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Is the common fungus can cause cancer?


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Is the common fungus can cause cancer?

Dr. Tullio Simoncini, an oncologist

Copyright Ó 2007

t.simoncini @

Original title:

Is the Cause of Cancer a Common Fungus? "(Nexus, Vol 14, No 5)

Nexus, the Polish version: NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2007

Many years of research and clinical data show that one of the main causes of cancer is a common fungus infection of Candida albicans, which can be effectively treated with a potent antifungal agent, which can not be patented.

... As a cause of cancer must be ruled out either autoimmune process ... and blamed for the development of self-destruction of genetic anomalies structure.

Fungi are capable of an infinite number of modifications of his own metabolism to overcome host defense mechanisms.

Being the most powerful and best organized among the well-known microorganisms, the fungus is a very logical candidate for the perpetrator tumor growth.

... Mushroom mystery in the scenario of benign tumors and malignant is fully explained, because it can be concluded that they share the same etiological origins.

... The first step that must be done, is to strengthen the patient suffering from cancer means to the overall reconstruction body ... which are able to enhance the immune system.

The best way to eliminate the tumor is the treatment with a sodium bicarbonate and it is through the closest possible contact ...

According to my cancer does not hide some mysterious reason - genetic, immunological or autoimmune disorders, "as the official oncology - but an ordinary fungus infection, the destructive activity in the deep tissues is underestimated.

The present work is based on a belief supported by many years observation, analysis and experience, which say that the causes of tumor be found in the vast world of fungi - a commonly occurring easily adaptable in nature, very aggressive and developed microorganisms.

Many times I tried to explain my theory of the leading institutions dealing with cancer (Ministry of Health, the Italian Medical Cancer Society, etc..) Substantiate my way thinking, but due to the fact that you can not cram my views conventional context, I sold nothing. In contrast, the possibility of presentation of views on health, which differ from those commonly accepted by the medical community today, whether it officially or unofficially, pose various international fora.

There is a dispute between the views of medicine and allopathic hipokratesowskiej. The position that I promote, is the point in which these two concepts of health are in contact with each other, because It emphasizes the value of them both and it also shows how the they became the victims of vulgar language conformists. Hypothesis odgrzybiczego origin of chronic degenerative diseases, capable of combine ethical values with the development of the individual unit processes pathologies, reconciles the two orientations of medicine (allopathic and holistic). This hypothesis is a promising candidate for the missing element of psychosomatics, which sought but never found, one of the fathers of Viktor von Weiszacker.

In consideration of the biological dimensions of the fungus is possible example, to compare the different degrees of pathogenicity in relation to state organs, tissues and cells of the host organism, which in turn depends on the behavior of the patient.

Every time you are exceeded reinforcing properties psychophysical structure, comes to its inevitable issue - even to a limited extent - the aggression of external factors that would otherwise be harmless. In light of the existence indisputable link between the psychological state of the patient and diseasecan no longer separate the two concepts (allopathic and neuropathic), as both are essential to improve health patient.

Disadvantages of existing theories of the causes of cancer

When we encounter the most persistent problem of contemporary medicine - cancer - the first thing you should do is grant that we still do not know its true cause. Although it is treated differently by the official and alternative medicine, still surround It's a mystery connected with the actual process of formation.

Trying to overcome the current impasse must therefore necessarily go two separate phases: a critical, showing the current limitations oncology, and constructive, able to propose a treatment based a new theoretical point of view. Taking into account the latest concepts of scientific philosophy that suggests. antyindukcyjne approach where it is possible to find a general discussion acceptable solution, one only logical formulation that is arises is to be rejected oncological principle which assumes that Cancer arises as a result of anomalous reproductive cells.

This means that when the fundamental hypothesis of anomalous reproductive cells are called into question, all based on the theories are flawed.

It follows that, as a cause of cancer must be ruled out either autoimmune process in which the body's defense mechanisms External factors to combat the threats turn against internal elements of the body, and blamed for the development of genetic structure of the anomalies of self-destruction.

