After repeated visits to the clinic the patient is referred to the appropriate specialists. He also is unable to determine the cause of disease and, therefore, the patient returns to his doctor with piles of papers and test results diagnosing ailments of various organs and systems as separate disorders. Vicious circle is closed. Since then, the patient is deemed mentally ill. Psychotropic medications are prescribed, and sometimes the patient is sent to a psychiatric hospital. Here, mentally confused by medication, he resigns himself to his fate believing that there is no other way.

Academic curricula do not cover any medical knowledge regarding the recognition of diseases caused by Candida fungi, so doctors are not prepared to diagnose or treat diseases that they cause. Textbooks for medical students do not provide such knowledge either. Information about fungal infections caused by Candida or yeast in those books are nonexistent or very enigmatic. Because doctors do not recognize Candida fungal infections, laboratories are not prepared to diagnose these diseases either. Despite numerous studies and scientific publications, knowledge of the mass spread of fungal diseases is not disseminated, even in the medical world. Since doctors do not recognize Candida fungal infections, the public remains oblivious to the great dangers that they pose. We may ask ourselves: - Why this knowledge is not available to the general public? - Well, I believe that this knowledge is concealed deliberately. The reason being, that the most direct cause of the emergence of Candida fungal infections on such a mass scale is the abnormal changes in gut micro flora caused by widespread use of antibiotics.
Producers of antibiotics are not interested in public health but in the profit at any cost. Should one only reflect on why the doctors who are supposed to protect our health - passively look at this phenomenon and approve procedures of pharmaceutical companies?

Attempts of the mainstream medicine to treat fungal infections should be considered a complete failure due to the non-recognition of the fungal pathogen Candida that causes dozens of seemingly unrelated illnesses. Since doctors cannot officially establish the cause of the origin of these diseases, each of them is treated in a way that focuses on the alleviation of its symptoms only. Separately for each of these diseases new scientific theories have been created to justify the reasons for their occurrence. The ultimate goal is to produce and sell more new generation pharmaceutical drugs. Profits also come from the marketing of the latest medical diagnostic tests which doctors encourage their patients to undergo.

Some physicians despite the opinion of the rest of the scientific world, recognize the fungal infection caused by Candida yeast, but by doing so they expose themselves to mockery and ridicule.
They try to treat fungal infections with antifungal medication, but do not achieve positive and lasting effect. After a period of several weeks a relapse of the infection occurs. Lack of positive effects of that treatment is due to the fact that doctors underestimate the role of the immune system in combating the disease. This role is to effectively block during the treatment and after recovery the re-spread in the body of Candida spores before they get embedded and germinate in the tissues of the internal organs. If re-infection occurs, stronger antifungal medication is prescribed, etc.

The cause of the failures in the treatment of fungal infections is also due to the fact that yeast have reached a much higher level of development than bacteria, and therefore better and more quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions. For this reason they are more difficult to destroy and they rapidly acquire resistance to medication.
After the treatment, spores (cells) of the fungus, which have not been destroyed by the medication or poorly functioning immune system, circulate in the blood for a period of 2 - 3 years and during that time have the opportunity to cause the re-infection.
And they do. I can acknowledge this sad fact from my experience and observations. Spores, which are embedded in the internal organs, germinate to form mycelium, which spreads to the whole body in a short period of time.
Therefore, my work in the treatment of fungal infection is focused in two main directions - the elimination of fungal growth and the strengthening of the immune system.
After the treatment, the doctor treating fungal infection should teach his patient to implement and practice on a daily basis a series of preventive measures to stay healthy. By those measures I mean a change of diet and lifestyle, treatment of erosions of the digestive tract caused by toxic substances contained in foods, the removal of the accumulated body toxins, as well as supplementation with vitamin-mineral compounds to strengthen the immune system during the period of convalescence.

Each of us must learn that health is the most valuable thing that we have, and we should not trifle with it or entrust it to somebody else. This article is a part of the knowledge of natural medicine that can be compared to the jigsaw puzzle, the pieces of which initially incomprehensible will later come together and arrange themselves into a unified and clear picture.
From that moment we will take our health in our own hands and begin to heal, as well as assist our family members in doing so.
I hope that this article will help people expand their knowledge of diseases caused by Candida, and will provide guidance to self diagnose and treat these diseases. And I hope it will also help doctors in their daily medical practice.

Candida Fungal Infections (Candidiasis)
Disease caused by Candida fungi is called Candidiasis (Candida Mycosis). Even 50 years ago it was virtually an unknown disease. The development of this disease is fostered by the uncontrolled multiplying of yeast inhabiting the human digestive tract and vagina in women. Currently Candida Yeast is one of the most important pathogens and may be responsible for a number of symptoms attributed to other diseases. In healthy human specimen Candida Yeast does not cause disease despite its presence in the stool.

Candida Yeasts and Candida Fungi
Candida Fungi are evolutionarily related to animal and human organisms. Fungi spores known as Candida Yeast remain in the relationship commensal (symbiotic) - host, and after turning into fungi with a developed mycelium, this relationship changes into relationship parasite - host.

Candida Yeast
CandidaYeast is known as Yeast, but in reality they are fungal spores. In other words, CandidaYeast has all the characteristics of Yeast, with the difference that under certain conditions favorable to it, it may germinate and form the mycelium, the vegetative body of fungus. Outside of that Candida Yeast is no different from Yeast.
Candida Yeasts and bacteria form the natural human intestinal micro flora, With the suitable air humidity, plenty of food and constant temperature at 36.6 ° C the intestines create the perfect life environment for them. Candida Yeast, as well as Yeast, feed on simple sugars remaining in the fecal mass. As symbiotic with other microbes, they participate in managing debris, not doing any harm to the host. They are not pathogens.
(disease agents). Under normal conditions, intestinal microbes are constantly competing among themselves for access to food, so spontaneously quantitive balance between them is maintained (homeostasis). This balance, however, is fragile and even with a temporary increase in the amount of sugars in the large intestine, or one tablet of antibacterial antibiotic (which Candida Yeast is resistant to) that balance is shifted in favor of Candida Yeast.

Characteristics of Candida Yeast
There are many important characteristics of Candida Yeast providing the proof that this organism has perfectly adapted itself to the environment in which it lives, which is the environment of a large intestine. The most important of those characteristics are:
  1. Like Yeast, Candida Yeast feeds on the remnants of simple sugars in the fecal mass causing fermentation, the products of which are alcohol and carbon dioxide, and those, as products of metabolism are excreted into the fecal matter. In case of excess amount of Candida Yeast in the large intestine, the large amounts of carbon dioxide occur, causing bloating and excessive gas.
  2. The unusual feature proving the adjustment of the Candida Yeast to coexisting in human organisms is its remarkable ability to influence our appetite. Thus, in the absence of a sufficient amount of sugar in the fecal matter – Candida Yeast produces a substance similar to insulin, which, after having been absorbed into the bloodstream, causes a decrease in blood glucose, which in turn increases appetite for sweets.

  3. In case where the large intestine microbial balance is maintained, the amount of colonizing Candida Yeast is negligible and therefore the amount of that insulin-like substance is also small and has no major impact on our behavior. However, in the situation of Candida Yeast overgrowth and domination in the large intestine, the amount of insulin-like substance produced by starving Candida Yeast is significant enough to produce hypoglycemia (fall in blood sugar levels) and enforces the need to eat something sweet, to feel better.
  4. In adverse conditions, such as lack of food or moisture, Candida Yeast does not die, but loses water and transforms itself into a kind of lethargic survival form – spores. Spores are cells used in fungi reproduction, and they can survive for decades. But when they are in the right environment for them, namely the large intestine of human or animal - are revived and breed.
  5. Candida spores are lightweight and easily float in the air, hence the opinion of their ubiquity in our environment is so common. The laboratories know how to culture Candida Yeast from the air. It just takes the appropriate selective ground to stand for some time uncovered to grow the species at which the selective ground is targeted.
  6. Candida yeasts are well adapted to the life in their environment – the gastrointestinal tract, and to overcome the barrier of acidic gastric environment (deadly for most of the microbes) is neither for them nor for their spores a big problem.
Candida Fungi
Candida Fungi are absolute parasites, which means they cannot survive without a host. A host tissue constitutes their environment, their food and a place where they excrete the waste products of their metabolism. This means that they are dangerous pathogens that will use any weakening of the host immune system to grow in the tissues, damaging them.
Within the damaged tissue, fungus produces an outbreak of fungal infection, which usually is accompanied by a local inflammation. The disintegration of tissue cells leaves residual substances, which do not nourish the fungus. But in nature it is always so, that if the opportunity is created it will be seized. These residual substances are consumed by bacteria, usually staphylococcus and streptococcus. For this reason, in a laboratory culture swab taken from an outbreak of fungi, bacteria are most commonly grown, instead of the actual perpetrator responsible for initiating chronic inflammation - the Candida Fungus, which very rarely appears in the tested culture. Therefore, additional test results cannot be decisive in the diagnosis of fungal infection, because they are often found to be unreliable.

The most important characteristics of fungi Candida are:
  1. They feed on amino acids (protein molecules) obtained from the collapse of host tissue caused by the fungal acid and digestive enzymes secreted into the tissue host.
  2. They are not satisfied with the necrotic tissue, but to acquire food they aggressively cause the breakdown of host cells by secreting their digestive enzymes into the tissue. Healthy, fully formed cells are able to defend themselves against the enzymatic attack of Candida fungi, while the weakened cells typically become their target.
  3. Toxic metabolic products of Candida Fungus are excreted into the body tissue, from where they are absorbed into the bloodstream, causing poisoning of the organism of the host, followed by the weakening of its immune system.
  4. Candida Fungi are absolute parasites, because without a tissue of a living organism they are not capable of independent living and perish.
Differences between Candida Yeast and Candida Fungi
Candida Fungi grow out of their spores – Candida Yeast, like oaks from acorns. If the acorn lands on a suitable ground, it will germinate, grow roots and grow up into a handsome oak that after some time will produce acorns. The same holds in the case of Candida Fungi. When the spores reach the suitable ground, they sprout and grow their fungus, which after some time will produce spores - like oaks produce acorns. But this similarity ends right here because acorns can only grow into oaks, while Candida spores are organisms capable of independent living, and given certain conditions - they can turn into Fungi, or live and reproduce by budding like yeast.
What is this fungi-oak comparison for? It is to realize how big the difference is between the Candida Fungi and their spores - Candida Yeast. They differ practically in everything- the way they look, feed and reproduce: they differ in the environment they choose to live. Therefore they remain in very different relationships to our bodies, because Candida Yeast (spores) are in fact useful commensal, whereas Candida Fungi are dangerous, pathogenic parasites.
Clarification on this issue is extremely important because of the determination of what we have to treat: the presence of Candida Yeast in the colon, or Candida Fungal infection caused by them in the system? We know that Candida Yeast is present in the large intestine as a normal part of its environment, and their presence in the feces indicates only that the yeast Candida are in place, which obviously has nothing to do with the disease.

In conclusion Candida Yeasts detected in the feces should not be treated. The different story is when Candida Fungus inhabist the lining of the colon, then we are dealing with a very serious parasitic disease - Fungal Colon.

Types of Candida Fungi
Currently there are about 196 known types of Candida Fungi, and only 15 of them have pathogenic properties. The variety that most commonly infects the human organism is called Candida Albicans, and it is the cause of 90% of all fungal infections. The rest of the fungal infections are caused by: Candida Tropicalis, Candida Glabrata, Candida Parapsilosis, Candida Krusei and Candida Lusitaniae. A very dangerous variety is also Candida Parapsilosis, which usually inhabits the lining of the gut, mouth, throat, urinary tract and vagina (in women), prostate in men.

Toxins produced by Candida Fungi
Each patient should be familiar with the knowledge of the effects that Candida Fungi toxins and metabolites have on a human body. This is because the symptoms that appear during the fungal infection as well as its treatment are confusingly similar to other illnesses such as anxiety disorder, neurological disorders, flu, rheumatic diseases or bacterial infections of the intestinal track. The point is not to panic during the period of these distressing symptoms and not to try to treat these alleged diseases, which are only the symptoms of fungal infection, which unfortunately is often done by doctors.
Candida Fungi species produce substances called endotoxins, the toxins found in the wall of fungal cells, which are released after the cells break-up. So far 79 types of endotoxins have been identified. They all have one thing in common: they are dangerous to the host organism. The most known of all those is candidotoxin which is toxic to the infected body cells, damages the immune system and increases the spread of infection. These toxins, damage the lining of the small intestine, reduce the surface for nutrients absorption, and while damaging the lining of the colon, they cause penetration into the bloodstream of things such as fecal matter toxins, heavy metals and food allergens. One of the groups of toxins produced by Candida Fungi are neurotoxins - chemical substances which have an adverse effect on the central nervous system (brain). They cause depression and emotional imbalance such as: mood changes, indecisiveness, incoherence, violent behavior, noisiness, aggression (also self-aggression), and strenuous attempts of anger suppression. It happens quite often, that these symptoms take a form of phobias, neurotic disorders and in many cases are similar to schizophrenia.
Patients poisoned by neurotoxins usually undergo psychiatric treatment, and the result is deterioration in their general health, and additionally a dependence on psychotropic drugs.
Fungal neurotoxins with the structure similar to the pituitary gland hormone (TSH) can easily dysregulate the human hormonal system, but primarily the thyroid gland. This toxin has not yet received its name.

The information submitted raises three obvious conclusions:
  1. The natural living environment of Candida Yeast is a large intestine and its detection in the stool is not the evidence of disease; this simply does not prove anything.
  2. Candida Yeast is an opportunist (behavior adequate to the situation, obtaining benefits without personal involvement) and therefore does not attack the human body. For the harmless Candida Yeast to escalate into dangerous parasites, the right conditions must be created, namely the existence of the medium in the form of necrotic or weakened cells, accompanied by a failure of the immune system. This important information should forge a new direction in fungal treatment, which should not only consist of eliminating the fungus from the body, but primarily should focus on strengthening of the immune system.
  3. The symptoms of fungal toxins impacting on the patient's body should not be treated, because they are not spontaneous diseases, but only passing signs of accumulation of these toxins in the blood. The only reasonable project in this situation is to take actions to assist the body in the natural elimination of toxins through the organs and excretory systems: kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and skin. Killing fungi by using antifungal medication is pointless, since under favorable conditions - the existence of the medium and the failure of the immune system - they will grow back within 2 - 3 weeks. Considerable improvement in the functioning of the immune system can occur not earlier than within 6 months of intensive treatment. From that moment on a clear progress in the treatment and elimination of the Candida Fungus can be noticeable.

Candida Colon
Candida Colon is a microbial imbalance of a large intestine in which Candida Yeast plays a dominant role over the other inhabitants of that environment.
Under normal conditions, Candida Yeast occupies a small space in the environment of the large intestine, where it will compete with other microorganisms for simple sugars, which it feeds on.

Thus, the number of CandidaYeast in the large intestine depends on two main factors:
  1. The amount of sugars in the fecal mass.
  2. The total number of the other inhabitants of that environment, mostly bacteria that also feed on simple sugars and compete with Candida for food.
Sugars as a nutrient for Candida Yeast
To understand the nature of the development of Candidiasis, occurring as a result of the emergence of a greater quantity of simple sugars in the large intestine, we need to explain what these simple sugars are. They are glucose and fructose- sugars that don’t require digestion. They get absorbed in the small intestine, whereas the complex sugars have to be digested first. Digestion of complex sugars such as sucrose (beet sugar) and starch begins in the mouth during chewing of food as a result of the enzyme amylase secreted by the salivary glands. The gastric digestion of sugars is temporarily blocked. Further digestion takes place in the duodenum, where the starch is subjected to a pancreatic enzymes alpha-amylase, which breaks it down first into the disaccharides - sucrose, lactose, maltose, followed by the simple sugars - glucose, fructose, trehalose, galactose and mannose.
Simple sugars are absorbed in the small intestine and penetrate to the blood and to the liver. In the liver the corresponding enzymes convert all of the sugars into glucose, which is distributed to all the body cells and used as a source of energy or converted into glycogen, which is accumulated in the liver, acting as an energy reserve. Because the human digestive system is perfectly prepared for the digestion and absorption of sugars, the amount of them in the fecal mass should be minimal, almost symbolic, and in no way should affect the excessive growth of Candida Yeast. Of course, this situation is the case when proper digestion of complex carbohydrates and proper secretion of the pancreatic enzymes as well as proper absorption of sugars in the small intestine occur. Thus, under normal conditions, even eating a handful of white sugar should not upset the balance of microorganisms in the colon, because that sugar should not even reach the large intestine. What then is it all about with these simple sugars feeding Candida Yeast?
Sugars in the large intestine in high quantities permitting excessive growth of Candida Yeast can arise because of three main reasons:
  1. Insufficient chewing of the food, that prevents digestion of fruit and starch products, preventing their absorption in the small intestine, resulting in simple sugars entering the large intestine.
  2. Excess supply of complex carbohydrates, such as beet sugar (sucrose) and starch products, which leads to poor digestion, which possibly affects their absorption in the small intestine, resulting in simple sugars entering the colon.
  3. 3. Diseases of the stomach, small intestine, digestive organs and the associated digestive problems, resulting in simple sugars entering the large intestine.
Causes of Candida Colon
Since Colon Candidiasis has a negative impact on the functioning of the body, it is worthwhile to carefully read the key factors affecting the emergence of this disease, which are:
  1. Consumption of excessive amounts of complex sugars.
  2. Ingestion of food without thorough chewing.
  3. The use of antacids and other drugs that reduce the secretion of gastric juices.
  4. Taking antibiotics, sulfonamides and pharmaceutical chemicals to treat the acute and chronic infections and the use of chemotherapy and radiation in the treatment of malignant diseases.
  5. Using hormones and hormonal contraceptives.
Effect of Candida Yeast on the environment of the large intestine
Intestinal bacteria population is ten times larger than the number of all body cells and consists of up to 400 different species. Thus the importance and impact of these microorganisms on of our health cannot be underestimated.
All living bacteria in the intestine remain in certain relationship with each other, which is either antagonistic or symbiotic, or opportunistic. Bacteria that are beneficial to our health enter into a symbiotic relationship with a human body; we provide food they need, and they in return produce acidic chemical barrier against the penetration and reproduction of pathological bacteria and fungi. Moreover, symbiotic bacteria inactivate toxic chemicals present in the food, neutralize extremely harmful substances called free radicals, and produce substances with antibacterial antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral properties.
Gut micro flora has an extraordinary ability to maintain a stable composition (homeostasis), despite the constant impact of many external factors. This stability is of utmost importance in maintaining the digestive tract, and thus the whole organism in health. The presence of friendly bacterial strains such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium clung to the intestinal walls, prevents Candida Yeast from getting attached to them as well as from turning into Candida Fungi and penetrating deep into the intestinal wall, which leads to infection throughout the body.
Adverse conditions disturb the proper balance of intestinal microflora, causing dysbiosis. From that moment intestinal microflora ceases to function as a safeguard against the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. This most often happens, after antibiotic therapies, when not only pathogenic bacteria causing the infection, but also those friendly to our health are destroyed.

