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Hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are nothing more than a dish, but rather weaves dish, filled with blood, found in the rectum. These are cysts that form inside the anus, which interfere with normal bowel movements in August. Any irritation to these cysts can be painful. The same cysts can be seen occasionally on other parts of her body, but are not always so painful because of the different innervation and blood supply. 

The disease states is when it comes to extending them, causing disruption of wydalniczego. Occurs discomfort, pain and even bleeding. 

Pain, burning, and susceptibility to bleeding are some of the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. People suffering from hemorrhoids also often complain of feeling of incomplete bowel movements, itching and loss of varicose veins, and thus de facto widening of the condition. 

For the causes of hemorrhoids include primarily wydalniczego disorders, so diarrhea and constipation, as well as sedentary lifestyles and engage in some professional sports (eg long-distance transmission.) 

Some relevance may also have inherited tendencies. It should also be remembered that the occurrence of hemorrhoids remain particularly vulnerable during pregnancy. 

Hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids, haemorrhoids - many names, same problem.The problem, according to recent estimates, which can handle more or less than one quarter of adults in the world. 

Hemorrhoids are embarrassing condition, embarrassing and very difficult.Until recently, remained practically taboo, little was said about them in media, for obvious reasons, still hardly anyone admits to them during private conversations. 

It's clear that people suffering from hemorrhoids do not want to over-praise them. In the end it is a descent intimate and should remain so. However, we should take care that no longer hemorrhoid disease draped wall of silence.We need to know about them as much as possible to be able to effectively treat them.
Hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids

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