What's more, the common attempt to build theories about a variety of reasons oncogenic effect on the propagation of cells sometimes resembles the veil smoke, for which there is nothing but the bare walls. These theories suggestinfinite number of more or less interrelated reasons which means in fact that no reason has not been discovered. In turn, reference to smoking, alcohol, toxins, diet, stress factors psychological, etc., without a well-defined context, causes confusion and resignation, and creates about the disease, which may be simpler than it is present, more and thicker veil of mystification.

In order to obtain a wider picture's worth looking into the matter przypuszczalnemu influence of genetic factors on development processes propagowanemu carcinogens by molecular biologists. Such researchers examine the cellular mechanisms infinitely small, but I never saw patient. All current medical systems based on such studies, and thus, all currently used therapies.

The main hypothesis of the genetic causes of cancer is limited in principle that the structure and be responsible for the normal process cell reproduction mechanism are capable of unknown causes for autonomous, totally not related to the economy as a whole tissue behavior. Genes. that normally play a positive role in reproductive cells, are not properly described as? proto-oncogenes " (Cancer genes), while those that inhibit the multiplication of cells, are called? genes supresyjnymi "or otherwise? oncogenes recesyjnymi. The responsibility of tumor tissue degeneration blamed both the cellular endogenous factors (never demonstrated) and exogenous.

Even a cursory analysis of the theoretical image oncology shows that for the entire contention of this inextricable prevent genetic hyperactivity hides monstrous stupidity which underlies such a way to explain things. All who work in this field, nothing doing nothing else but repeat sterile mantra about anomalies in the system of cells to reproduce genetic base. Better to seek new horizons and instruments conceptual, which will reveal the true etiology of cancer.

Back to the taxonomy (taxonomy of plants and animals) '

In order to find a probable carcinogenic ens morbi (the essence disease) in the field of biology may be helpful to return to its basic taxonomic concept, where there has been much indecision and non-specificity.

Over a hundred years ago, moving away from Linne-usza, in accordance with that there are two great kingdoms of life (plants and animals) German biologist Ernst Haeckel (1834 - 1919) presented difficulties in assigned to a category of microscopic organisms, which can not be due to their characteristics and include property, or the kingdom of plants or animals. As a result, suggested to them a third kingdom called Protists.

? This huge and complex world includes a range of forms, from those that have a structure podkomórkową. as, for example, viroids (plant pathogens) and viruses by phytoplasmas to a more organized organisms, such as bacteria, actinomycetes, śluzorośla, fungi, protozoa and some microscopic algae '.2

The common element in these organisms is the feeding system, which is, with few exceptions, the direct absorption of soluble organic compounds, which distinguishes them from both plants and animals. Pets also like to eat, but mostly through the adoption of solid food, which are then processed in the process of digestion. The plant, using mineral and light energy, are capable of eating through synthesizing organic compounds.

Currently, biologists tend to establish a third kingdom, albeit in a more refined form. There are even those who have gone even further, claiming that the mushrooms should be classified within this realm as a separate category.

O. Verona 3 says that if we include first the kingdom multicellular organisms with the ability of photosynthesis (plants) and the organisms are not equipped with fotosyntezową pigmentation (animals) to second - the two kingdoms of organisms composed of cells equipped with a distinct nucleus (eukaryotes) - and if the next kingdom (Protists), we include single-celled organisms do not chlorophyll and having a clear nucleus (prokaryotes - bezjądrowce) This fungus should have their own kingdom, due to the fact that do not have fotosyntezowej pigmentation. that may be single-celled and wielkomórkowe and that have a distinct nucleus.

In addition, mushrooms have in comparison to other micro-organisms very strange property - are able to maintain the basic structure microscopic (Hyph - hyphae) with a simultaneous tendency to urastania large sizes (up to a few kilograms), while maintaining no as amended by the ability to adapt and reproduce at any size.