Effect of Candidiasis of the Colon on the organism toxicity
The most characteristic symptom of Colon Candidiasis, is abdominal bloating and gases arising from alcoholic fermentation of Candida Yeast. In a situation where the gases can not leave the colon in the form of wind, because of constipation, or social circumstances, the pressure in the large intestine transports these gases into the bloodstream, then the body tries to get rid of them through the respiratory channels, which results in bad breath, and sometimes even body odor.
Toxins and metabolites of alcoholic fermentation (ethanol, acetaldehyde and formaldehyde) absorbed into the bloodstream may contribute to chronic inflammation of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Pancreatic insufficiency may lead to disruption of insulin production and secretion of digestive enzymes, resulting in impaired digestion, and impaired absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Impairments of energy production from glucose and fatty acids can also be the case.
All toxic substances produced by Candida Yeast leak into the blood and then are transported to the liver, where they must be neutralized and cleaned. These toxins block the liver cells access to other waste substances arising in the course of normal metabolism. In the process of neutralization of toxins secreted by Candida Yeast, the body must use its own enzymes and oxygen normally used for oxidation of nutrients to produce body energy. This leads to the lower body temperature, often well below the 36.6 ° C, which is beneficial for Candida Yeast, but decreases body resistance by reducing activity of white blood cells. This also causes troublesome freezing mostly felt in the legs, even on hot days. Accumulation of toxic substances leads to dysfunction not only of the internal organs, but also of the whole body. It adversely affects the process of digestion, absorption of nutrients, energy production, removal of unnecessary products of metabolism, protection against infections and against the negative factors of external environment, as well as the regeneration of blood tissue, connective tissue, tissue of the endocrine glands and nervous system cells.
Thus, dramatically like an avalanche the amount of toxins increase, leading to toxemia, which is the poisoning of the body.

Vitamin deficiencies caused by Candidiasis of the Colon
Note that the colon friendly bacteria produce from the fiber all vitamins except for vitamin C. In the case where the reduction of these friendly bacteria, and the excessive amount of Candida Yeast occur, the manufacturing process of these vitamins is disturbed, which results in the impaired functioning of all the metabolic processes of the body. If we add to this the vitamin deficiency caused by poor nutrition or improper diet, as well as inadequate absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, we will deal with disruption of the immune system functioning and the related lack of resistance.

Symptoms Colon Candidiasis
Symptoms of Candida Yeast overgrowth in the colon are very characteristic and relatively easy to diagnose. The typical symptoms of Colon Candidiasis include:
  • strong gas and bloating throughout the abdomen,
  • gurgling in the intestines,
  • characteristic stool; hard at the beginning, sort of clogged, and then relaxed until the watery, foul-smelling diarrhea,
  • delicate stomach, which means a reaction after eating certain products, will be manifested by single, burning, loose stools or medium to severe diarrhea,
  • unpleasant, periodically appearing vague urge to defecate, occurring shortly after defecation, which may persist for several hours.

  • Treatment of Colon Candidiasis
    Treatment of all varieties of fungal infections caused by Candida Fungi must rely on eliminating the source of their creation. This source is an imbalance of microorganisms for the benefit of colorectal Candida. In the treatment of Colon Candidiasis no pharmacological agents are used. The only thing we should do is to implement the following measures to reestablish the healthy balance (homeostasis) of micro flora in the large intestine:
    1. Chew the food thoroughly.
    2. Do not drink while eating to wash the food down.
    3. Eliminate from the diet the following products: sugar and confectionery products purified from the fiber, mainly white flour, white rice and peeled, boiled potatoes, and French fries.
    4. As far as possible, do not use antibiotics and other chemical agents of pharmaceutical substances (alternative medicines are homeopathic and herbal).
    5. Increase the consumption of dietary fiber.
    6. Use probiotics to restore the balance of the gut micro flora.
    Systemic Candidiasis (Systemic Mycosis)
    Systemic Candidiasis is the state of weakness of the immune system, in which it ceases to perform its protective role against the development of fungal infection and the disease progressively spreads into the internal organs of the body. It is in such a state of weakness when harmless Candida Yeast turns into the aggressive pathological fungus-parasite. Systemic fungal infections are extremely dangerous because in the initial phase of development they can be diagnosed as other diseases and treated by academic medicine as such. They are diagnosed as separate disorders such as anxiety, allergies, chronic sinusitis, acid reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, or fungal nail infections, skin and so on and on. The process of treatment for Systemic Candidiasis is long and requires many sacrifices, but the good news is, that it is possible to reverse and combat this insidious and extremely dangerous disease!

    Fungi causing systemic infection
    Systemic fungal infection is usually caused by the fungus called Candida Albicans, but every year the number of infections caused by other Candida species increases; such as Candida Glabrata, Candida Tropicalis, and Candida Crusei. A primary source for the systemic Candida Fungas infections is the usually large intestine, although infection may come from other places. Under favorable conditions, mycelium grows, and spreads onto all tissues and organs of the host organism, except for the periosteum. There are no differences in clinical signs caused by different Candida species of fungi, and those that are noted, are determined by different factors; the channels through which the infection spreads, the rate at which the disease progresses, but above all, the condition of the immune system and directly resulting from it- the personal predisposition to succumb to the disease.

    Factors contributing to systemic Candidiasis (fungal infection)
    The most important influence on the development of fungal disease is diet. Improper nutrition or malnutrition can cause temporary or chronic immune disorders. By that I mean a shortage of all the nutrients, or of the individual components due to their low supply in the diet - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vegetable fiber, vitamins and mineral compounds. This may also include disorders of intestinal absorption due to various factors, e.g. dyspepsia, impaired secretion of gastric juices in the stomach, pancreas and liver, etc.
    Here arises a kind of obvious conclusion: if Candida Fungi feed on amino acids, not sugars, eating a handful of white sugar will not affect the growth of fungi. But no! This way of thinking is an attempt to accept our tendency to eat too many carbohydrates. If someone is constantly including sugar, as well as highly processed starch products in his diet, he makes himself prone to the later development of Candida Yeast and Candida Fungal Infections! This is because highly processed products do not contain dietary fiber which is necessary for growing friendly bacteria in the large intestine, and decrease in the number of these bacteria results in a shortage of vitamins that they produce.
    Here arises a kind of obvious conclusion: if Candida Fungi feed on amino acids, not sugars, eating a handful of white sugar will not affect the growth of fungi. But no! This way of thinking is an attempt to accept our tendency to eat too many carbohydrates. If someone is constantly including sugar, as well as highly processed starch products in his diet, he makes himself prone to the later development of Candida Yeast and Candida Fungal Infections! This is because highly processed products do not contain dietary fiber which is necessary for growing friendly bacteria in the large intestine, and decrease in the number of these bacteria results in a shortage of vitamins that they produce.
    To make matters worse - in the process of sugar metabolism, toxic by-products are created, and their removal requires large amounts of vitamins and minerals. Since highly processed foods do not contain sufficient amounts of vitamins, the body is forced to draw on its reserves stored in the liver, and if these reserves deplete - take vitamins and minerals from the organ tissues.
    As a result of the shortage of vitamins and minerals the tissue cells became impaired, weakened and more susceptible to enzymatic attack of the Candida fungus rather than healthy cells. The decrease of imunne resistance caused by vitamin deficiency eliminates the last factor preventing the development of the fungus. Moreover systemic Candidiasis is fostered by chronic stress and its damaging effects of the immune system, so that people living in permanent psychological stress are more susceptible to various diseases, in the fighting of which, the immune system is particularly heavily involved.

    Stages of development of systemic Candidiasis (fungal infection)
    Symptoms of systemic fungal infection do not appear constantly, but periodically as a result of exacerbation of the disease, for example, during and after antibiotic treatment, as a result of a diet rich in processed carbohydrates and at every weakening of the immune system. After the basic symptoms decrease or even disappear, the body begins to make up for the loss and eliminates some of the fungi. Parts of them remain as a trace of systemic infection, which at the time the body was not able to fight and eradicate. In this way, any aggravation of the fungal effect on the body will gradually lead to the systematic overgrowth of Candida Fungus mycelium in the organism. In the process of development of Systemic Candidiasis (Candida Fungi infection) five characteristic stages can be distinguished:

    Stage I
    Just a momentary weakening of the immune system as well as the weakening of the tissue lining cells in the colon creates a sufficient opportunity for Candida Yeast to germinate and grow into the mycelium and initiate the disease process, known as fungal colon. It is a kind of prelude to systemic fungal infection, since the lesions made by fungi in the mucosa are the gates of infection, by which microbes from the large intestine including of course the Candida Yeast invade the bloodstream. As long as the immune system is not too laden fighting infection elsewhere, the body, through the extension of small blood vessels (changing color of the lining from mat to bright red) accumulates near the gates of infection, a large number of white blood cells that destroy micro-organisms in the place of infection, not allowing them to infect the whole body. This very important step to overcome the barriers separating the environment of the digestive tract from the rest of the body and changing from symbiotic Candida Yeast into the aggressive Candida Fungus-parasite, usually runs parallel with Candida Colon, and therefore the symptoms of this Colon Candidiasis , should be regarded as the launch of systemic Candida Fungal infection.

    Stage II
    At this stage, using a temporary weakening of the organism, Candida Yeast penertate through the gates of infection (usually in the intestines), without encountering resistance from the immune system, and are being carried in the the blood stream throughout the body, where they look for a place to germinate and turn into Candida Fungi. Although not all the patients’ symptoms are the same in the initial period of development of systemic Candida Fungal Infection, the most common include:
  • oral thrush,
  • urinary tract infection,
  • fungal vaginitis,
  • increased premenstrual syndrome (PMS),
  • skin rashes and acne,
  • allergies to food, dust, mold, and common chemicals used in household and to the chemicals contained in aerosols, as well as the smell of cheap perfume,
  • allergies to food, dust, mold, and common chemicals used in household and to the chemicals contained in aerosols, as well as the smell of cheap perfume,
  • dry cough,
  • frequent bronchitis,
  • chronic runny nose, sinusitis,
  • fungal pneumonia (usually wrongly diagnosed as bacterial, and antibiotics used accelerate the development of Systemic Fungal Infection).

  • At this stage the other, seemingly not linked to one another symptoms may also occur such as:
  • headaches,
  • migraines,
  • muscle and tendon pain,
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
  • onychomycosis,
  • psoriasis,
  • rheumatic pains.

  • Unfortunately, all the problems and illnesses occurring in the second stage of fungal expansion are treated by the academic medicine as separate diseases not linked to each other diseases.

    Stage III
    This is a stage, in which, using a further weakening of the immune system, Candida Yeast germinates in different places of the body, growing mycelium which emits toxic by-products of its metabolism, that poison the brain. Emotional and mental symptoms are characteristic for this stage
  • impaired concentration and inability to focus,
  • loss of acquired abilities, such as playing instruments
  • not following the flow of conversation,
  • loss of words,
  • poor comprehension, using words in the wrong context,
  • absent-mindedness and forgetfulness,
  • unreasonable anger,
  • excessive aggression ,
  • difficulty in remembering and memory loss, thoughts of death,
  • deep depression and suicidal thoughts,
  • anxiety and nervousness,
  • phobias,
  • insomnia,
  • nightmares,
  • snoring and breathing disorders, sleep apnea.
  • Because of these symptoms and their progression, patients are subjected to psychiatric treatment. By default they are diagnosed with manic depression, psychosis and schizophrenia. Often, patients are hospitalized for this reason. Standard medication such as sedatives and antidepressants are used.

    Stage IV
    At this stage of disease progression, the work of the internal organs and the functions of the endocrine glands are often interrupted. Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating, gas, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation are often predominant. Chronic fatigue syndrome may be so intense that often the patient is unable of any physical or mental performance, and in extreme cases he is not able to keep his head at the appropriate level. Skin rashes of different form and different intensity may also appear. The number of Candida Yeast cells in the blood may be so large that they can block blood vessels capillaries. This will result in toxemia of the system, with its symptoms such as low body temperature, cold sweats, arrhythmia and acceleration of the heart rate (tachycardia), shortness of breath, acceleration of the breathing (hyperventilation), and panic attacks. In this stage, the capacity of the immune system usually drastically declines. The organism is almost completely defenseless, vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections.

    Stage V
    This stage is called sepsis or Candida Yeast sepsis. Infection includes all the internal organs and even after the diagnostic measures and intensive treatment involving the destruction of the Candida Fungi, as well as strengthening the immune system, half of the cases are fatal.

    From the analysis of the multiple stage development of a Fungal Infection, two important conclusions can be drawn:
    1. Candida Colon is the first and inevitable step in the process of Systemic Candidacies. During that stage the protective barrier of the gastrointestinal track – the mucous membrane, is broken, allowing Candida Yeast to penetrate to the bloodstream and infect the whole system. This initiates the spreading of the Fungi, the process that is called Systemic Mycosis.
    2. The second conclusion comes directly from the first:
      The symptoms of Fungal Infection anywhere in the body should be regarded as a manifestation of Systemic Fungal Infection.
    To sum up: Treating the symptoms of any local Fungal Infection without the removal of the Systemic Fungal Infection - is meaningless.
    Factors contributing to fungal infections:

    Congenital factors
  • atopic (unknown origin) skin allergies,
  • abnormal skin lesions, keratosis,
  • endokrynopathy (hormone disorders) ,
  • immune system disorders,
  • specific individual predispositions,

  • Systemic Factors
  • malnutrition,
  • weakened immune system,
  • parasitic infections,
  • bacterial and viral infections,
  • malabsorption,
  • diabetes,
  • Connective Tissue Disorder,
  • peripheral vascular disease,
  • multiple pregnancies,
  • hypoparathyroidism,
  • underactive adrenal system,
  • Infancy,
  • old age,
  • foreign bodies,
  • burns,
  • chronic stress,
  • lack of sleep and rest,
  • iron deficiency,
  • molybdenum deficiency,
  • vitamin B2 deficiency,
  • vitamin B5 deficiency

  • Cancer and blood disorders
  • leukemia,
  • lymphoma,
  • thymoma,
  • advanced cancer.

  • Primary and acquired Immune System Disorders
  • hypoplastic absorbent tissue,
  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS),
  • combined immunodeficiency,
  • syndrome of excess IgE (immunoglobulin E),
  • thymic hypoplasia.

  • External factors
  • exposure to water (maceration of the skin),
  • improper hygienic habits,
  • poor sanitary - hygienic environment,
  • frequent use of public bathing facilities,
  • mass intercontinental travel,
  • X-rays and electromagnetic radiation,
  • catheters on a permanent basis,
  • preservatives,
  • pesticides,
  • sugar,
  • diet rich in carbohydrates, excess protein and solid fats,
  • diet deficient in vitamins and minerals,
  • diet deficient in vegetable fiber,
  • excessive use of coffee, alcohol and nicotine,
  • drinking contaminated tap water,
  • consumption of sweetened and carbonated beverages,
  • working in dusty, humid and air-conditioned areas.
  • Environmental factors
  • living in large urban areas,
  • living in certain environmental groups – boarding schools, dormitories, soldiers, miners, athletes, forest workers and children.

  • Most common symptoms of the Systemic Fungal Infection:

    Disorders of the Central Nervous System (CNS)
  • difficulty in remembering, assimilation of knowledge and science,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • anxiety, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness,
  • mood swings, panic attacks, panic and tears,
  • drowsiness, lethargy, lack of energy - "mental fog",
  • low mood,
  • chronic irritation,
  • persistent depression, manic depression,
  • chronically bad mood,
  • lack of concentration
  • imbalance,
  • expressing excessive criticism,
  • hyperactivity,
  • nervousness, irritability, impatience,
  • headache, dizziness,
  • sleep disorders and insomnia,
  • autism,
  • mental illness (including schizophrenia),
  • microscopic damages of the brain,
  • pressure above and behind the ears and the feeling of swelling of the head,
  • alcoholism,
  • mental sensitivity to cosmetics, chemicals, tobacco, smoke and perfume.

  • Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System
  • weakness and muscle pain,
  • tingling in the extremities,
  • impaired motor coordination,
  • swelling of the tendons,
  • inability to exercise,
  • stiffness and joint pain,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • muscle pain,
  • joint swelling.

  • Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System
  • exasperation with the simultaneous desire to eat sweet things,
  • underweight or overweight,
  • chapped lips and mouth trush,
  • odor from the mouth,
  • candidiasis of the lips,
  • dry mouth and throat,
  • metallic taste in the mouth,
  • intolerances and food allergies,
  • ulcerative colitis,
  • constipation or diarrhea,
  • vague abdominal pain,
  • intestinal gurgling, bloating and gas,
  • indigestion, difficulties in digesting,
  • heartburn,
  • itching and burning around the anus, mucoid stools,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • intolerance to milk, gluten, wheat and rye.

  • Disorders of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems
  • non-bacterial recurrent urinary tract infections,
  • frequent urination,
  • itching and burning sensation during urination,
  • inflammation of the prostate,
  • aversion to sexual contact,
  • impotence,
  • loss of libido,
  • inflammation of the lining of the uterus,
  • infertility,
  • frequent miscarriages,
  • Premenstrual Syndrome,
  • cramping and pain during menstruation.

  • Skin disorders
  • dry and scaly skin,
  • excessive night sweaty skin,
  • swelling of the facial skin - usually morning,
  • cold hands and feet, reduced body temperature below 36.6 ° C
  • brittle, yellow and brownish nails,
  • urticaria,
  • eczema (skin blemishes),
  • psoriasis,
  • recurrent fungal infections of the skin,
  • hair loss,
  • acne,
  • tendency to rupture of the blood vessels, and easy bruising,
  • foot odor,
  • mousy odor of the skin despite frequent washing.

  • Disorders of the Respiratory System
  • sinusitis and related sinus problems,
  • frequent bacterial and viral infections,
  • ear inflammation,
  • shortness of breath, shallow breathing,
  • asthma,
  • wheezing,
  • stuffed and runny nose,
  • itching in the nose,
  • sore throat,
  • irritation of the larynx,
  • hoarseness, voice deterioration,
  • chronic dry cough,
  • constant spitting up green or brownish phlegm,
  • stiffness and tension in the chest.

  • Disorders of the eyes
  • burning and tearing of the conjunctiva,
  • darker spots before the eyes (scotoma),
  • blurred vision.

  • Disorders of the endocrine system
  • hyperthyroidism or sometimes but less frequently, hypothyroidism,
  • underactive adrenal gland.

  • Internal and External Candidiasis

    Academic medicine divides fungal infections into two kinds: systemic and external, but I think that this division is incorrect, because often the primary inflammation sources of external fungal infections are inside the body. Therefore treatment of the external fungal infections is to address the external symptoms by using drugs to act locally. Only some doctors point out that infected internal organs may be the source of these diseases. Very often, patients themselves do not pay attention to signs of internal infection, but they are anxious about the external symptoms of the infection such as: mouth trush, throat pain and inflammation of the nail shaft.