From this point of view, fungi can not be treated as real organisms, but as clusters of cells, sui generis, resembling organism, since each cell maintains its own potential survival and reproduction, regardless of the structure in which exists. It is clear that in such complex forms of life is very difficult to identify all biological processes. In Consequently, in mythology, even today there are huge white spots and taxonomic-metric approximation.

Characteristics of fungi

It is worth checking further this strange world with such special features and try to highlight those elements that may be associated with problems of oncology.

1. Fungi are organisms cudzożywnymi, and so need it, at least for nitrogen and carbon, pre-formed compounds most of which are used in simple carbohydrates, the such as monosaccharides (glucose, fructose and mannose). This means that the during its life cycle fungi are dependent on other living creatures that are in varying degrees by not used in the process of nutrition. There is both saprofitycznie, ie Consequently, the consumption of organic waste, and parasites, which through a direct attack on host tissues.

2. Mushrooms have a great variety of ways of reproduction (Sexual, asexual, budding - these manifestations can often be observed simultaneously in the same mushroom), combined with great morfostrukturalną diversity authorities. The final result everything is focused on the formation of disputes upon which the continuation and spread of species.

3. In mycology are often seen specific phenomenon called heterokarionem (the cell that contains genetically different nuclei), characterized by the coexistence of normal and mutant nucleus in cells that have undergone hyfalne (filamentous) connection. Fitopatolodzy fear that has arisen out of different forms of GM even from their parents. To these differences occurred in during the reproductive cycles, which are called paraseksualnych. Massive and indiscriminate use of pharmaceuticals has led plant to mutations in the core of many parasitic fungi and, consequently, heterokarionów creation, which are sometimes very virulent in its patogeniczności.4

4. With regard to parasitic fungi can produce with fewer hyphae or more dziobokształtne, specialized structures for penetration of the host.

5. Preparation of spores may have such a massive character, that in any cycle now dozens, hundreds or even hundreds of millions of elements able to spread a significant distance from the point origin5 (for immediate dispersal enough sometimes traffic).

6. Spores are extremely resistant to external factors. In the case of find themselves in adverse conditions can remain in dormant for many years. You have full reproductive capacity.

7. Factor accumulation of filamentous tips after germination is very fast (under ideal conditions of 100 microns per minute, 14.4 cm / day) with the ability to branching, and in some cases, the emergence of new regions of germination after only 1940-1960 sekundach.6

8. The shape of the fungus is never defined, because it imposes environment in which to develop. It can be observed, for example, the same mycelium that lives in a simple form of a shred of isolated liquid medium or in the form of clusters, which are increasingly solidify and huddle up to the formation pseudomiękiszu and textile yarns grzybni.7

9. Similarly, in various fungi can see these same shapes, where they must adapt to the same environment (this is called dimorphism). Partial or complete replacement of nutrients is often causing mutations in fungi, and this is further proof of their high ability to adapt to any surface.

10. When feeding conditions are uncertain, many fungi react combining snippets (from the nearby mushroom), which enables them to easier to use substances available through kompletniejszych physiological processes. This property, which introduces cooperation instead of rivalry, stands out among the fungi other microorganisms and for this reason it is called Buller social organisms. "

11. When a cell is damaged or becomes stale (for example, by a toxic substance or drug), many fungi, which intracellular compartment is equipped with pores, reacts running the defense mechanism known as proto-plazmatycznym movement by which the nucleus and cytoplasm communicate damaged cells into healthy, allowing them to retain biological full potential.

12. The phenomena governing the formation of branching hyphae are still unknown.''Either they grow rhythmically, or appear in sectors which, although derived from the hyphae, are equipped with a system of self-regulation, '"that is independent of the actions and behavior the rest of the colony.

13. Fungi are capable of an infinite number of modifications to its own metabolism in order to overcome host defense mechanisms. These modifications are implemented through plasmatic and biochemical activities and by hipertropię (increase volume) and hyperplasia (Increase) infested cells. "

14. Fungi are so aggressive that the attack not only plants, tissue animal, food and other fungi, but even protozoa, amoebas and nematodes. For example, in nematodes using the special hunt modification of hyphae, which contain the true fungal grid viscose or ring traps that immobilize the worms. In some cases, aggressive power of fungi is so great that allows you to tighten grip - using the ring cell consisting of three units - and the killing in a short time gains, despite her desperate attempts to free himself.

With these brief remarks that it would be worthwhile to spend more the world of fungi, especially that biologists and microbiologists constantly enormous stress and lack of white spots in all descriptions and interpretations of the shapes of fungi, their physiology and how reproduction.

Being the most powerful and best organized among the well-known microorganisms, the fungus is a very logical candidate for the perpetrator tumor growth.

Particularly noteworthy are imperfect fungi (called so because that science may not have sufficient knowledge and does not understand their biological processes), because their main prerogative is their ability to fermentation.

Thus, the biggest disease of mankind can hide behind a small fragment pathogenic fungus, which may ultimately prove to be the result of simple deduction, the missing piece of the puzzle.

Candida albicons - necessary and sufficient to cause cancer

Given that among the human parasites and dermatophytes sporotrychowe show particular ability to cause disease and that actinomycetes in the light of experience, and Histoplasma Toluropsis (mushrooms drożdżako-wate) rarely arise in the context of pathological the only candidate to become a promoter of tumor growth remains a mushroom Candida albicans (bleachery white).

If you stop for a moment to reflect on his characteristics, we find many parallels with the disease cancer, which is most pronounced:

1.Wszechobecność - no body and no tissue is not spared.

2. Lack of a very high fever.

3. Sporadic and indirect involvement of different tissues.

4. Invasiveness. which is almost exclusively focal in nature.

5. Progressive weakness.

6. Resistance to all treatments.

7. Rapid growth supported by many different reasons.

8. Symptomalologiczna configuration of the structure having the inclination to chronic.

Hence in this mushroom the size of a few microns, which can not keep track with the currently available instruments research, sleeps so great and varied pathogenic potential, which must not be omitted from the clinical point of view.

His present nosological classification can not be satisfied because, if we take into account the infinite number of parasitic configuration turns out to be too simple and restrictive.

So we have to assume hypothetically that attacked by the system immune host, or by conventional therapy antifungal Candida does not react in the usual predictable manner, but defends itself by transforming into an even less differentiated elements that retain their ability to reproduce until hide their presence, both before the host organism, as well as possible diagnostic procedures.

The behavior of Candida can be regarded as nearly elastic. When formed favorable conditions, Candida grows on the epithelium, and as soon as tissue reaction occurs, mass is converted into a form less productive - quite insensitive to the attack (spores). If you then The occurrence podnabłonkowego solution in combination with increased areaktywnością, spore penetrates deeper into the lower tissue total in the state so insensitive that colonization is irreversible.

In fact, Candida uses structural variability, match to the existing difficulties, for example in nutrition - In order to control its biological niche. This makes it possible grow in soil, air, water, plants, etc.. - That is, If there is no antibody response. In the epithelium takes a mixed form, which is reduced to a spore when reaches deeper levels of penetration of the epithelium, where the conditions encountered areaktywności tissue to grow again.

The initial mandatory step for specific research needs rely on an understanding of whether and to what extent the spore transforms what mechanisms used to hide or conduct its parasitic nature, or whether he has a ready-neutral inactive form, which is difficult, almost impossible to detect by the immune system.

Unfortunately, we do not have adequate theoretical basis and technical measures that would allow us to find answers to These and similar questions, so reasonable suggestions can be derived solely from clinical observations and experience, which, although not provide ready-made solutions, they can at least stimulate making further inquiries.

Assuming that Candida albicans is the agent responsible for tumor development, targeted therapy must take into account not only its static and macroscopic manifestations but even ultramikrospowe, particularly in terms of its dynamic valence, that is, reproduction. It is very likely that the targets of attack directed at fungus can be the phase of its transformation, which can be made decontamination to the extent that does not include the whole spectrum biological expression - parasitic, vegetative and spore even the ultra-dimensional and viral infections.