    Fungal Infections of the Mouth and Throat
    Fungal infection of the mouth and throat is classified by mainstream medicine as external infection. However, its primary source lies inside the body. Inflammation of the mouth, throat and sometimes the esophagus are just symptoms of this infection. They are most common in children and the elderly using dentures. These diseases occur more often in smokers, in people after organs transplants subjected to immunosuppression as well as in people with acquired immune deficiency syndrome and AIDS.

    Acute forms of fungal infections of the mouth and throat

    Acute pseudomembranous mycosis (acute pseudomembranous candidosis)
    This form of mycosis is most common in infants, toddlers and adults with weakened immune system. The oral mucosa of cheeks, gums and throat becomes inflamed with chalky white coating, resembling sour milk, which can easily be removed, but when you try to tear them off, a bright red bloody tissue is revealed. Most of these changes occur on the palate and tongue. This can be accompanied by the inflammation of the lips, dry tongue and difficulties in swallowing.

    Acute atrophic oral Candidiasis (acute atrophic oral candidosis)
    This disease occurs mostly in people suffering from diabetes and those taking antibiotics. It is characterized by a strong reddening of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat with visible single or multiple fungal outbreaks, white or yellowish. At the same time the tongue becomes swollen, its surface smooth and the lingual papilla disappear. There may be signs of inflammation of the corners of the mouth with the infiltration on the cheeks and lips. Patients suffer strong burning of the tongue and high sensitivity to sour and spicy foods.

    Chronic forms of fungal infections of the mouth and throat

    Chronic Pseudomembranous Mycosis (chronic pseudomembranous candidosis)
    This disease is most common in people with acquired immune deficiency syndrome and AIDS and also those undergoing immunosuppressive treatment. The symptoms are similar to those in acute form, except that they more difficult to treat.

    Chronic Aatrophic oral Candidiasis (chronic atrophic oral candidosis) This disease usually applies to patients wearing dentures and occurs mainly on the palate under the plate. It also may be located on the tongue which becomes then completely smooth. Eruptions are large flushed stains or wide erythema, which cause discomfort in the form of pain or burning.

    Chronic Eerythematous Candidiasis) (chronic atrophic oral candidosis)
    Characteristic of this disease is a chronic persistent inflammation of the mouth, tongue and throat with visible spots of white coating. It occurs mostly in people wearing dentures.

    Tumoral Chronic Mycosis (chronic plaque – like candidosis)
    This disease is more common in men than women. The disease is characterized by the presence on the tongue and oral mucosa, of white, compact isolated spots, which are hard and rough, and difficult to separate from the substrate. They are irregular, but clearly demarcated and surrounded by erythema. The symptoms are aching tongue, palate and lips.

    Chronic Papular Mycosis (chronic nodular candidosis)
    Oral mucosa resembles a dirt road with stones.

    Inflammation of the corners of the mouth, (angular cheilitis)
    The symptoms of this disease are outbreaks of inflamed erosions, not too sharply demarcated from the healthy skin. Unpleasant and painful cracking of the corners of the mouth occurs, accompanied by small, white spots around the cracks. The inflammatory process may spread onto surrounding skin, but does not take cheek mucosa. Diabetes, shortage of B vitamins, and irritation from ill-fitted dentures are the predisposing factors. It often occurs in children who drool and lick their lips.

    Diamond center glossitis (median rhomboid glossitis)
    This disease is characterized by a diamond shape of the infected surface of the tongue.

    Observations on the treatment of fungal infections of the mouth and throat.
    Fungal infections of the mouth and throat should be treated both systemically and locally. Antifungal antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs should be reserved for acute conditions and used for about 2 weeks after symptoms have disappeared. Further treatment should rely on the use of natural supplements, in order to strengthen the immune system, and thus prevent the re-expansion of the fungus. It should be noted that fungal infections often require prolonged treatment.

    Fungal infections of the skin and its appendages
    Pathogenic Yeasts (Candida Fungi) do not belong to the physiological flora of the healthy and well-maintained skin. They will settle on it only if they encounter favorable conditions. Skin covered with corneum and its appendages such as hair and nails create difficult conditions for the colonization and development of fungi. Invasion of the skin is made only by these species of fungi, which have the affinity to the keratin protein. The initial phase of the development of the fungus is asymptomatic. Only when the fungus is transferred to the newly created keratin, it causes local inflammation, resulting in the appearance of fungi eruption. In parallel with this process the body develops resistance to this infection, which often leads to self-healing even of the profound changes on the skin. Hormonal system seems to play a role in this process, when, for example in puberty hair follicles become infected, and after the puberty they heal by itself. Fungal inflammation of the skin and its appendages occurs in humans relatively frequently. In crowded places such as baths, swimming pools and saunas where people walk barefoot, it is easy to fall prey to fungi infecting the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to use flip flops in such places. It is also easy to get contaminated by fungi when sharing towels, bathing caps or wearing someone else's underwear. Wearing synthetic footwear and clothes also fosters development of fungal infection.

    Natural protective factors of the organism
    1. anatomical continuity of skins and membranes,
    2. rapid breakdown of epidermal cells, promoting removal of fungal cells , along with its exfoliative corneum layer,
    3. acidic reaction of the skin due to the presence of saturated fatty acids in the sebum. The acids contain in their chains 7, 9, 11 and 13 carbon atoms, which inhibit the growth of fungi,
    4. the presence of saprophytic bacteria forming an additional barrier against physical occupation of the Candida Yeast by competing for attachment on the cell surface,
    5. well functioning immune system – cellular and to a lesser extent humoral resistance, efficient phagocytosis and reticuloendothelial system, a complete system of complement.
    Clinical forms of fungal skin and appendages

    Candidiasis intertriginous (Candidiasis intertriginosa)
    This condition is usually caused by Candida Albicans. Inflammatory changes in fungal intertriginosa often develop in people with diabetes and are sometimes the first symptom to suggest the development of this disease. Characteristic of this disease is erythematous dermatitis inflammation of the skin, within which there is excessive peeling and cracking of the epidermis, the emergence of itching erosion and serous fluid percolation. They usually exceed the area of mutual adhesion of the folds of the skin. In the further course of exfoliation a dark-colored, glistening and moist area of the skin is revealed. The outbreak is separated from the skin by a healthy piece of detached epidermis. Characteristic is the appearance in the vicinity of these changes of erythematous outbreaks called squamous satellites. Below I present intertriginous diseases, whose classification was based on location.

    Candidiasis intertriginous of intergluteal and perianal areas (candidiasis intertriginosa interglutealis et perianalis)
    This disease is among the most common, persistent and most unpleasant. It is associated with the infection of the distal colon.

    Candidiasis intertriginous of the inquinal area(candidiasis intertriginosa inquinalis)
    These changes may develop along with an intergluteal intertriginous candidiasis or may occur independently.

    Candidiasis intertriginous of submammary (candidiasis intertriginosa submammaris)
    These changes occur mostly in obese women with flabby breasts.

    Candidiasis intertriginous of the interdigital area (candidiasis intertriginosa interdigitalis pedum)
    Changes that occur in the skin in this disease are described in the paragraph about athlete’s foot. The only symptom differentiating these two diseases is the appearance of the small bubbles on the perimeter of the inflammation outbreak; the adjacent toes are glued together by congealed secretion.

    Candidiasis intertriginous of the hand separator (erosie interdigitalis candidamycetica)
    It is usually a single outbreak in the third space separator. Outbreaks of inflammation are sharply demarcated from the surrounding area. The layer of detached epidermis is dark red and glossy as if varnished.

    Cheilitis (Inflamation of the lips) ( Cheilitis Candidamecetica) and Angular Cheilitis ( Angelus infectious oris)
    This disease is a consequence of fungal infection transferred from the mouth to the adjacent area. A habit of licking the lips and drooling may turn it into a chronic condition.

    Morphologic characteristics of intertrigo and fungi
    Morphologic difference between intertrigos versus vesicular and papular eruptions in the fungal infection of the groin, is their location. In intertrigos, skin lesions are located deep in the folds of the skin, while in the fungal infections on their circumference. Location of lesions within the folds of the skin fosters the development of fungal infection because of the existence of favorable conditions such as elevated temperature, humidity, and the mechanical irritation in the groin (due to movement), which breaks the epidermal continuity. The diagnosis should be established through the laboratory assessment of the tissue. Mycological culturing on substrates can also be performed.

    Outside the folds of skin mycosis (candidiasis cutis glabrae)
    Inflammation of the skin develops from small intertrigenous outbreaks. It tends to expand occupying vaster and vaster parts of the skin with jagged and overlapping borderlines.

    Diaper mycosis
    It develops as the result of improper infant care and occupies mostly the area of the buttocks and abdomen, but may spread to the entire surface of the skin.

    Nipple areola mycosis (areolae mammae candidiasis)
    It develops on the nipple and its surroundings in nursing mothers. Inflammatory changes are erythematous-scaling or vesicular. The process is limited to the nipple. Drooling and oral thrush in the newborn fosters the development of this disease.

    Fungal infection of hair follicles (candidiasis follicularis)
    Infection of hair follicles develops in men’s beards or in other parts of the body; for example around scrotum. Characteristic is the swelling around the orifice of the hair follicles.

    Athlete's foot (Tinea interdigitalis intertriginosa)
    One of the factors causing this disease is the fungus Candida Albicans. It frequently occurs in soldiers wearing tight shoes. The disease process begins in the IV toe separator and spreads to the folds between adjacent toes. Because the outbreaks are itchy, the infection spreads through scratching. In the initial phase of the disease, translucent bubbles appear on the skin between the toes. The bubbles burst. Epidermis becomes white, pulpy and macerated. It exfoliates and uncovers bare pink glossy wet surface. Maceration spreads onto subungual folds, then toes and adjacent space on the back of the foot.

    Onychomycosis (candidiasis unquium)
    The most common symptom of this disease is paronychia, which is characterized by the presence of acute or chronic inflammation of the soft tissue surrounding the nail, usually caused by Candida Albicans or C. Parapsilosis. Most infections occur in people with frequent contact with water – kitchen help, cleaners, etc. The process initially involves the first two nails and then the rest of them. The main symptoms of the infection are pain and swelling of the nail fold, leaking purulent secretions. The edge of the nail plate may be purulent, and may separate from the soft tissue. With time the nails become yellow - greenish, they lose their luster, they become hypertrophic and divide into layers. Paronychia can also be caused by bacteria, and for this reason, the direct microscopic examination or culture is crucial for the proper diagnosis. Mixed infections, both fungi and bacterial also occur frequently. With the progression of the disease the nail plate may be completely destroyed.

    Granulomatous mycosis (candidiasis granulomatosa)
    This condition is a consequence of impaired cellular immunity. It develops in early childhood on the scalp, in the area of orifices of the face, in the auricles, as well as palms and soles of the feet. Dark yellowish scabs appear on the skin and they grow forming solid, thick, brittle layers.

    Systemic fungal infections

    Systemic fungal infection is usually caused by Candida Albicans, but every year a number of infections caused by other species of fungi such as Candida Glabrata, Candida. Tropicalis and Candida Crusei increases. We talk about the systemic fungal infection when the disease spreads onto the internal organs of the body.
    The rate at which the number of systemic fungal infections cases increases begins to become a general public problem. However, this phenomenon is not recognized by modern academic medicine, nor are any preventive measures to reduce the spread of such infections considered.

    General information
    The original location of pathological changes may vary, but usually it is the large intestine, or oral cavity, throat, urinary bladder, vagina, bronchi, skin, fingers, toes and nails. Original gates for spreading infection in drug addicts may be the sites of injection. From its original location the growing mycelium spreads into all the tissues and organs of the host. There is no difference in clinical signs caused by different species of fungi. Those that are noted are due to the channels and the speed of the spread of the infection, as well as the condition of the immune system and personal predisposition to the disease.
    Systemic fungal diseases are extremely serious and dangerous, because in the initial phase of their development they hide under the guise of other diseases and are treated by medicine as a distinct and separate disorders - neurosis, allergies, chronic sinusitis, reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, psoriasis, etc.

    Factors contributing to systemic fungal infection
    Systemic fungal infections are promoted by the weakening of the immune system . In general, a person is infected by Candida Yeast. Until then a human body is only a carrier of that patogen, but when under favorable conditions, it transforms into fungus, a human body becomes a host. It is believed that neutropenia – a decrease in the number of granulocytes in peripheral blood, in most cases contributes to the development of fungal infections. However, I believe that this phenomenon also appears after the infection takes its course. For this reason it is difficult to determine whether neutropenia contributes to the occurrence of the fungal infection, or it is the result of it. Granulocytes are a type of leukocytes and belong to the group of cells that directly fight foreign agents, known as antigens. You could say that they act as "guardians”, because they are constantly circling the blood to detect and destroy microbes and cancer cells. Reducing the number of granulocytes in peripheral blood, substantially lowers the body's ability to limit the size of fungal infection.

    It is commonly believed that the development of internal fungal infections occur in people with considerably weakened immune system:
  • in people undergoing organ transplants and thus subjected to immunosuppression,
  • in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
  • in chronically ill patients. also those in intensive care units,
  • in people with a weakened immune system and undergoing surgeries,
  • in patients with AIDS.

  • I notice a very worrying phenomenon of a significant increase in fungal diseases in people:
  • subjected to chronic antibiotic therapy,
  • overusing chemical and pharmacological preparations,
  • women taking contraceptives and subjected to hormonal therapies,
  • those who are on high carbohydrate diet with excess protein and solid fats.

  • Fungal infection of the digestive tract
    Not long ago, mycosis of the digestive tract, was still a relatively uncommon clinical problem. Recently it is has been observed more often. This is in connection with the common use of antacid drug therapies that lower the pH of the stomach, widespread use of antibiotics and the increasing number immunocompromised patients – such as people with cancer, who undergo treatment with cytostatics, people with AIDS, etc. Fungal infection of the gastrointestinal tract should be regarded as an opportunistic disease. This term is used for microorganisms that cause illness when the body is at a primary disease process - local or systemic. Recovery after fungal infection leaves no specific resistance and the subsequent infection can occur if the immune system’s resistance declines again.
    In the 70s and the mid-80's esophagus and the mouth cavity was the most recognized place for the Candida Fungi infections in the gastrointestinal tract. Currently, the most recognized is the infection of the stomach, which should be attributed to the common use of antacids and antibiotics. The other risk factors are: diabetes, oral or aerosol cortisone therapy, cancer and liver cirrhosis.
    A major problem in diagnosing of fungal diseases of the digestive tract is the presence of Candida Yeast as a natural component of the stool. The important factor in diagnosing this disease is the worsening of the condition when the diet high in carbohydrates is applied. This is because it is believed that the rapidly metabolized sugar by Candida Yeast is a source of its energy. The circumstances of diarrhea associated with fungal infections are not yet well understood but the fact is that many patients were successfully treated with antifungal medication combined with the low carbohydrate diet. The diagnosis of fungal disease often determines the positive response to treatment measures against fungal infections. The diagnosis of the fungal infections of the upper GI tract (oral cavity, esophagus, stomach) may be based on the local endoscopic examination. The final verification though should be obtained, through laboratory tests.

    In the laboratory diagnostics of fungal infections the following measures are applied:

  • Direct microscopic examination,
  • breeding in order to identify and quantify the number of fungi in the test material,
  • immunological tests.
    The presence of fungi in the human body produces an immune response, and it can be detected by examining the presence of circulating antibodies in the serum and antigens. As an antigen in the serological diagnosis of Candida Albicans, mannan is the most widely used as a part of the fungal cell wall. Within 3-10 days of infection in patients with acute and chronic mucosal and systemic mycosis ,IgM anti-Candidamannan antibodies are detected. These antibodies in acute infections reach 1:160 and above and relate to patients with massive systemic mycosis. However, the value of serological tests for antigens of Candida is questioned because of the spread of the fungus in a healthy population. Currently it is believed that the positive results of serological examinations may indicate but are not determinative of the presence of the active Candida Fungal infection. On the other hand the negative results of serological tests do not exclude the infection of these fungi. Interpretation of positive results should therefore be compared with the clinical picture.
    For this reason the advisability of conducting those examinations should be carefully considered and evaluated.

    Fungal infection of the esophagus (oesophagitis mycotica)
    Esophageal mycoses are dangerous to health and life. Some case cases of esophageal fungal infections may develop as a complication of ulcer treatment with medication that suppresses stomach acidity. After withdrawing antacids and implementing antifungal treatment, infection goes away, which may indicate that natural reflux of gastric acid may play a protective role against infection of the esophagus. Mycelium grows into the walls of blood vessels, causing damage and bleeding. The disease should be differentiated from mycetoma oesophageal cancer, and for this reason biopsy and mycological examination will be decisive in establishing the diagnosis. In 45-60% of patients with oesophageal mycosis there are no clinical symptoms, thus no detailed diagnostic measures are taken in those cases. Hence, the supposition that it is more common than it might seem. The main symptom is pain occurring when swallowing, which often prevents eating. Dysphagia also occurs, especially in relation to solid foods. Other most common ailments include: retrosternal and paravertebreal pain, as well as general back pains. Diagnosis is based on radiological images, endoscopy, and mycological and histological tests.
    In the esophagoscopic image, fragile and red esophageal mucosa is covered with a white coating, sometimes over superficial ulcers. In order to confirm the diagnosis of esophageal mycosis, ecophagoscopy must be performed , to obtain the picture characteristic of fungal infection. During the test, the material from the mucous membranes covering the coating is obtained with a swab brush. Its evaluation gives the characteristic microscopic picture of fungal infection. It is advisable to also perform a biopsy, but unfortunately Candida mycelium can be proven present in rather small number of cases. Confusing is the fact, that in many cases, Candida Yeast is cultured from the swabs taken from the esophagus of healthy people.
    The combination of 2 parameters; oral fungal infection and clinical symptoms from the esophagus are characteristic signs of the infection.

    Fungal infection of the stomach and duodenum (candidosis ventriculi et duodeni)
    Since Candida Yeast lives in the gastrointestinal tract as a saprophytic flora, doctors do not take it into consideration as an infectious agent. Sometimes the gastric mucosa is a primary substrate of Candida Yeast reproduction, and the place the infection spreads throughout the body from. For some type of Candida Yeast such as Candida Albicans and Candida Glabrata, the normal acidity of gastric juices does not constitute any obstacle to their development. There are reasons to believe that the presence of Candida on the surface of the stomach has an impact on the condition of the mucosa. It is believed that certain by-products of Candida Albicans fermentation, such as short-chain carboxylic acids, acetaldehyde, or proteolytic enzymes secreted by fungi can initiate or partake in the process of destroying the epithelium. Important factors that foster their development in the stomach are: treatment with antibiotics and steroids, parenteral nutrition, surgery, underactive thyroid , parathyroid and adrenal glands. The incidence of fungal ulcers ranges from 18% to 37% of all diagnoses. But the apparent incidence of fungal ulcers visible in ednoscopic imaging is approximately 2.5% in patients with gastrointestinal ailments. In the assessment of endoscopic imaging they show only slight characteristics that distinguish them from uninfected ulcers. They are usually larger, over 2 cm in diameter. They are deep, with irregular edges, hard base, and they are covered with white-gray membrane that is on top of the red mucous membranes. They are characterized by a greater tendency to bleed, and they often raise suspicion of malignancy.
    Despite the deep necrotic changes in the gastric mucosa, fungal ulcers exist only on its surface. Endoscopically collected samples of gastric and duodenal contents for mycological culturing, may be contaminated by fungi from the oral cavity and hence the medicine does not recognize the changes identified as fungal. Clinical symptoms are nonspecific, usually include abdominal pain and weight loss, vomiting, and discomfort typical for uninfected peptic ulcers. Sometimes bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract may occur.

    Reflux Disease
    This condition is defined as regurgitation of gastric contents into the esophagus. The contents of the stomach are acidic in nature; they damage the lining of the esophagus and thus cause the so-called gastro esophageal reflux disease. The cause of this disease is excessive relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter. The peristaltic wave normally reaching the sphincter makes it flaccid to enable the food to move to the stomach. Extended flaccidity of the sphincter, which does not shrink after the food is swallowed causes the release of gastric contents into the esophagus and as a result its chemical inflammation. The dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter may be associated with its inflammation. Based on my observations and experience, I believe that fungal infection is often the cause.
    The symptoms of gastro esophageal reflux are burning in the sternum and retrosternal pain, releasing gastric contents, vomiting and belching. If untreated, the disease can produce serious complications, including esophageal stricture, bleeding from a damaged esophagus and it can even contribute to the development of tumors.

    Fungal infection of the intestines (candidosis Ileia et colonis)
    As mentioned previously, Candida Yeast is less sensitive to stomach acid than non-pathogenic Yeast and therefore it can get outside the stomach and colonize the small and the large intestines.
    Weakening of the immune system fosters the proliferation of the CandidaYeast in the intestines and its penetration into the intestinal walls after it turns into fungus. The contributing factor is so called dysbiosis - an imbalance in the natural intestinal flora.

    Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum secrete substances of an antibiotic nature that prevent excessive growth of Candida Yeast. Sterilization of the intestinal tract with broad-spectrum antibiotics or reduction in the number of saprophytic bacteria and their beneficial effect on the body enables the overgrowth of Candida Yeast. This also occurs in people with acquired immune deficiency – AIDS, patients with granulocytopenia and extensive burns of the skin. Generalized infections may happen, which often end with a massive infection leading to death. In the case of systemic Mycosis, not only the intestines, but also every internal organ may become infected with fungus.

    In seriously ill patients, where the parenteral feeding with lipid (fatty) compounds is the only form of nutrition, there is a serious risk of fungal infections. Microscopic particles of fatty compounds effectively block the macrophages. If the macrophages absorb the fat microparticles they become unfit to fight the fungul cells. In this way the body eventually runs out of macrophage cells to absorb Candida Yeast.

    Clinical forms of intestinal mycosis
    • aphthous,
    • enterocolitic,
    • fibrino- pseudomembranous,
    • erosive,
    • ulcerative.
    Candidiasis is the initial symptom of Candida Yeast reproduction in the digestive tract, causing digestive disorders which are defined as dyspeptic - nausea, unpleasant odor from the mouth, gurgling, , intestinal gas, constipation or diarrhea, vague abdominal pain and sometimes sub-acute appendicitis. Diarrhea associated with abnormal development of fungal flora is usually long lasting, watery but not bloody. The patient’s lips are chapped, their mucous membranes are dry, and they experience excessive thirst. Characteristic of the presence of fungal toxins in the body is a metallic taste in the mouth. Patients experience increased irritability, and a constant need to eat starchy carbohydrates and sweets. Most of these symptoms occur after antibiotic treatments. After using probiotics and strengthening the immune system with vitamins and minerals, the symptoms may disappear completely.
    Conditions associated with intestinal Candida Mycosis have a rich symptomatology. Histopathological confirmation of fungal infection is obtained in all the cases of inflammation of the small intestine and colon: enterocolitic, hemorrhagic-necrotic, necrotic and pseudomembranous The diagnosis can be confirmed by repeated mycological and serological tests, and preceded by the exclusion of other causes of diarrhea. Colonoscopic imaging in patients with confirmed fungal diarrhea will show spots of white coating as well as erythematous mucous membranes similar to those that exists in fungal infection of the esophagus.

    When Candida Yeast encounters favorable conditions for its development, in a short time it will turn into fungi with mycelium. The mycelium will grow into the walls of the entire gastrointestinact tract including digestive organs such as the pancreas and liver. Candida Yeast toxins accumulate in the pancreas, and disrupt its functions of secreting digestive juices and insulin. The symptoms of these disorders include problems associated with digestion of proteins and fats, as well as fluctuations in blood sugar levels, since insulin is involved in the transport of glucose into the cells. The increase of the insulin level in the blood contributes to lower blood sugar level. The so-called hypoglycemia, which is a frequent phenomenon in Candidiasis occurs when the concentration of sugar in the blood is reduced below normal, with a value of less than 60mg%. The energy level drops and the patient develops so-called chronic fatigue syndrome associated with a lack of the main energy material in the body which is glucose. The patient experiences reduced ability to perform physical or mental activities.

    Liver dysfunction is related to the reduction of its capacity in the neutralization and excretion of normal metabolic products and toxins emitted by the body of the fungus. In many cases, the accumulation of toxins leads not only to the impaired liver function, but also to the liver cell damage. The level of transaminases and bilirubin gets slightly elevated. The capacity of bile production diminishes, which is reflected in impaired bile emulsification and further in problems associated with digestion of fats by the pancreas.

    Leaky gut syndrome (leaking bowel syndrome)
    Leaky Gut Syndrome (leaking intestines) may be caused by different etiologic factors. The cause of this condition is damage to the lining of the intestinal walls. One of the reasons behind that cause may be Candida fungal infection. Mycelium penetrates the intestinal mucosa and damages it, making it leaky for glycoproteins, the substances of allergenic nature. Leaky gut syndrome can cause food allergies, and vice versa - food allergies by causing inflammation, can make intestinal mucosa leaky.
    Penetrating into the bloodstream allergens may alter the function of the immune system so that your body begins to treat some of its own tissues as the aggressor. Autoimmune conditions such as: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Alzheimer's disease may develop. With the elimination of the fungus from the body or the elimination of gluten from the diet, the bowel wall becomes increasingly tight and does not let allergens penetrate into the system. The production of antibodies directed against its own tissues decreases. The symptoms of skin allergies known as idiopathic (of unknown etiology), asthma, and autoimmune diseases also decrease or disappear.

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome- IBS (colon irritable)
    Let’s see what modern mainstream medicine says about the reasons for developing this condition. Factors causing this disease are not fully known yet. Among other things, intestinal motor activity disorders, lactose intolerance, high carbohydrate and low fiber diet, as well as excessive use of sorbitol, fructose and aspartame are considered. The disease often starts after the patient experiences heavy stress. People with stressful lifestyle get sick more often than others. More than half of the patients are diagnosed with depression, anxiety and hypochondria.

    I cannot understand why medicine does not consider fungal infection as the cause of the disease, which is usually associated with symptoms of gluten intolerance. In most people medical history, medical examination, and mycological stool tests, show an advanced state of fungal infection of the bowel.

    The most important symptoms associated with this disease include abdominal pain, constipation, or chronic diarrhea. These symptoms can occur alternately or one of them may dominate. Important characteristics of IBS are the lack of blood in the stool, and the disappearing of the symptoms during sleep.

    IBS with constipation
    The main symptom is constipation alternating with periods of normal bowel movement, colic pain attacks, often occurring in the area of the colon. Abdominal pain is usually located in the left abdomen, but can occur in any other place of the abdominal cavity. The pain may be chronic or acute, sharp or blunt, and it usually gets milder with the intestinal movements. There may be flatulence and gurgling in the abdomen, nausea and heartburn. Meals may worsen the symptoms.

    IBS with diarrhoea
    The main symptom is numerous bowel movements, often with mucus, almost immediately after eating a meal. In addition, patients often complain about a feeling of incomplete defecation and the sudden rectal tenesmus, with the necessity of hurried defecation. Most patients have severe abdominal pain, bloating and frequent troublesome flatulence. Most symptoms become worse after eating, and ease off or disappear after bowel movement and passing gas. These problems are made worse during the day, at night they ease off. In the morning the patient is awakened by a sudden need to defecate, or the need occurs immediately after the meal.

    Respiratory Mycoses

    Fungal infection of the trachea and bronchi
    This form of fungal infection is accompanied by cough and coughing up blood and thick brownish phlegm. The diagnosis of this disease is possible during the bronchoscopy, when white fungal outbreaks can be seen on mucous membrane covering the trachea and bronchi. Oral thrush is also often the case. If not treated, the disease can spread onto pulmonary tissue.

    Fungal infection of the lungs
    This disease develops as a consequence of fungal infection of the bronchi spreading into the lungs, or is a consequence of Candida Yeast induced sepsis. The symptoms are persistent dry cough, mucoid brownish secretion, increasing dyspnea and fever. Patients are usually in serious condition. Changes in the X-Ray imaging are scattered and resemble miliary tuberculosis. They may cover the entire lobe of a lung. Single lung abscesses may also appear.

    Pleural Mycoses
    This disease is not an isolated infection, but accompanies pyothorax complicated by bronchopleural fistula. The infection is usually with fever and general weakness. The sample taken from purulent fistula shows the presence of numerous Candida Yeast cells.

    Urinary Tract Mycoses

    Fungal infection of the kidneys (nephritis mycotica)
    The development of fungal infection in the urinary tract is mostly caused by Candida Albicans. In half the cases, the infection is spread through blood, during injections. The Candida Yeast cells get into the blood and then reach the nephron (basic structure of the kidney), They pass through the wall of the capillaries into the extracellular space, where they multiply and cause inflammation of the kidney and / or the formation of a cortical abscess of the kidneys. The disease can be acute or chronic. Another way of a person getting infected is through the urethra from a permanent catheter. The infection will then spread through the bladder and ureters into the renal pelvis.
    Pathogenicity of the fungi consists of the destructive, mechanical action of the mycelium on the kidney and surrounding tissue, by producing endotoxins and enzymes, which damage other internal organs.

    Fungal inflammation of the urethra (urethritis mycotica)
    The symptoms of fungal inflammation of the urethra are not specific and they consist of burning and pain when urinating. The diagnosis is based on the direct microscopic examination of secretions from the urethra and mycological culture. Infection of the urethra occurs more often in women than men for anatomical reasons- the urethra in women is in close proximity to infected vagina.

    Fungal infection of the urinary bladder and renal pelvis (cystopyelitis mycotica)
    The clinical picture of the disease, as in other urinary tract mycoses, is not typical. The diagnosis is based mainly on a study of mycological culture.

    Fungal inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis mycotica)
    This disease is fostered by a permanent urinary catheter, and urine retention. The infectious factor may be Candida Albicans. The symptoms are not specific, and the Candida Fungi as a cause of infection is not usually taken into account. Detection of Candida fungal cells in the secretion of the prostate is possible through microscopic examination and mycological culture

    Fungal laryngologic diseases

    Fungal otitis media
    Fungal otitis media is less common than inflammation of the external ear. It is usually a complication of chronic bacterial inflammation of the inner ear, or they develop in the postoperative wounds, in 1 - 2 years after the surgery. The main symptom is hearing loss of varying degrees combined with noise in the ear and the presence of secretions. Clinical examination usually shows polyps growing from the tympanic cavity, and abundant purulent secretion.

    Mycosis of nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses (sinusitis rhinitis et mycotica)
    Etiological factor for these conditions is Candida Albicans, Candida Parapsilosis, Candida Krusi, Candida Tropicalis and Candida Guilliermondii. Symptoms relate mainly to maxillary sinus. They are: nasal drainage impairment, especially in the morning, persistent discharge of unpleasant smell, morning facial swelling, severe headaches.

    Fungal infection of the throat (candidosis)
    Etiological factors for this disease are usually Candida Albicans, Candida Krusi and Candida Tropicalis. The disease can have acute and chronic form. Acute form is characterized by sore throat, elevated temperature, general weakness, loss of appetite and dry cough. Tonsils are enlarged, pulpy, and on their surface are visible tiny dots of shiny creamy white coating. After they are mechanically removed, the mucous membrane does not bleed. Sometimes tonsils are covered with a thick layer of white coating, which cannot be removed without bleeding. Lymph nodes are much enlarged and painful. In chronic form, characteristic symptom is the feeling of an obstacle in the throat and low-grade fever. Tonsils are of medium size, and when pressed they release a purulent content. Palatine arches are congested. Sometimes the lymph nodes are enlarged and painful.

    Fungal infection of the larynx
    Predominantly, etiological factor for this disease, is Candida Albicans. It occurs most commonly as mycocis accompanying changes in the bronchi. Predominant symptom is hoarsness, which frequently leads to aphonia and difficulty in swallowing. The epiglottis and vocal folds are covered in vast and thick plates of yellowish coating. Mucous membrane around them is inflamed with granules on its surface.

    Fungal genital infections in women

    Etiologic factors in genital infection in women are mainly Candida Albicans and C. Tropicalis, C. kefyr, C. Guilliermondii, C. Glabrata, C. Krusei and others.

    At the time of birth the mother transmits to her child - the girl strains of bacteria from Lactobacillus Acidophilus group, which colonize the vaginal mucosa of the child, producing the so-called symbiotic resistance. However, it happens that the mother suffers from abnormalities in the composition of the vaginal microbial flora and she is not able to provide her child with an adequate number of friendly bacteria. This makes the child susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections. Candida fungi in the vagina in pregnant women are isolated in 50 - 90% of cases. The reason for this is the increase in the number of gestagens (progesterone), and associated with that an increase in the amount of glycogen in the vaginal epithelial cells. Shifting the pH of the internal environment of the vagina in the direction of alkaline encourages the development of Candida Yeast and its transformation into the fungus.

    In recent years, we observe a significant increase in the incidence in women and it is assumed that currently one in four genital infections is caused by fungus. Most illnesses have been recorded in women between 16 and 30 years of age. Most strongly fungal genital infections affect women - 60% of all cases, to a much lesser extent, men - 20% and girls and boys (total) - 20%.

    Until recently Candida Yeast was considered a natural part of physiological microflora of the vagina and it was only their excessive growth that would cause the disease. Its presence in the vagina shows in 40% of women. Currently, researchers argue that the presence of fungi cells ( Candida Yeast) may constitute a danger for a potential infection, and it requires the prophylactic use of vaginally applied lactic acid bacilli.

    Effect of hormonal regulation and sex differences in the frequency of fungal disease occurrence
    American physicians in the 80s of the last century noticed the difference in incidence of fungal infections among women and men and related this fact to the dissimilarity of hormonal regulation. Greater incidence of the disease in women should be viewed in several different ways including the underlying cause. Could this be related to the abuse of antibiotics? Anecdotal evidence suggests that in fact, it is not. Now, more women than men avoid antibiotics, being aware of this, that after taking them, you may receive vaginal mycosis.

    Primary causes of infection should be sought in the relationship between sex hormones in the menstrual cycle phase, which reflects on the physical changes in the female body. Balance between estrogen and progesterone is essential in maintaining hormonal stability in the woman’s system. Protective factor against the development of fungal infection is physiologically high acidity of the vagina, which in normal conditions is pH 3.5 - 4.5. Such acidity prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms, as most of them begin to multiply at a pH above 4.0; trichomonas at pH 5 - 6, while Candida Yeast and Escherichia Coli bacilli only at pH 5.8 - 7.8.

    Internal vaginal acidity is maintained at a constant level by lactic acid bacilli Lactobacillus Acidophilus, which is the natural bacterial flora. In order to multiply it needs glycogen stored in the cells of the vaginal epithelium. The end product of its metabolism is lactic acid, which maintains internal acidic pH of the vaginal environment stable. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle until menstruation, the levels of hormone – progesterone rises. Progesterone increases the amount of glycogen in epithelial cells of the vagina. One molecule of glycogen is composed of five molecules of glucose, and this is the energy material necessary for the of lactic acid bacteria to multiply. With the increase in their volume, the quantity of lactic acid increases, and thus the acidity of the vagina is raised, acting as a natural protective barrier against bacterial infections during menstruation. In the case of fungal infection development, glycogen stored in the vaginal epithelium is used primarily by fungal cells (Candida Yeast), and not by lactic acid bacilli. Consequently, I have observed worsening of symptoms associated with fungal infection in women in the second phase of their menstrual cycle, and just before menstruation,

    The possibility of fungal infection as a result of bacterial infection treated by antibiotic should also be taken into account, since antibiotics destroy natural microbial flora of the intestines and vagina. Reduced number of bacilli Lactobacillus Acidophilus is unable to produce sufficient amount of lactic acid, and therefore the acidity of the vagina changes in the direction of alkaline, which favors the development of fungal infection.

    Factors fostering Genital Mycosis

    A decline in the system specific immunity - humoral and cellular plays an extremely important role in the increase of the number of cases of fungal infection.

    Factors decreasing general immunity:
    • pregnancy-10% morbidity in the first trimester, 25 - 55% in the second trimester,
    • oral hormonal contraceptives,
    • hormonal preparations used in perimenopause,
    • high carbohydrate diet,
    • diabetes, obesity, impaired glucose tolerance,
    • use of antibiotics,
    • hypothyroidism, adrenal and parathyroid,
    • malnutrition and anemia,
    • certain malignancies (particularly leukemia group),
    • hormonal therapy, cortisone therapy and immunosuppression,
    • coexisting vaginal infections caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, bacteria, and herpes simplex viruses.
    Factors decreasing local immunity:
    • abrasions and injuries resulting in tearing of the mucous membranes and skin,
    • frequent sexual contacts with an infected partner,
    • overheating and excessive humidity in the area of genitourinary organs, which occurs mostly due to wearing underwear made of synthetic fibers,
    • lack of personal hygiene,
    • intra-uterine insert.
    The labia in women who have given birth, no longer seal to protect the entrance to the vagina. Consequently, the development of lactic acid bacilli could be greatly inhibited which will lead to the acidity inside the vagina changing in the direction of alkaline. This will result in facilitating the invasion of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

    Candida Fungal infections in the vagina, opens the gates for bacterial infections. Dr Josef Jonas argues that the mucous membrane of female genital organs, infected with fungal cells, is hypersensitive and produces inflammatory reaction after implantation of only 5 cells of staphylococcus, while healthy mucosa does not show inflammation, even after implantation of a million cells of that bacteria.

    Clinical types of vaginal fungal infections
    1. Acute (pseudomembranous or erythematous) mycosis of the vagina.
    2. Chronic recurrent vaginal mycosis.
    3. Secondary chronic mycosis of the vagina.
    Severity of the disease is the result of the interaction that takes place between the system of the host and the cells of the fungus. In approximately 30% of infected women, the signs of inflammation do not occur or are very low. Infected women feel only slight itching at the vaginal opening, especially before menstruation and unaware of the infection, they may become a risk to their partner. The course of the disease may be acute or chronic and recurrent with periods of improvement and deterioration. Symptoms of fungal infection usually develop rapidly and violently, and they are accompanied by pain, itching and burning sensation within the vagina, which is often made worse after intercourse. Mucous membranes of the vagina and vulva are swollen and red, with visible white spots on the walls of the vagina . At the same time a burning vaginal discharge occurs. It can be thick and cheesy, like curdled milk, or thin and watery. These symptoms are accompanied by pain and burning sensation when urinating, and pain during intercourse. The infection often spreads from the mucous membranes to the skin of the labia, tighs, groin, navel, and in the nipple and intergluteal areas. causing swelling of the tissues and the unpleasant burning and itching sensation. It looks like a typical fungal intertrigo, often with pustular eruptions around the inflamed area. In addition the cervix, atrial gland, bladder and urethra can be infected. Chronic fungal infection can contribute to cervical and vaginal erosions, creating a danger of cancer cells development.

    Often the primary source of the disease is the infected colon, and vaginal infection is only the result of spreading mycelium into the genital organs. I believe this to be one of the reasons for the lack of efficacy of treatment of recurrent vaginal fungal infections. A similar phenomenon also occurs in the case of cystitis, when mycelium spreads onto its walls from the vagina or the colon, causing inflammation and pain. Thus, eliminating symptoms of vaginitis with locally acting medication is therefore often ineffective, yielding only short-term relief.

    Observations on the treatment
    Treatment of fungal infections of genital tract requires a good knowledge and understanding of the pathophysiology of specific symptoms. It is especially important to collect accurate information before the implementation of any therapeutic treatment. Often the only evidence for vaginal fungal infection in a women is the occurrence of this infection in her sexual partner. The treatment of genital mycosis should be carried out at the same time in both partners, regardless of which of them became sick first, and what was the source of infection. The physician should always consider the possibility of overlapping diseases that give similar symptoms. Before recommending the treatment he should exclude bacterial infection, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, herpes or genital warts.

    Mycoses are dangerous, troublesome and difficult to cure. They have a tendency to recur and turn into chronic. Using a good intimate hygiene cleaning agents with acidic pH, relieve symptoms associated with fungal infection, helps in their treatment and prevent their further development by maintaining the acidic pH of the area. Ordinary soap does not have these properties, because it is alkaline. Wearing airy, cotton underwear is also of great importance.

    I believe that the basic condition to begin the treatment of fungal infection in women is not using hormonal contraceptive preparations, or synthetic hormones used in premenopausal and postmenopausal period. Homeopathic remedies may be a good alternative to hormonal therapy.

    Fungal genital infections in men
    The onset of fungal genital infection in men occurs through sexual intercourse with an infected partner. Prone to infection are men with diabetes and those on long-term antibiotic therapy. In many cases, the infection does not give any symptoms, but the men become carriers of Candida Yeast (fungal cells), which infects the prostate gland, genital skin and foreskin. During intercourse and ejaculation, contact with infected semen can cause infection in the partner. Another cause of infection can be any direct physical contact with an infected partner. The infection is fostered by abrasions of the skin or mucous membranes.

    Typical symptoms of the infection by Candida fungi are white spots on the glans, combined with itching and an unpleasant burning sensation, reddening of the skin of the penis, the glans and foreskin mucosa. There may also appear erythematous, exfoliating outbreaks of inflammation, erosions and eruptions of redness. Because of the inflammation, there is a possibility of phimosis development. In many men, an infection of the prostate will causes its inflammation, enlargement and unpleasant painful urge to urinate, frequent urination, burning in the urethra during urination, and pain during ejaculation.

    Laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections - for both sexes

    Laboratory diagnosis is the same for men and women and involves:
  • Samples of the secretions taken from the inflamed outbreaks. The microscopic study of 50 - 70% of cases, shows the presence of mycelium shreds, or Candida Yeast cells.
  • Culture on Saboraud’a substrate (24 - 48 hours).
  • In case of difficulty in identifying the type of infecting fungus, specific diagnostic tests are applied.
  • Fungal infection as cause of infertility
    Very often, fungal infection is the cause of infertility for both women and men. In many cases, it is also a cause of miscarriage and carrying pregnancy to term. In favorable conditions fungus produces female sex hormone 17-beta-estradiol. The effect of his actions on the body is excessive breast development in girls, abnormal menstrual cycle in women. Increase in prolactin secretion also occurs in women. Prolactin is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland and it is responsible for continued functioning of the corpus luteum of the ovary, and the initiating and supporting of lactation. In men, a decline in the quantity and viability of sperm, and gynecomastia - the growth of glandular breast tissue is observed.

    Allergies and their connection with Candida Fungi infections
    Allergies to mold or other fungi are closely related to fungal infections because of cross-allergic reactions. This phenomenon results from the similarity of the chemical, and the organic structure of both. Fungi are one of the main groups of inhalational allergens. Small size of the spores, usually not exceeding 10 microns, allows for their deep penetration into the respiratory system.

    To defend itself from the fungal invasion, body produces specific IgE antibodies. The response of the system to contact with mold spores of other fungi in the air is allergic reaction, with the symptoms reminding pollen allergy. The predominant symptom of this disease is a blockage, and swelling of nasal passages, accompanied by symptoms of eye - tearing, and conjunctival congestion. Direct skin contact with mold cells results in the appearance of skin rashes. Sometimes the reaction of the system can be extremely violent and strong, and may lead to swelling of the lining of bronchi, bronchioli and alveoli, and may even result in a bronchial asthma attack. Most people with sensitivity to this allergen group show symptoms all year-round, with periods of seasonal exacerbations.

    Previously it was thought that allergic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract was the primary, and the development of fungal infection of the digestive tract secondary phenomenon. Currently, it is thought otherwise. In many people cured of the fungal infection with antifungal antibiotics, symptoms of allergies and high levels of antibodies still persist and the phenomenon is due to cross-allergic reaction to the spores of fungi.

    After identifying in a patient any signs of allergies, chronic bronchial diseases, bronchial asthma, I recommend performing diagnostic tests to confirm or rule out fungal infection. Mycological culture of the stool for fungi, bacterial swabs from the nose and throat for staphylococcus and streptococcus, the stool sample for parasites and a test to detect enterobiosis should be performed. Mycological culture of the stools for fungus is a volume test, where the maximum score is described with four plus signs, or in a descriptive way - no growth, growth - mediocre, average, rich and abundant.

    AIDS - a problem of mycosis
    Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. This is an infectious disease characterized by the collapse of the immune system, caused by human immunodeficiency virus - HIV. Concepts of AIDS and HIV are not equivalent. AIDS must be understood as the final stage of HIV infection, characterized by the presence of difficult to treat opportunistic infections, including Candida Yeast. Mycosis is a disease commonly encountered in people with HIV infection. The course of a disease is hard, has a tendency to recur and is often the cause of death. Infection may be spread on the mucous membrane of the mouth, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract - including the alveoli, skin and nails, reproductive organs and tissues of other internal organs.

    Fungal infections in children

    External fungal infections

    Thrush/ Aphthae (Soor)
    This is a severe inflammation of the mouth, which should be classified as internal fungal infection. The changes usually appear in infants infected by Candida Fungi during childbirth, and the infection comes from the mother's reproductive organs. The first symptoms do not appear until several days after infection and involve the palate, cheeks, gums and tongue. Whitish gray outbreaks resembling sour milk appear within the mouth, throat and tongue. In more severe cases, changes may spread to the esophagus and bronchial tubes, making swallowing difficult, causing hoarseness and difficulty in breathing.

    Diaper dermatitis
    It is a form of dermatitis caused by the irritation that is often re-infected – mostly by fungus - Candida Albicans.

    Systemic fungal infections in children

    Invasive form of fungal infection in newborns
    An invasive form of fungal infection in the newborn is a very serious disease and a cause of sepsis with high mortality rate. Particularly dangerous for premature babies is the infection of pathogenic fungus Candida Albicans serotype B, occurring as a hospital infection. Infections can lead to systemic mycosis and mortality in a few days after birth, as for example in cases of infection with HIV. Invasive forms show high activity of enzyme excretion; proteases, lipases, and others. In 1984, the first 26 cases of neonatal sepsis caused by Candida Yeast (fungal cells), with mortality of 28.1%, were described in English medical publications. The frequency of invasive fungal infection in newborns is 1.6 - 4.5%. In infants born with low birth weight, sepsis caused by Candida Yeast occurs in 9% of all blood-borne infections. Newborns, especially born before term and those with low birth weight, are particularly vulnerable to general infections with complications of a septic shock. In newborns carried to term, sepsis occurs at a frequency of 1:1000, in premature newborns at 1:250, and in newborns with extremely low birth weight it occurs in 1:30 cases. Depending on the time of the first occurrence, we can distinguish early sepsis that appears usually within 1 - 5 days of life, and late sepsis that appears after the fifth day. The most common cause of early sepsis is an infection of the child while going through the birth canal. Infants born prematurely, especially those with low birth weight, require the use of invasive diagnostic methods and intensive care, which increases the risk of infection caused by Candida fungi. In addition, the immaturity of the immune system (particularly T lymphocytes, macrophages in lung tissue) predisposes them to infection.
    Candida mycosis in as many as 75% described by the British doctors cases, included two or more internal organs, and the most frequently covered were kidneys, the cerebro-spinal meninges, heart, eyes, bones and bone marrow. In cases when only one organ was infected, most common were cases of bone inflammation, meningitis, and fungal infection of the kidneys. Because each year the number of prematurely born children increases , the risk of fungal infection increases as well.

    The picture of the development of sepsis in the newborn infected with Candida Yeast is no different from sepsis caused by bacteria. The predominant symptoms are temperature spikes, low blood pressure, breathing problems and apnea, abdominal respiration, melena, and carbohydrate intolerance. If symptoms of sepsis in a newborn occur, a possibility of infection caused by Candida always should be considered. During fetal life the child becomes infected in the womb by a sick mother, usually in the last trimester of pregnancy. These infections are fortunately not too frequent. The vagina may be the entry of infection. Infection is fostered by premature damage of the fetal membranes, prematurity and intrauterine contraceptives. Infected mother transmits Candida spores to the unborn child. There are presumptions that during fetal development a child's immune system recognizes Candida Yeast cells as its own tissue and therefore the immune system after birth does not respond to its expansion.

    Mycosis in children born at term
    In children born at term and with normal weight, an alarming sign of infection is atopic (unknown origin), dermatitis, and aphthae (soor) in the mouth. Intestinal wall of a small child is biologically immature, and thus it is leaky. It physiologically allows the antibodies present in breast milk to penetrate into the child's blood, but at the same time it is tight enough to protect his body against pathogens. This protection may however, prove to be inadequate against the development of Candida Fungi.
    Newborn baby can get infected in the womb, but usually the infection occurs during labor. The symptoms in the initial period are mild and usually confined to the presence of oral aphthae. Later, a smaller weight gain, bloating, intestinal colic, and frequent stinky stools occur. Further symptoms include papulopustular eruptions on the skin, inflammatory intertrigos inside the groin, redness and irritation of the skin around the anus. Children show signs of mental and nervous upset such as irritation, restlessness, difficulty in falling asleep and frequent awakenings. Immune system becomes weaker and resistance to bacterial and viral infections decreases. Antibiotic treatment administered for these infections, exacerbates the above-mentioned symptoms.
    When cow’s milk or other xenogenic protein is included in the diet, a cumulative allergic reaction to both the protein and the organic substances present in the mycelium of Candida Fungi and its spores may occur. Allergies occur due to the inflammation, which causes increased permeability of intestinal mucosa to organic compounds that become allergens. Allergic symptoms associated with this condition are referred to as atopic dermatitis (unknown origin), urticaria, systolic condition of the bronchi and obturatory bronchitis (bronchial tubes blocked by a lot of sticky mucous secretions). Tongue is usually covered with white coating. Itching and redness around the anus may occur as well as the possibility of allergic reactions to organic and inorganic ingredients, including tobacco smoke.

    Fungal urinary tract infections in newborns and infants
    Fungal urinary tract infections that are life threatening occur most frequently in newborns and infants that are prematurely born and those with low birth weight. They are fostered by the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, vascular catheters, catheters permanently affixed to the bladder, prolonged intubation and parenteral nutrition. Difficulties in the diagnosis of these diseases result from the absence of characteristic symptoms in clinical imaging. Oliguria or urinary retention may be the first signs of fungal infection development within the kidneys.
    Fungal urinary tract infection (as organ infection), is classified as deep mycosis. It may be exogenous - as a result of infection from permanent urinary catheter, or endogenous (from the blood) - caused by saprophytic Candida Yeast that becomes invasive.

    Indisputable evidence of infection is the presence of Candida Yeast cells in the specimen.

    Autism in children

    Diagnosis of autism in children

    The problem of autism in children is becoming more widespread. This disorder is becoming a serious social problem. The statistics appear to be underestimated because of undetected and undiagnosed cases of the disease.

    Reasons for the development of autism in children
    It seems likely that a significant number of children with autism fell victim to fungal infection. According to the American research, the cause for autism in about 5 - 10% of children was the fungal infection caused by Candida Albicans. Development of this infection was fostered by the reduction in body resistance due to bacterial infections treated with antibiotics or other pharmaceutical preparations, exposure to X-rays in radiological diagnosis, or contact with toxic substances. The current state of knowledge cannot clearly determine whether in the known cases, fungal infection was the primary and sole cause of autism. In the case autism is diagnosed, treatment should be started under the supervision of an experienced physician.

    I believe that if the infection was detected early and curative measures were applied in time, the symptoms of this disease could be reduced substantially. There is ample evidence that Candida Fungus may cause autism and exacerbate many health problems, especially in people with the late onset of the disease. Candida Fungal infection in the mother, who was infected before pregnancy or during it, may be the primary cause of autism in the newborn child. There is a high probability that the cause of this disease may be a buildup of toxins in the body of the child during his fetal life, which were assimilated from an infected mother and then produced by the fungus in his own body.

    According to some medical research, there can be a genetic susceptibility to this disease. This susceptibility is associated with the dysfunction of a protein called metallothionein (MT) Metallothionein is responsible for maintaining proper management of copper and zinc, which is impaired in most patients. MT is a protein of low molecular weight (6000-7000 Da) and high sulfur content. It occurs in the liver, kidneys and bone marrow, where it is responsible for the accumulation of essential trace elements, mainly zinc and copper. MT activates or deactivates these trace elements in the metabolism depending on the needs. Under physiological conditions, metallothionein complexes disintegrate, releasing metal ions necessary for the creation of metalloenzymes such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione transferase. Both of these enzymes are involved in neutralizing free radicals and excreting them from red blood cells. Unfortunately, MT accumulates in internal organs toxic heavy metal ions such as cadmium, mercury, lead, and their presence has a negative impact on the biochemical functioning of the whole organism. Unfortunately, the metabolic functions of metallothionein in the body have not yet been completely researched and no one knows exactly how it effects the overall management of metal ions in the body. Understanding the characteristics of MT may therefore be very useful in medicine.

    Many children with autism show symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, especially mercury. These symptoms include impairment of speech and comprehension, hearing impairment, hypersensitivity to sound and touch, abnormal thinking, anxiety and numbness of the body. Increase in the incidence of autism may be associated with dental treatment. Amalgam, which is a mercury compound, is often used for dental fillings. Some believe that the source of mercury in the body comes from vaccines, but this has not been scientifically proven. There are tests to determine mercury content in the body, such as blood tests and hair element analysis. However, please note that in the case of autistic children, the appearance of symptoms may not arise from long-term exposure to mercury, but from the metallothionein malfunction. It is believed, that in infants the mercury strongly bonds with the tissues of the internal organs, mainly the brain, and as such is not detectable by analysis of blood and hair. High levels of lead, copper, arsenic, antimony and aluminum can cause symptoms similar to mercury poisoning.

    In a typical case of illness, the child’s physical and mental development seems quite normal up to 18 - 24 months of age. He starts to communicate with words, and he shows a normal level of interest in family and surroundings. Then the child succumbs to a minor bacterial or viral infection, which is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. This treatment destroys not only the microbes that caused the disease, but also beneficial bacteria embedded in the large intestine, such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium Bifidus. Early in the course of treatment or after its completion, there appear symptoms resembling digestive disorders, such as abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, and gas, gurgling, diarrhea or constipation. The doctor informs the parents that those symptoms are the signs of the antibiotic intolerance, or side effects that it causes. Candida Yeast as more invasive and more adaptive than beneficial bacteria, displaces them in a short time, and colonizes the large intestine itself. In a very short time they germinate, produce the mycelium and transform into fungus.
    Doctors rarely incorporate into the prescribed antibiotic therapy, the supplements of probiotic bacteria, which by sticking to the intestinal walls would prevent Candida Yeast from proliferation in the colon.

    Shortly after, ominous changes start to occur. The development of speech stops, the ability to speak fades away and sometimes the child completely ceases to communicate with the environment. In the next few weeks or months, the child ceases to respond to external stimuli, loses interest in his parents and surroundings. Anxious parents seeking help from professionals eventually learn that their child suffers from autism.

    The effect of nutrition on the health of an autistic child
    A common ailment in autism is a Leaky Gut Syndrome (leaking intestines). As a result of damage to the intestinal mucosa by the mycelium, allergens with the structure of glycoproteins (a combination of proteins and sugars) as well as chemicals enter the bloodstream. The body’s response to their presence is an allergic reaction. It is believed that antibodies produced to fight these antigens, nonspecifically damage the cells of the immune system. Children with autism have abnormalities in the production of T-lymphocytes (TH2 dominance and lack of TH1). They also show antibodies directed against the myelin sheath of brain nerve cells and the peripheral nervous system. Often, there are also problems with the functioning of the pancreatic secretion of digestive enzymes and the associated problems with digestion of proteins and fats. Due to incomplete digestion of protein, its undigested tiny pieces (peptides) are absorbed in the intestine and secreted into the bloodstream, where they disrupt and impair the functioning of the nervous system. Because these peptides have an opiate structure - known as casomorphins, they produce similar reactions in the body as morphine poisoning. Similar effects result from the gluten of wheat and other cereals, and in this case, the resulting peptides are called glutenomorphins.

    It was observed that children who experienced signs of autism early in life may have trouble digesting casein, while those in which symptoms occurred at about two years of age - with gluten. Some children may have trouble digesting both nutrients. Symptoms may be aggravated by shortages of elements and vitamins due to dietary restrictions, and selective eating. Deficiencies of mineral compounds, most frequently involve zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, and vitamins - C, B6, B12, A, E and folic acid. These elements and vitamins are the part of enzymes involved in protecting the body from free radicals, neutralizing and removing toxic substances.

    A gluten-free and milk-free diet is recommended. This seems to produce positive results in approximately 60% of cases. According to parents’ reports, eliminating casein, which constitutes 2.8% by weight of cow's milk and gluten - a protein in cereals, from the diet, improves the general condition and cognitive abilities in children. Initially, eliminating these nutrients from the diet may have negative effects manifesting themselves in different ailments, and most common are stomachache, anxiety and lethargy. Experience suggests that these are actually indications of a positive body response, which is the removal of toxins from the organs and their short accumulation in the bloodstream. In a very short time after the elimination of toxins from the system, children become more articulate, their contact with parents and other people improves, and they regain better visual and motor coordination,

    People suffering from autism, who underwent antifungal treatment, responded well to medication, and experienced significant health improvement, especially regarding eye contact, speech function, and concentration. During the recovery, a significant reduction in the amount of organic acids excreted in the urine as well as the deterioration of health at the beginning of treatment was observed. This is associated with the massive release of toxins from the destroyed cells of the fungus and their impact on body functions. Improvement occurs after the toxins are naturally removed from the body. Drinking mineral or filtered water is recommended to accelerate the rate of the removal.

    Here is the questionnaire prepared by The Autism Research Institute in San Diego, California, to help parents diagnose fungal infection in their children.

    Try to answer the following questions:
    • Did your child have aphthae (soor) in infancy?
    • Did your child suffer from intestinal colic?
    • Did your child suffer from diaper rash?
    • Does the deterioration of the physical and mental health of your child occur on rainy days or in damp and dark rooms?
    • Does your child suffer from dermatomycosis or onychmycosis ?
    • Did the child suffer from hives rashes, itchy skin, intertrigos or any other skin diseases?
    • Did the child suffer from ear infections or respiratory tract infections, which were treated with antibiotics?
    • Did autism symptoms appeared in your child shortly after antibiotic treatment?
    • Has your child had problems with the digestive tract, such as constipation or diarrhea, or other?
    • Does your child have an overly intense sensitivity to odors, such as gasoline, paints, and cleaning agents?
    • Does the child have a large appetite for sugar and starch-containing foods?
    • Does the food that your child requests and consumes contain large amount of those components?
    • Was your child exposed or had chicken pox, before the probable beginning of the development of Candida fungus infection?
    If you answer “yes” to some of the above questions, consult your pediatrician and ask for a stool culture in order to confirm or rule out the infection caused by the Candida Fungus.


    The use of proper diet is one of the most important elements of treatment for autism.

    Candida Yeast feeds on glucose from the digested sugars and starch products. Thus in order not to provoke them to excessive reproduction, there is a need for a diet with limited quantities of carbohydrates. Products such as sugar, sweets, honey, fruits, cakes, etc. should be absolutely excluded from the diet. Due to the characteristics of the disease, it is advisable to completely eliminate milk and all its preparations from the diet as well as products containing gluten, such as wheat, rye, barley and oats. It is also recommended to not eat pickles, sauerkraut or tofu, because products subjected to fermentation, may contain mold. Food products should be fresh and preferably organic.
    Corn, brown rice, wild rice, buckwheat and millet can be consumed in small quantities. Products such as chicken, turkey, duck, beef, veal, lean pork, lamb, goat meat, rabbit, venison, pheasants, quail, fish, seafood and eggs are also allowed in the diet. All vegetables are allowed except for those that contain a large quantity of starch, like potatoes or a large quantity of sugar, which are cooked carrots and red beets.

    Treatment of autism should also consist of:
    • Using natural herbal antifungal supplements, and supporting the elimination of toxins released by a damaged fungal cells,
    • Restoration of normal intestinal bacterial flora through the use of prebiotics and probiotics,
    • Strengthening the body's immune system,
    • Cellular nutrition through appropriate supplementation with mineral compounds and vitamins,
    • Removing heavy metals from the body.
    Vitamin B5 - pantothenic acid, fosters the growth of bacteria beneficial to our health. It prevents the emergence of neurological symptoms such as "brain fog" and increases the sensitivity of the organism to the influence of allergens

    Psoriasis as a type of Mycosis

    This topic was raised in a scientific publication that was published in the Archives of Dermatology (Volume 120 April 1984). The article was written by Nancy Crutcher, MD, E. William Rosenberg, MD, Patricia W. Belew, PhD, Robert B. Skinner, Jr., MD, N. Fred Eaglstein, DO, and described/ 4 cases of psoriasis that had been treated in a standard way for 10 - 25 years and eventually cured in a few months after the oral administration of Nystatin.

    Robert B. Skinner, Jr. and E. William Rosenberg, published in 1994, studies showing that psoriasis of the hands is often associated with fungal infection. The patients were administered Nystatin , a mild antifungal drug, normally used to treat fungal infections of the bowel. 7 out of 9 patients with symptoms of chronic psoriasis achieved a significant improvement.

    Numerous other published studies also confirm the correlation between the fungal inflammation of the intestines, and dermatological diseases. One might think that the publication of such information would cause a revolution in medicine, but no such thing has happened. Despite many such publications that have emerged so far, fungal infection is still not recognized as a underlying cause of so many diseases of unknown etiology.

    The role of gluten in masking the symptoms of Mycosis

    When I analyze the results of the Candida Fungal infections treatment, I conclude that, in approximately 40% of cases there is a simultaneous intolerance of gluten - the protein contained in most cereal products. Eliminating gluten from the diet, greatly speeds up the process of recovery. For this reason, I present below the detailed description of the role of gluten in masking the symptoms of mycosis.

    General Information
    In the twentieth century, the gluten content in wheat was increased from 50 to 90% by the selection of grain varieties. Thanks to that process, a better taste and tenderness of bread and pastry has been achieved. According to the Codex Alimentarius guidelines established by the World Health Organization (data from 2000), gluten-free foods are defined as those, which naturally do not contain gluten, as well as those that have been made from grains where gluten was previously removed. WHO standards for gluten- free food, permit of 0.2 g of gluten per 1 kg of dry substance. For gluten-free products In the U.S. and Canada only those foods that are made strictly from naturally gluten-free raw products are considered gluten-free.
    Nowadays, in view of the increasingly better diagnostic methods, a full-blown classic form of the disease associated with gluten intolerance known as celiac disease, is seldom reported. It occurs with average frequency of 1: 1000, however the form with very few or no symptoms at all is diagnosed 5 times more often, which is 1: 200 – 300. Certain factors can influence the occurrence of celiac disease or its latent form. These may include genetic factors, the age at which gluten was introduced into the diet, and the age at which hypersensitivity to gluten was developed. The other factors may include but not be limited to some concomitant diseases such as infection of adenovirus 12, infectious diarrhea, and I suppose Candida fungal infection of the digestive tract. Gluten intolerance is a systemic disease, although is usually associated strictly with the symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract. It may occur at a different age, contrary to the popular belief that it begins only in childhood after the introduction of gluten in the diet.

    Gluten is a plant protein, present in wheat, rye, oats and barley. In terms of molecular structure it is a heterogeneous, polymorphic protein, containing about 75 - 86% protein, 10% polysaccharides, 8% lipids and approximately 2% minerals. It consists of a protein called prolamin and glutelin. Gliadin is the best-known prolamin, and wheat glutein is the best-known glutelin. When flour is mixed with water, gluten gives the mass a plastic consistency, gives it its stickiness, toughness, resilience and elasticity. Its durability and ability to contain the carbon dioxide produced in the fermentation of yeast in sour dough makes the baking goods soft and fluffy.
    The cause for adverse digestive reactions is gliadin, which contains large amounts of amino acids and glutamic acid. It is divided into alpha, beta and gamma gliadin, and the most harmful for the body is alpha gliadin. Barley prolamin called hordein, rye sekalin and oats prolamin called awenin have similar properties.

    Pathogenic properties of gluten
    The reaction of the organism to these proteins is very strong and causes an acute inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Histamine, which is released during the allergic reaction, causes swelling, pain and itching. Gliadin damages enterocytes, which are the epithelial cells lining the intestinal villi of the mucosa of the small intestine, causing at first changes in their shape and, eventually, atrophy. Enterocytes are responsible for the production of intestinal hormones - secretin, cholecystokinin and GIP, and others. Damage to the structure of the small intestine, leads to significant impairment of absorption of nutrients. This consequently leads to malnutrition, weight loss, impairment of intestinal motility with symptoms of diarrhea, impairment of gallbladder and pancreatic endocrine functioning, and impairment of carbohydrates digestion.

    Clinical symptoms of gluten intolerance
    The clinical picture depends on the age of the patient.
    Full-blown Celiac disease occurs in children under 2 years of age whose diet contained gluten. In children, the remnants of undigested food cause abdominal pain and frequent foaming, fermented and loose stools. In small children, the main symptom may be persistent vomiting. The result of this ongoing chronic illness is the loss of body fat and muscle tissue, slowing or halting of growth, protein malnutrition, anemia, disturbances in the water and electrolyte balance as well as mineral, vitamin and unsaturated fatty acids deficiency. The characteristics of full-blown Celiac disease in children are a large protruding abdomen, anorexia, apathy, sadness and negative attitude to the environment.
    Adults may experience discomfort, vague abdominal pain, bloating and gas, heartburn, nausea and loose stools periodically.
    People suffering from Celiac disease, with hidden symptoms of gluten intolerance and people suffering from fungal infection should follow a gluten-free and low carb diet. A doctor treating the patient should determine whether the symptoms of both diseases overlap to exclude one or the other and provide the accurate diagnose. Gluten intolerance can often be mistaken for a fungal infection and the other way round.

    Gluten- free food products

  • rice,
  • corn,
  • soybean,
  • millet,
  • buckwheat,
  • tapioca (glued granular starch from cassava tubers),
  • beans,
  • peas,
  • amaranth (purple),
  • carob,
  • “flour” made from ground nuts,
  • cassava,
  • potatoes.

  • Obtained by modification of foods containing gluten:
  • gluten-free wheat starch.

  • Gluten may also be present in such products as:
  • delicatessen products, gourmet food,
  • ground/minced meat,
  • sausages, brawn (head cheese), black pudding,
  • pates,
  • kielbasa,
  • canned meat, fish and vegetables,
  • hard cheese,
  • condensed milk,
  • coffee substitutes,
  • alcohols,
  • medicines – painkillers, aspirin, vitamins,
  • flavored milk products - yogurt, cheese and beverages,
  • sauces and tomato pastes, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise,
  • soups and sauces in liquid, powder, or cube,
  • marzipan,
  • halvah,
  • stuffed chocolate,
  • candy, chewing gum,
  • flavored chips,
  • corn cereal,
  • cereal sprouts,
  • fruit,
  • beer,
  • drugs.

  • Symptoms of gluten intolerance are very similar to the symptoms of Candida Fungi infection. The right diagnose can be established only through the laboratory tests.

    Symptoms common to fungal disease and gluten intolerance
    • chronic fatigue syndrome,
    • irritability,
    • fatigue, aversion to physical labor and intellectual effort
    • chronic sinusitis,
    • food allergies,
    • multiform skin eruptions - around the elbows, knees, buttocks, arms, neck and scalp,
    • abdominal pain,
    • constipation, or diarrhea,
    • intestinal flatulence (gas)
    • heartburn,
    • vomiting,
    • sore throat,
    • headache,
    • pain in muscles and tendons,
    • swollen neck lymph nodes,
    • weakened skin sensibility , tingling, burning and itching,
    • asthma,
    • desire to eat sweets,
    • symptoms of anemia combined with heart palpitations.
    Symptoms unique to fungal infection only:
    • athlete's foot,
    • low body temperature below 36.6 ° C
    • cold night sweats,
    • feeling of weakness on damp days or after bathing,
    • discomfort after exposure to molds, dust, chemicals, environmental pollutants,
    • heartache and palpitations.
    Symptoms unique to gluten intolerance
    • numbness in hands and feet,
    • dizziness caused by folic acid deficiency,
    • flu-like symptoms and intestinal flu-like symptoms in the form of diarrhea, weakness, muscle , bone and joint pain,
    • dizziness, peripheral nerve damage and central nervous system cell damage, occurring in approximately 5% of people with Celiac disease. Type of problems that arise, depend on what types of cells have been damaged and how extensive it is.

    • The symptoms can be so very different: • ringing, whistling and noise in the ears • numbness in the feet • irregular menstrual cycles or their absence • delay of the first menstruation.
    Treatment of Systemic Mycosis

    General Remarks
    As the old adage says: “If you want to destroy your enemy you should get to know him well”. In the process of treatment, the physician has to posses adequate knowledge of the disease, and the close cooperation between the physician and patient is required. The purpose of this is to gain complete control by the physician over the course of treatment, so he can correct and supervise the proper diet and the use of supplements by the patient.

    The mistake that conventional medical doctors make in treating fungal infections is concentrating strictly on destroying the fungus with antifungal antibiotics. Without changing the diet, enhancing immune system functioning, use of preparations for the so-called cellular nutrition as well as probiotics, all their efforts are in vain and in short time the infection relapses.

    Candida Fungi spores (Candida Yeast cells) from the beginning of the treatment, circulate in the blood for a period of 2 - 3 years and therefore have a potential possibility of causing the infection outbreak. I must acknowledge this sad fact from my experience and observations. Candida Yeast cells which are nested in the internal organs, germinate, and by creating mycelium transform into fungus, which overwhelms the entire organism in the course of several hours. For this reason, strengthening the immune system should be the primary goal of treatment and daily prevention. Full recovery takes approximately 1 year, and this time is contingent upon the length of the diseases duration and the degree of damage to internal organs. Preparations of natural origin, chelates (compounds of metal attached to organic compounds), and homeopathic medicines that are used to treat fungal infection must be selected individually. They must have a specific action, and a destructive effect on the fungus, they must support the immune system and act as nutrients. It is worth to note that sometimes during a long-term illness, impairment to the functioning of the internal organs may occur. The longer the disease, the greater the damages will be. For this reason, the sooner fungal infection is treated, the faster the recovery with less damage to internal organs.

    Treatment with antifungal antibiotics is ineffective, because Candida Yeasts reached a much higher level of development than bacteria, and for this reason, it better and more quickly adapts to changing environmental conditions. It is therefore more difficult to destroy, as it quickly acquires resistance to medicine. I include them in the treatment only in special cases when the patient's general condition is of concern, in order to obtain a rapid and short-term effect. I am always concerned about the side effects that arise during their application, which is relatively frequent.

    What is the purpose of a diet with limited amounts of carbohydrates?
    To begin with, I recommend implementing a low-carbohydrate diet with total elimination of sugar and confectionery products. Introducing this type of diet is very difficult, due to the fact that sugar is an addictive factor, and its impact on the brain is similar to that of drugs. Eating sweets and carbohydrates during the treatment will cause a relapse of the disease, which I so often encountered in my patients. Even eating too many low glycemic index carbohydrates, may contribute to the recurrence of Candida Yeast. Treatment in such cases should be started all over again from the beginning.

    Garlic and its preparations
    Excellent results in the eradication of the fungus can be achieved by introducing garlic and its preparation into the diet. Selection of the garlic supplement should depend on the size of the therapeutic dose, which we want to use. I recommend the adult dose of not less than 1000 mg of active allicin. Garlic blocks the access of glucose into the fungus cell. Deprived of their food the fungus cells starve and die. Allicin, an active compound of garlic is the strongest substance working in this way. Raw garlic cloves can also be consumed, but I do not recommend garlic imported from China.

    Excellent garlic preparations, which can be made at home, are its aqueous solutions. Here are the recipes:
    1. Take five cloves of garlic, chop or crush and set aside for 10 minutes, then pour 250 ml of cold boiled water and allow to stand for 2 - 3 hours. Drink during the day in small portions. The solution can also be used for intimate hygiene in the case of vaginal mycosis.
    2. Take five cloves of garlic, chop finely and set aside for 10 minutes, then pour 250 ml boiling water and allow to stand for 2 - 3 hours. Drink during the day in small portions. The solution can also be used for intimate hygiene in the the case of vaginal mycosis.
    3. Take five cloves of garlic, chop finely, set aside for 10 minutes, Then pour 250 ml boiling water and boil for 3 minutes. Drink during the day in small portions. The solution can also be used for intimate hygiene in the case of vaginal mycosis.
    Vilcacora (Uncaria tomentosa)( Cat’s Claw)
    This plant has anti-inflammatory and, antibacterial activity (enhances phagocytosis). It also acts as antimutagen, antioxydant, immunostimulant, and antikoagulant. It reduces the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, cleanses the digestive tract (especially large intestine) and prevents intestinal imbalance. It also reduces glycemia in diabetes and heals stomach ulcers. Vilcacora also proves beneficial in such conditions as arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and allergies. It lowers high blood pressure, acts as an antidepressant, diuretic and cytotoxin in cancer - inhibits cancer cell division. It also exhibits antiviral properties - accelerates growth of leukocytes, especially TH4. I believe that Vilcacora is the best and the most effective herbal supplement in fighting fungal infection. Another advantage of using this herb is the fact that it also removes the destroyed fungal cells from the system quickly and effectively. It should however be included in the treatment carefully and doses should be increased gradually. Administration of high dose in the initial stage of treatment may result in the release into the bloodstream of too many toxins and therefore it may cause several adverse side effects.

    Devil's claw (Pau d'Aarco or La Pacho)
    Devil's claw preparations are helpful in fighting parasites, but they also prevent fungal infections, lower blood sugar levels, and facilitate digestion. Lapacnol - the active ingredient of Pau d 'Arco may be used in the treatment of some malignancies. The plant contains large amounts of iron, thus facilitates hematopoiesis.It also has detoxifying effect on the body: purifies the blood and internal organs from excess toxins and poisons, increases the body’s resistance, and forces it to fight the disease. Therefore, its effect is so quick and efficient. The researchers found that Pau d 'Arco has antibiotic activity (kills harmful germs), but shows no side effects. I often use Pau d 'Arco preparations in cases where parasites and fungal infection are present at the same time.

    Noni juice preparations
    Preparations based on Noni fruit juice have a very good therapeutic effect in the elimination of central nervous system (CNS) disorders. They increase the production of nitric oxide in the body, which stimulates the proper functioning of the cells of the nervous system. Nitric oxide as a main neuromudulator plays an important role in the proper transmission of nerve stimuli in the central nervous system (brain) and thus improves concentration, memory and learning ability. Noni also contains serotonin –a neurotransmitter, which transmits nerve impulses to the tissues. Serotonin level determines whether the nerve signals sent from the brain will be able to access the relevant executive organs. Serotonin is also involved in the transmission of stimuli and the exchange of information between neural networks within the brain itself. Low serotonin level is found in people behaving aggressively and those suffering from depression.

    Aloe Vera
    Preparations based on Aloe Vera plant are used in gastroenteritis, ulcerative colitis and gastric and duodenal ulcer, because they reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid. Aloe Vera is also used in spasticity, neuralgia, rheumatic joint pain, in bronchial asthma, in eye diseases (inflammation of the cornea, turbidity, degenerative changes, conditions after transplants, conjunctivitis), in the treatment of burns, skin ulcers and skin cracks, in the treatment of bites by animals and insects, in the treatments of rashes and bedsores, and in periodontal disease and inflammation of oral mucosa

    Alkalizing the body
    An alkaline environment is a favorable condition for fungal infection to develop; however, fungi itself create an acidic environment, which is detrimental to our health, and a typical symptom of mycosis. In the case of long-term shifts of the pH toward the acidic reaction in the system, a participation of acidic products of metabolism in the cellular fluids and urine is increased, which can lead to serious disturbances in the body.
    I believe that a good and fast effect in alkalizing the organism can be achieved by implementing a diet rich in alkaline and neutral foods, as well as removing toxins by drinking high quality water.


    Treatment should consist of:
    1. Changes in diet and eating habits.
    2. Different ways of combining nutrients (optional).
    3. Elimination refined sugar and all of its products from the diet.
    4. Limiting the consumption of highly processed foods and foods rich in carbohydrates.
    5. Strengthening the body's immune system through the administration of probiotics, vitamins, chelated metals, mineral compounds, vegetable compounds and homeopathic remedies.
    6. Change in lifestyle.
    7. Psychological assistance, if necessary.
    8. Use of supporting treatments such as:
    Cleansing bath - with ginger and horsetail herb
    The application of this bath is designed to release toxins from the skin, by provoking excess sweating. Place three large handfuls of horsetail herb into 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain and pour into the prepared bath. Add 3 - 4 tablespoons of powdered ginger. The bath has a strong warming and diaphoretic effect. After the bath, one should be covered with a warm blanket, to avoid heat loss through expanded skin pores. This bath should be used with caution when applied to children. Also proper hydration should be maintained.

    The salt bath
    The application of this bath is to remove toxins from the body. Pour and dissolve 1 kg of rock salt into the prepared bath. Stay in the bath for 20 minutes.

    Garlic enema of fungicidal and anti-pinworm activity
    Pour 1 cup of warm boiled water over 4 large cloves of crushed garlic and allow to stand for 2 - 3 hours. Strain, and apply as an enema. Applied at body temperature. As an anti-pinworm treatment repeat every 2 days, and as a fungicide every few days. Treatment should be assisted by the daily drinking of 1 / 3 cup of lemon juice (can be diluted with water).

    Symptoms of detoxification of the body (secondary accumulation of toxins)
    One of the main problems in the course of treatment of systemic mycosis lasting for many years, is the side effects resulting from detoxification. Removing toxins is an important element in the treatment of this disease. Herbal compounds that are used to treat fungal infection, cause rapid disintegration of the mycelium and thus the release of toxic substances into the bloodstream. Accumulation of fungal toxins and waste substances of the regular body metabolism disturbs the body's biochemical processes and affects the functioning of the immune system. Toxins are excreted through the digestive tract, kidneys, liver and skin. The weakened body often does not keep pace with removing them in such large quantities. This phenomenon is very inconvenient and unpleasant for the patient and in certain cases can be dangerous. In the case of the increasing negative symptoms, sometimes I recommend that the dosage of the herbal preparation is reduced. In order to facilitate the removal of accumulated toxins, I recommend drinking 2 liters of good quality water a day.

    The list of adverse symptoms associated with removal of fungus and its toxins from the body:
  • diarrhea,
  • abdominal pain
  • dizziness,
  • feeling sick,
  • tremor,
  • mental hyperactivity,
  • fear and anxiety,
  • difficulties in concentration,
  • itching and skin blemishes.

  • Hypoglycemia (a drop in blood sugar)
    An unfavorable phenomenon during the treatment of fungal infection, which often cannot be avoided in some people, are the symptoms of hypoglycemia. This means a condition in which the amount of glucose in the blood is reduced below 50 - 60 mg%.
    Each person is a biochemical individual and it is difficult to predict all reactions of the organism to the treatment. In a large number of people using the high carbohydrate diet before starting the treatment, we are dealing with an unstable insulin secretion, disproportionate to the type and amount of food consumed. In humans with the tendency to hypoglycemia, any kind of food, whatever its nature causes excessive secretion of insulin into the bloodstream, then rapid shift of the sugar into the cells, and a drop in its concentration in the blood. The introduction of a strict low carbohydrate diet is aimed at inhibiting the development of Candida Yeast, which feeds on glucose. Symptoms of hypoglycemia are manifested by constant fatigue, decrease in energy, decreased mental efficiency, strong anxiety, irritation, increased sweating, trembling, and myalgia. Low blood sugar undermines the efficiency of mental health more than physical health, because brain cells are particularly sensitive to the lack thereof. Adverse symptoms associated with this phenomenon are sometimes so strongly expressed, that they raise serious concerns in the patient. The proper, stable secretion of insulin from the pancreas, and what goes with it - your blood sugar, can be obtained within 3 - 4 months, by changing the manner of combining nutrients, and eating natural foods.

    Diet in the treatment of fungal infection

    General remarks
    The most difficult thing for patients in the treatment of fungal infection is understanding the principles of the antifungal diet. The diet in the treatment of fungal infection for many people is a path of agony, sacrifice and perpetual restrictions. This diet is very low in carbohydrate and based on natural unprocessed foods. There is no single universal diet for all the people treated for fungal infection. Its scope should always be selected individually, due to numerous differences in the digestion of various nutrients. There are patients who can not tolerate gluten, or certain types of vegetables, soy protein, pork, some beef, mushrooms, raw vegetables, etc. One should not eat foods that interfere with his digestion or cause allergies.

    In people with slow metabolism, the secretion of gastric juices is usually reduced, which may cause problems with the digestion of proteins and fats. The remnants of undigested protein remaining in the intestines are subject to fermentation, causing dyspepsia - gas, bloating, nausea, and intestinal gurgling. Additional fermentation of sugar into carbon dioxide caused by Candida Yeast will exacerbate the above symptoms causing a typical gastrointestinal tract disorder characteristic for this disease. Therefore, in fungal treatment I always recommend combining protein with raw and boiled vegetables for better digestion and faster elimination undigested remnants from the system. Small amounts of fresh, natural, unpasteurized buttermilk, kefir, and yogurt can be consumed. They contain friendly bacteria, so valuable to our health such as lactic acid bacilli Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus. These bacteria make the digestion process easier and more efficient. These bacteria, however, do not permanently inhabit the colon. For therapeutic purposes, special preparations of bacterial strains resistant to stomach acid and bile salts are used. I recommend excluding pasteurized and homogenized milk and its products from the diet, since the processing of homogenization and pasteurization change the structure of proteins.


    I recommend making your own cold cuts, pastrami and other types of lunchmeat at home. Use raw, unprocessed meats from organic natural farms. Any type of meat such as beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken is recommended as long as it is lean, and does not contain any additives. I do not recommend eating hot dogs as they are made from low quality meat, and may contain ground bones, cartilage, skin and tendons. I recommend eating wild caught fish, especially small type of fish, as the big species contain higher level of mercury and other heavy metals. People who have digestive problems should not eat bullions. Digesting protein in bullion requires 30 times more energy than digesting meat. I recommend eating organic chicken eggs. Egg protein has high (90%) bioavailability, which means that from 100 g of egg, our body uses 90% of its volume weight, and meat only 60 - 70%. Egg is a high-value food product, because it contains all the necessary amino acids and vitamins such as B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E. It does not contain vitamin C. Egg is also a good source of the majority of minerals: iodine, which is necessary for proper thyroid function, zinc, which is necessary for growth, fighting infections and wound healing, selenium, which is an important antioxidant and calcium and phosphorus which are necessary for the healthy bone structure, as well as the functioning of peripheral nerves. Eggs also contain a significant amount of ionized iron, a component of red blood cells. Please note, that if eggs cause an allergic reaction, they should be completely eliminated from the diet.

    Vegetables and carbohydrates with low glycemic index
    Raw vegetables reduce the glycemic index of other nutrients. For salads I recommend celery, cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, zucchini, garlic, onion, parsley, white cabbage, red cabbage, Savoy cabbage, carrots, peppers, chives, dandelion, fennel, kohlrabi, leek, mustard leaves, radishes, sprouts (except Mung bean), turnip and watercress. L- Glutamine, which is present in red beet juice has a Positive impact on healing the intestinal wall. Beet juice should be diluted with water and consumed in small amounts. I also recommend small amounts of rye sourdough bread, as it has a relatively low glycemic index, and it is low in gluten as well. People with gluten intolerance should not include it in the diet. The bread should be yeast free, and should not contain additives or preservatives of any kind.

    Dietary Fiber
    Dietary fiber is the fiber that is the part of the cell walls of plants. It is built of carbohydrates that are not digested by human digestive enzymes. Fiber is essential for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. By soaking up water it increases the volume of food in the intestines and helps move the fecal masses through the intestinal tract. Although dietary fiber has no energy value, it plays an important role in the digestive process, by reducing the absorption of carbohydrates, and thus the level of sugar in the blood. The largest amount of dietary fiber can be found in foods containing carbohydrates of low glycemic index. These include vegetables, legumes and whole grains. The structure of dietary fiber creates a friendly environment for lactic acid bacilli reproduction. Once the "friendly" bacteria reach the small and large intestines, they need dietary fiber to stay alive. Recommended daily fiber intake is 25-30 g for both men and women.

    There are two types of dietary fiber:
    • The first type, which is insoluble fiber, is called cellulose and hemicellulose. This fiber normalizes intestinal patency by absorbing water, and thus increasing the volume of fecal masses, making it soft and reducing the amount of time in which it passes through the intestines. It also absorbs harmful bacteria and toxic waste from the damaged fungal cells, which leads to its rapid removal from the body. It helps to maintain hygiene in the large intestine by preventing the formation of fecal stones, hemorrhoids, or the occurrence of polyps and colon cancer. I recommend consuming fiber in the form of raw or cooked vegetables. Fiber deficiency is the cause of most problems associated with constipation.
    • The second type of fiber is water-soluble fiber (gum, pectin). This fiber reduces the absorption of fats in the digestive process, and thus reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis. Both insoluble and soluble fibers minimize the effect of toxic substances on the intestinal walls.
    Doctors often make a mistake by recommending excluding raw or cooked vegetables from the diet. Vegetables are the source of valuable proteins, carbohydrates, fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system.
    The fiber present in vegetables and other foods should be thoroughly chewed; otherwise, it will have a completely opposite effect on the large intestine. It will cause flatulence, and it will activate the process of decay. Similar symptoms may occur in some people when vegetables are eaten with bread and grains. In cases like that, I recommend eating them separately. If the symptoms still persist, I recommend eating only cooked vegetables in the initial stage of the diet. However, carrots and red beets should be excluded due to their high glycemic index. Please note that salads purchased in stores contain additives, such as sugar, mayonnaise, vinegar and preservatives.

    In a proper antifungal diet, animal fat should be limited. Small amounts of butter can be consumed because of the anti-cancer properties of butyric acid, which can prevent the development of colon cancer cells.
    I recommend flax seed oil and cold pressed olive oil to be used with fresh vegetable salads. They are a good source of essential fatty acids (EFA) in the respective proportions of omega - 3 and omega – 6. Grape seed oil can be also used but it has no medicinal properties as the other two oils mentioned above, and it is usually hot-pressed.
    Margarines are not suitable for consumption. They contain trans-isomer fatty acids, which are products of chemical hydrogenation. When the body tries to use the trans-fats in necessary physiological reactions, they will not be effective. Trans isomer fatty acids will impair heart performance, weaken the immune system and have many other negative effects on the body.
    Frying can be done only in a small amount of fat, due to its high decomposition temperature. After frying, the leftover fat should be discarded because it contains harmful chemicals.

    I recommend drinking about 2 liters of good filtered or spring water, high-grade green tea and herbal teas. I do not recommend drinking fluids for less than 30 minutes before, during and after the meal, because they dilute stomach juices. For alkalizing of the body I recommend drinking 1 / 4 - 1 cup of lemon juice or grapefruit juice diluted with water. Despite the fact that these juices are sour in taste, they have an alkalizing effect on the body.

    Rules for the selection of nutrients

    Reducing carbohydrate
    CandidaYeast feeds on simple sugars, mainly glucose and small amounts of amino acids. All carbohydrates contain starch (potatoes, rice, cereal, bread), which in the process of digestion degrade ultimately into simple sugars. By eating larger quantities of these foods we will feed Candida Yeast. For this reason it is very important to maintain a low carbohydrate diet.
    When buying food products in the store one should check labels for any of the so-called added sugar known as carbohydrates, sugar, sucrose, saccharose, glucose, fructose, maltose, galactose or lactose. Some people use fructose as a food sweetener, and they are not aware that it is metabolized into glucose. If someone cannot do without sweetening their drinks or foods, Stevia or Xylitol can be used. These products are excreted from the body unchanged, and they do not feed Candida Yeast. However, these sugars are not well tolerated by the body in every case.

    Rules for composing the diet
    The correct composition of food products saves body energy in the digestive process. The selection of nutrients should be guided by the glycemic index (GI) of food products and their impact on acidic-alkaline balance on the system. In the distinction between what is acidic and what is alkaline, there are many misunderstandings. Products with a sour taste, such as lemons and grapefruits as well as most vegetables are alkalizing. After being metabolized and assimilated, they produce an alkaline environment inside the body. Acidifying are, however, all meat, and fish and flour and eggs. It is surprising that milk is alkalizing, but its products are clearly acidifying.

    It is important to maintain a balanced and diversified diet with a variety of plant and animal products. Some food products are acidifying while the others are alkalizing. The diet rich in protein , but poor in vegetables, will acidify the body. The acidic-alkaline balance will be maintained if we eat bread and meat or eggs with a variety of vegetables - cooked or raw.

    Candida Yeast multiplies in an alkaline environment, but it, itself, creates an acidic environment in the body of a sick person. Eating vegetables, because of their natural acidity, may prevent the reproduction of Candida Yeast in the digestive track. Since fruit contains fructose its consumption may contribute to feeding Candida Yeast and thus to the development and expansion of Candida Fungus. Fruit should not be consumed in the initial stage of the treatment. The exceptions are lemons and sour grapefruits, which create highly alkalizing environment in the body.
    Below I present a list of suggested food products that are alkalizing and those that have low glycemic index (IG). These products are the best to be used in an antifungal diet.

    Separate Diet
    I recommend Separate Diet (separate eating of products belonging to different food classes) in humans suffering from Fungal Infection, in the following cases:
    • general problems with digestion with symptoms of indigestion,
    • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract - duodenogastric reflux, gastrooesophageal reflux, inflammation of mucous membranes of the stomach, duodenum, small intestine and colon,
    • in the case of strong gas and bloating,
    • in the case of overweight or obesity.
    People suffering from Fungal Infection, who do have the above mentioned problems, do not need to implement a separate diet. They can combine protein, carbohydrates and fats in one meal.

    Meat and starch have different digestion times. Starchy carbohydrates, such as bread, potatoes or pasta are digested in the stomach after approximately 2 hours, and meat after about 4 hours. Mixed meal consisting of meat and starch is digested approximately 7 - 8 hours, which is twice as long as if the products were consumed separately. Longer digestion may mean using more energy and enzymes. Proteins are broken down in the stomach with hydrochloric acid. Carbohydrates require an alkaline environment for digestion, and they are pre digested in the mouth with an enzyme called ptyalin. When we eat a lot of protein mixed with starch, the effectiveness of digestive juices is greatly impaired, and their interaction is mutually neutralized. When the protein is not completely digested it begins to rot, incompletely digested carbohydrates ferment, and undigested fats become rancid. The result of these reactions is the acidity of the body. Thus, in the antifungal diet there is a certain way of composing nutrients, in order to create optimal conditions for the digestive process.

    Food products not recommended in the first stage of the treatment:

    In the first stage of treatment the following food products should be avoided:
    • starchy foods with a high Glycemic Index,
    • sugars and all of its products, sweeteners,
    • store purchased milk and its products ( natural milk that is not pasteurized or homogenized is allowed)
    • fruit (except lemons and sour grapefruits),
    • fermented products - blue cheese, raw sauerkraut ,pickled cucumbers, tofu from soybeans,
    • black coffee and black tea
    • bread crumbs,
    • alcohol and vinegar , except for apple vinegar,
    • baking powder, spice or herbal mixtures containing monosodium glutamate, chewing gum, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, horseradish in vinegar, store purchased sauces
    • hamburgers, chips, graham wheat bread, crackers,
    • peanut butter, margarine ,vegetable oils (except for cold pressed flaxseed oil, olive oil, cold pressed, grape seed oil),
    • cold cuts containing preservatives , additives and low grade meat ( cartilage, skin, ground bones).
    Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

    The selection of nutrients in the initial phase of treatment should be guided by the Glycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL). Glycemic Load may simply be defined as the percentage of sugar (glucose) in a particular product. It is also the amount of glucose the body receives after digestion of the food. Glycemic Index determines the rate of sugar absorption from digested food into the body.

    The total value of the Glycemic Index for the whole meal should be around 45, but not more than 50.The higher the GI value of a particular food product or a meal as a whole, the less it is recommended for people suffering from Fungal Infection. This does not mean that starchy foods with a relatively high Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load should be completely avoided. These products should simply be combined in a meal with other products of low GI and GL value, such as vegetables, in order to lower the value of GI and balance it down to 45-50 points. When composing a meal one should also consider the Glycemic Load, but most of all the type of food products. It is best to eat unprocessed or minimally processed foods, such as for example whole grain rye bread instead of refined wheat bread. Instead of potatoes, I recommend buckwheat, millet or barley, which have significantly lower GI and GL. A high GI of boiled potatoes is hard to balance even with raw vegetables, as a huge amount of salad would have to be consumed in order to achieve the goal of not more than 45 points.

    Unfortunately, many people misinterpret the dietary rules in Fungal Infection treatment and they drastically reduce the amount of carbohydrates in their diet, for fear of Candida Yeast proliferation. This sometimes results in excessive weight loss, which in turn entails a weakening of the body, and the body’s immune system. Thus, instead of remission, they experience a rapid progression of the disease. The quantity and selection of food should be guided by common sense as starving is definitely not recommended. The meals should be adequate and one should never leave the table hungry.

    Foods with high GI

    • 110 - maltose (the sugar contained in beer),
    • 103 - Dried Dates,
    • 100 - Glucose, baked potatoes, fries,
    • 95 - Rice flour, white bread high processed, modified starches, hamburgers,
    • 90 - baked potatoes, fries, mashed potatoes, potato chips, honey,
    • 85 - boiled carrots, cornflakes, popcorn, rice,
    • 80 - Broad beans cooked,
    • 75 - Pumpkin, watermelon, sugar, white bread (baguette), purified sweetened cereals, chocolate bars, boiled potatoes without skin,
    • 70 - Coca-Cola, biscuits, popcorn, white rice, noodles, dumplings, raisins,
    • 65 - Potatoes boiled with skins, sugar, jam sweetened semolina
    • 60 - long rice, banana, melon,
    • 55 – Pasta.

    Food products with low GI

    • 50 - wholegrain bread or bran bread, whole grain brown rice, canned green peas, fresh green peas, whole-grain cereals without sugar, pasta made from whole grain flour, whole grain cereal, red beans,
    • 40 - Fresh fruit juices without sugar, pumpernickel bread, whole grain rye bread,
    • 35 - Wild rice, raw carrots, dry beans, lentils,
    • 30 - Green beans, green lentils, dark chocolate (> 70% cocoa), soya,
    • 20 - Peanuts, vegetables, green tomatoes, garlic,
    • 15 - zucchini, onion.

    List of food products according to the level of acidity they produce in the body.
    Knowledge of acidity that is created in the body by certain food products will help compose the proper diet. This way we will enjoy excellent health and live life without disease and suffering.

    Products with high acidity, pH 5.0 to 6.0:
    refined sugar (white) and raw (brown), hard cheese, eggs, mayonnaise, fish, shellfish, beef, pork, rabbit meat, chicken, liver, lamb, veal, artificial sweeteners, carbonated soft drinks, sparkling drinks, cigarettes , chemical drugs, white wheat flour, wheat bread, white pasta, white rice, vinegar, cakes and confectionery, chocolate, beer, coffee, sweet sauce with white sugar, jams, jellies, alcohol, semolina, salt, black tea.

    Products with medium acidity, pH 6.0 to 6.5:
    walnuts, cheddar cheese, blue cheese , herring, mackerel, oats, wheat, rice, plums, cranberries, olives, fruit juices with sugar, maple syrup, molasses, pickles, cereals, wine, sweetened yogurt, buckwheat, rye bread, hard-cooked eggs, ketchup, mayonnaise, whole grain pasta, cakes with honey, peanuts, popcorn, rice, basmati rice, brown rice, soy and wheat bread from germinating seeds.

    Products slightly acidic, pH 6.0 - 7.0:
    malt syrup, maple syrup, barley syrup, barley, bran, cashew nuts, cereal with fruits and honey and maple syrup, cranberry, fructose, pasteurized honey, lentils, homogenized and pasteurized milk, raw molasses, nutmeg, mustard , pistachios, rye bread with sprouts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, berries, brazil nuts, salted butter, mild hard cheese, dried beans, garbanzos, dairy products, homogenized goat milk , marinated olives, spelt, butter, cream, natural yogurt, whey, and natural oils.

    Medium alkaline products pH 7.0 to 8.0:
    almonds, coconut, natural milk, beans, cabbage, celery, lentils, lettuce, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, apricots, bananas, berries, cherries, melons, oranges, peaches, pears, raspberries, tangerines, plums, avocados, celery fresh figs, raisins, garlic, gooseberries, sour grapes , green herbs, nectarines, sweet peas, dates, pumpkin, spinach, sour apples, green beans, beets, broccoli, fresh ginger, kohlrabi, parsley, pumpkins, strawberries , turnip and apple vinegar.

    High alkaline products pH of 8.0 to 9.0:
    avocado, carrots, potatoes, dried apricots, rhubarb, lemon, watermelon, cayenne pepper, dried figs, seaweeds, mango, papaya, green parsley, watercress, asparagus, endive, kiwi, pineapple, raisins, vegetable juices, grapefruit.

    Diet in children suffering from fungal infection
    In children, Candida fungus infection spreads mostly in the oral cavity, intestines and digestive organs. Therefore, proper diet is of key importance in fighting fungal infections. A diet in children infected with Candida fungus should be different from a diet in adults. A young body is characterized by a faster metabolism, and a significantly increased consumption of glucose and fat as energy material. The diet should, therefore, include foods that will meet its nutritional needs, which is necessary for growth and development. Excessive restriction of carbohydrates would result in significant disruption of brain functioning, and cause lethargy, lack of energy and nervousness. The best food for a small child is mother's milk. If, however, someone decides to use formula, the only kind recommended in Candida infection treatment is hydrolyzed milk, or milk based on soy protein. However, milk must not be used in the case of allergy to soy protein.

    The most common mistakes in children's diets consist of:
    • a period of exclusive breast-feeding is too short. Infants should be breastfed for up to 6 months of age and breastfeeding should be continued after the introduction of complementary foods up to 12 months of age,
    • cereal products, meat and sweetened beverages are introduced in the child’s diet too soon,
    • not sufficient and decreasing with age consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits,
    • introduction to the diet of sugar, sweets, cakes, sweetened beverages, and other highly processed products,
    • insufficient consumption of trace elements, calcium, magnesium, silicon, iron, potassium, and excessive consumption of sodium (salt).

    Fruit juices (100%) should be introduced into the diet not earlier than after 6 months of age in an amount of not more than 120-180 ml / day (4-6 oz). Natural fruit juices prepared from fresh fruit should be a permanent part of the child’s diet. Before including them in the diet, one must first determine the body’s tolerance to the product, and rule out possible allergies. I suggest that they are initially diluted with water (half and half). In the case of good tolerance, they should be given to the child in gradually increasing amounts, undiluted. Grapefruit juice and lemon juice are extremely alkalizing. They can be combined with vegetable juices and diluted with water. Natural juices and their water solutions should not be sweetened. Good mineral or filtered water should be used in the child’s diet.

    Infants and young children should not be forced to eat if they are not hungry, or overfed. Infants and toddlers develop their own mechanism regulating food intake. They should be allowed to independently decide on the size of their meals, as long as their growth and development are correct. They should not be compelled to finish their meals since the number of calories consumed at one time may be too high.

    During the gradual reduction of breastfeeding, the child’s diet should be gradually enriched with healthy unprocessed foods, and if those are not tolerated well, the attempts should be repeated over time. Whole grains should become a permanent part of the diet. Refined grains should be avoided. Parents should decide what and when the child will eat, while the child will decide whether he wants to eat and how much. Please do not forget that vegetable soups with egg yolk and white meat are an important part of the child’s diet and should be served regularly. Meals should be prepared from fresh, organic vegetables. Green vegetables such as lettuce, string beans, green peas, dill and parsley contain large amounts of chlorophyll, carotene, iron and calcium and are relatively easy to digest. Chlorophyll has disinfecting properties and regenerates intestinal mucosa. In order to not lose these properties, the vegetables should be cooked for a short period of time. After a long cooking they lose 30 - 50% of their nutritional value. Other vegetables, such as brussels sprouts, cauliflower, radishes, and celery also should be included in the child’s diet.

    During the treatment of mycosis, a gluten-free diet should be maintained. Gluten is a vegetable protein found in cereals - wheat, rye and barley. Wheat is the most abundant source of gluten. Gluten has a strongly irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which may aggravate intestinal disorders associated with fungal infections.

    In the case of allergy to eggs, it is absolutely necessary that they are excluded from the diet. In the case of allergy to cow's milk, beef should also be excluded from the diet of the child.

    A “good carrot” test:
    Bite off a piece of raw carrot. If the carrot causes a burning sensation in the mouth, it is not suitable for a child, due to the high content of nitrogen compounds.

    Older children should consume raw vegetable salads as well as cooked vegetables. The principle of combining the appropriate nutrients should be as in adults. In the initial period of the treatment of those children, a gluten-free diet should be applied. After the elimination of the fungus, rye whole grain sourdough bread can be introduced into the diet. Since the early age, children should be accustomed to not eating sweets or highly processed foods, as well as to not drinking soft drinks or sweetened juices.

    Diet of a nursing mother that suffers from systemic mycosis
    The diet of a nursing mother that suffers from systemic mycosis should contain all the nutrients in sufficient quantities. The principles of the diet are the same as for all other sick people.

    I recommend
    1. Protein: Consuming different types of dietary protein: eggs, animal protein such as beef, lean pork, poultry, rabbit meat, fish and vegetable protein such as raw almonds, hazelnuts and cashew nuts. All types of proteins should be eaten in greater quantities than recommended in the treatment of fungal infection, but they should be consumed with raw and cooked vegetables. Milk can be consumed if natural, not pasteurized. Kefir, yogurt, butter milk are also recommended. Legumes should be included with caution as they may cause flatulence.
    2. Fats: Virgin olive oil or cold pressed flax seed oil should be the source of unsaturated fatty acids (added to salads). Grape seed oil, fish oil and lecithin are also recommended. Small amounts of butter can also be consumed.
    3. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates should be obtained from raw and cooked vegetables, fresh vegetables juices, buckwheat, brown rice and wild rice. Grains should be eaten in small quantities, but frequently, and they should be combined with vegetables. Big portions of grains will cause too much increase in blood sugar, which could result in rapid proliferation of Candida Yeast and a recurrence of fungi infection. In the case of gluten intolerance, rye and wheat bread should be excluded from the diet. Bread can be replaced with brown rice cakes, which should be eaten in moderation.
    4. Minerals: I recommend chelates: chromium, zinc, selenium, iron, molybdenum. The best calcium can be found in raw vegetables, ground egg shells (brown egg shells are better as they contain more sulfur compounds) and preparations of veal bones.
    5. Here is a simple way to make a calcium preparation.
    6. Rinse egg shells thoroughly and remove the film. Boil in water for 30 minutes. Then dry and grind up finely. Take 1 / 2 flat teaspoon of the powder per day and drink plenty of water. Pasteurized milk purchased from the store contains calcium in the form of poorly soluble and poorly absorbable organic compounds.
    7. Vitamins: - Vitamin C, Beta-carotene. It is best to take vitamins in the form of a multivitamin preparation and manufactured from raw materials of natural origin.
    Diet of adults and children over the first year of age in the first stage of treatment

    Basic principles of nutrition
    1. In the case of strong disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract, protein should not be combined with carbohydrate,s except for those with a low glycemic index, that means vegetables.
    2. Carbohydrates can be combined with raw vegetables.
    3. Protein can be combined with raw and boiled vegetables.
    4. Fats can be combined with carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables, but one should be aware that they prolong their digestion.
    5. Do not drink liquids before eating, during and after meals - fluids dilute digestive juices which impairs digestion and can cause stomach pain and heartburn.
    Proteins are digested in an acidic environment. Carbohydrates, raw vegetables and sour fruits require an alkaline environment, which is provided in the oral cavity and digestive juices present in the gut. Digestion is best if we first eat a salad, and then, after about 40 minutes we consume protein. If no major problems with digestion occur, a good combination of ingredients in a meal is protein with vegetables, raw or cooked, but no other carbohydrates such as potatoes, white rice, cooked red beets and carrots. Buckwheat, brown or wild rice, should be combined with raw, cooked or partially cooked vegetables.
    I get a lot of questions about including mushrooms in a diet of a person with Candida Fungal Infection. Since mushrooms contain protein similar to those of Candida Fungus, there is a possibility that they may cause an allergic reaction. Eating dishes with mushrooms should be preceded by a test of tolerance. After eating a very small amount of mushrooms, one should observe if symptoms of allergy occur. If there are no visible negative effects, mushrooms can be included in a diet. Negative effects may include, but not be limited to: digestive discomfort, flatulence, general ill-feeling, tiredness, rash and itching.
    Digestion of solid fats and oils is slow and takes place mainly in the small intestine. Combining raw vegetables with fried meat reduces the amount of fat absorbed in the intestines. Natural non-hydrogenated lard, coconut oil or butter are the only fats good for frying purposes due to their high decomposition temperature at which toxic compounds are released. Fat should be discarded after frying and should not be reused for any cooking purposes. Vegetable oils including olive oil, should not be used for frying.

    Diet during the recovery period
    Even if the main symptoms of the disease disappear, I still recommend maintaining the same diet. The diet can be slowly and gradually modified, based on subsequent recovery from other symptoms and the way a person feels in general. Those who feel progressively better can gradually raise the Glycemic Index level, however it is important to use the same products that were used in the initial period of the treatment. It is also very important that sugar and all of its products as well as milk and its products are excluded from the diet.

    Home saliva test

    1. First thing in the morning, before you put anything in your mouth, fill a clear glass with room temperature bottled water.
    2. Work up a bit of saliva, and spit it into the glass of water. Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour.
    3. If you see strings (fibers) traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, cloudy specks (particles suspended in the water) or cloudy saliva that sinks to the bottom of the glass you have a Candida problem.
    This test is not always conclusive, and for this reason it should be used only as a helping tool to diagnose Candida Fungal Infection.

    Test helpful in the detection of fungal infection
    Part I - medical history-




    Have you taken tetracycline or other antibiotics for a month or longer?



    Have you ever taken broad-spectrum antibiotics that are used to treat respiratory, urinary or other infections for 2 months, or for shorter periods of time but 4 times a year?



    Have you taken antibiotics in a single dose?



    Have you ever had chronic prostate inflammation, chronic vaginal inflammation, and inflammation of reproductive organs?



    Do you have memory and concentration problems?



    Do you have general health problems?
    Are discouraged from seeing doctors because they have not been able to determine the cause of your health problems?



    Have you been pregnant 2 or more times?

    One   time?




    Have you ever taken, or are you taking contraceptive preparations up to 2 years?

    More   than 2 years?





    Do you take steroids orally, by injection, or inhalation - more than once in   2 weeks?

    Less than once in 2 weeks?




    Are you exposed to perfumes, insecticides and their vapors in   factories, cosmetic shops? Do they  cause:

    --   mild symptoms?

    --   increased symptoms?






    Smoking   cigarettes



    Do you feel worse in higher humidity, on stuffy days, in the presence of mold and fungus, in moldy rooms?




    Do you have a fungal infection of the skin or nails?



    Do you use refined sugar in your diet?





    Part II - symptoms of the disease

    For any occasional or mild symptom, add 3 points.

    For frequent and moderate symptom, add 6 points.

    For very intense and annoying symptom, add 9 points.


    Fatigue,   weariness and sleepiness



    Feeling   loss of vitality and exhaustion



    Low  mood



    Feeling of  dementia, feelings of burning pricking and stinging






    Muscle pain



    Muscle weakness, inability to perform physical effort



    Pain   and swelling of the tendons



    Unspecified   abdominal pain



    Constipation   or diarrhea



    Rumbling stomach, intestinal gurgling and gas



    Vaginal inflammation, itching and burning



    Prostate inflammation



    Reluctance   to sexual contact






    Endometriosis and infertility



    Menstrual pain  or other menstrual disorders






    Fear attacks and outbursts of crying



    Cold   hands and feet, body temperature below 36.6 C



    Muscle tremor associated with hunger, you are getting angry , when you are hungry




    Part Three

    For any occasional and mild symptom, add 3 points.

    For frequent, intense and annoying symptoms, add 6 points.

    For symptoms very intense and overpowering, add 9 points.








    Motor skills disorder



    Insomnia,   sleep disorder



    Frequent   mood swings



    Dizziness , vertigo



    Pressure  above or behind the ears, feeling of swelling and tightness of the head



    Maxiliary Sinus and Frontal Sinus problems



    Tendency   for easy bruising and rupturing of small blood vessels



    Eczema,   burning  conjunctivitis, feeling  of sand under the eyelids









    Digestion disorders, heartburn



    Gluten, milk, wheat and other grains intolerance , multiple allergies



    Mucoid   stools



    Rectal itching  



    Dry   mouth and throat



    Chapped lips and white tongue



    Shallow breathing, lack of air



    Body odor, unpleasant smell of the  skin , feet and hair - despite frequent washing



    Feeling of  nasal obstruction and swelling, runny nose



    Itching   in the nose



    Sore throat



    Irritation of the  larynx, loss of voice, hoarseness



    Dry   cough



    Tension and tightness in the chest






    Frequent   sudden urination



    Burning and itching   during urination






    Summarize Points .................

    After summing up all the points of all the three parts you can assess whether you are infected with Candida Fungus.

    Infection - in women the number of points to be above 180, in men - above 140

    The likelihood of infection - women points above 120, men - more than 90

    The possibility of the health problems being somehow related to Candida Fungal Infection in women over 60 and in men above 40.

    No connection of the health problems to Candida Fungal Infection ; the number of points in women - less than 60 and in men - less than 40




    Have you taken tetracycline or other antibiotics for a month or longer?



    Have you ever taken broad-spectrum antibiotics that are used to treat respiratory, urinary or other infections for 2 months, or for shorter periods of time but 4 times a year?



    Have you taken antibiotics in a single dose?



    Have you ever had chronic prostate inflammation, chronic vaginal inflammation, and inflammation of reproductive organs?



    Do you have memory and concentration problems?



    Do you have general health problems?
    Are discouraged from seeing doctors because they have not been able to determine the cause of your health problems?



    Have you been pregnant 2 or more times?

    One   time?




    Have you ever taken, or are you taking contraceptive preparations up to 2 years?

    More   than 2 years?





    Do you take steroids orally, by injection, or inhalation - more than once in   2 weeks?

    Less than once in 2 weeks?




    Are you exposed to perfumes, insecticides and their vapors in   factories, cosmetic shops? Do they  cause:

    --   mild symptoms?

    --   increased symptoms?






    Smoking   cigarettes



    Do you feel worse in higher humidity, on stuffy days, in the presence of mold and fungus, in moldy rooms?




    Do you have a fungal infection of the skin or nails?



    Do you use refined sugar in your diet?





    Part II - symptoms of the disease

    For any occasional or mild symptom, add 3 points.

    For frequent and moderate symptom, add 6 points.

    For very intense and annoying symptom, add 9 points.


    Fatigue,   weariness and sleepiness



    Feeling   loss of vitality and exhaustion



    Low  mood



    Feeling of  dementia, feelings of burning pricking and stinging






    Muscle pain



    Muscle weakness, inability to perform physical effort



    Pain   and swelling of the tendons



    Unspecified   abdominal pain



    Constipation   or diarrhea



    Rumbling stomach, intestinal gurgling and gas



    Vaginal inflammation, itching and burning



    Prostate inflammation



    Reluctance   to sexual contact






    Endometriosis and infertility



    Menstrual pain  or other menstrual disorders






    Fear attacks and outbursts of crying



    Cold   hands and feet, body temperature below 36.6 C



    Muscle tremor associated with hunger, you are getting angry , when you are hungry




    Part Three

    For any occasional and mild symptom, add 3 points.

    For frequent, intense and annoying symptoms, add 6 points.

    For symptoms very intense and overpowering, add 9 points.








    Motor skills disorder



    Insomnia,   sleep disorder



    Frequent   mood swings



    Dizziness , vertigo



    Pressure  above or behind the ears, feeling of swelling and tightness of the head



    Maxiliary Sinus and Frontal Sinus problems



    Tendency   for easy bruising and rupturing of small blood vessels



    Eczema,   burning  conjunctivitis, feeling  of sand under the eyelids









    Digestion disorders, heartburn



    Gluten, milk, wheat and other grains intolerance , multiple allergies



    Mucoid   stools



    Rectal itching  



    Dry   mouth and throat



    Chapped lips and white tongue



    Shallow breathing, lack of air



    Body odor, unpleasant smell of the  skin , feet and hair - despite frequent washing



    Feeling of  nasal obstruction and swelling, runny nose



    Itching   in the nose



    Sore throat



    Irritation of the  larynx, loss of voice, hoarseness



    Dry   cough



    Tension and tightness in the chest






    Frequent   sudden urination



    Burning and itching   during urination






    Summarize Points .................

    After summing up all the points of all the three parts you can assess whether you are infected with Candida Fungus.

    Infection - in women the number of points to be above 180, in men - above 140

    The likelihood of infection - women points above 120, men - more than 90

    The possibility of the health problems being somehow related to Candida Fungal Infection in women over 60 and in men above 40.

    No connection of the health problems to Candida Fungal Infection ; the number of points in women - less than 60 and in men - less than 40

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