If you stop at this, we risk administering salves and ointments in infinity (in cases of ringworm or psoriasis) or clumsy attack (using surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy) enigmatic tumor of the outcome in the form facilitate its propagation, and which is already increased in the forms fungal infection.

One might ask, why should we assume a different and improved activity of Candida albicans. since been extensively described his Pathological manifestations? The answer lies in the fact that he has been tested only in the pathological context, that is only in action epithelial tissues.

In fact, Candida has an aggressive walencyjność. which is different functions in the target tissue. It is the connective tissue or in the tissue environment and not in differentiated tissues. Candida can find the conditions for the unlimited expansion. This is evident clearly a moment to reflect on the main function of tissue total, which is to communicate and provide nutrients cells of the body. It is considered a more environmental external to the cell such as nerve, muscle, etc..

On the one hand we have the elements in the cells of the body whose task is to defend against all forms of invasion, on the other hand fungal cells, which seek to take increasing quantities nutrients, as it must pursue a biological imperative species in the form of creating an ever larger and more diffuse masses and colonies.

With a combination of various factors, important both for the host, as well asaggressor, it is possible the process of evolution wydedukowunie candidiasis Infection (candidiasis).

First step: Integral epithelium and lack of operating destructively. Candida can exist only as a saprophyte (body growing on decaying tissue).

Second stage: not integrated epithelium (erosions, abrasions, etc.) absence of factors which weaken the stage, the unusual conditions Transitional (acidosis, metabolic disorder and disorder microbial). Candida expands superficially (classic mycosis, both exogenous and endogenous).

Third stage: Damaged epithelium, the presence of debilitating factors (Toxic stage of radiation, trauma, neuropsychiatric etc...) Candida penetrates to the level of podnabłonkowego, where it can betransmitted to all parts of the body in the lymph and blood (Intimate mycosis) .12

The first and second stage are best studied and understood, while The third stage, although described in its morphological diversity, was reduced to a silent form saprofityzmu. This can not be acceptable from a logical point of view, because no one can demonstrate harmlessness of the fungal cells, which were in the deepest parts of the body.

In fact, the assumption that Candida can behave after penetrated to the lower levels in the same saprophytic manner as observed in the intact epithelium is the least risky because it would be based solely on the views of a totally accidental nature.

Truth be told, not only is asked of us. us to accept a priori that the connective tissue environment (a) is not suitable for Candida diet. but also (b) the omnipotence of the body's defense system in relation to invasive organic structure, which then becomes helpless when I'm putting it in deeper tissues.

As for point (a), it is difficult to imagine that a microorganism these abilities to adapt in any medium he could not find elements are advantageous to the human organic tissue. From this same reason, it is risky to eject hypothesis that the system defense of the human body is fully efficient at all times its existence.

As for point (b), the assumption that there is a tendency transition in a state of peace and the vulnerability of the pathogenic agent, such as a fungus - the most invasive and aggressive micro-organism existing in nature - it smacks irresponsible.

From the foregoing, it is urgent to identify dangerous nature of such a pathogenic agent that is capable of to easily gain various biological configurations, both biochemical and structural, regardless of the conditions in organic nizmie host.

The degree of fungal expansion becomes sharper when the tissue which is the goal of fungal invasion becomes less eutrophic and thus less reactive.

Benign tumors

It is now for a moment to reflect on the concept of "benign" taken from the classification of diseases. This issue always comes up in general pathology, but is usually blithely set aside at ignored because it does not create either problems or concerns. Meanwhileis one of the unacknowledged gray spots rarely subjected to rational considerations.

If a benign tumor is not considered a full-fledged tumor, then for clarity would be beneficial to his grading in the right category. If, however, believes that he belongs to the tumor, it is necessary consider its non-invasive nature and reflect on reason for this state of affairs.

It is a matter of obvious that in this second scenario, based on the thesis established the suitability of the organism to autofagocytozy, when necessary, admit the existence of expressive gradations, the natknęłaby Such additional difficulties that would be highly unlikely.

For a change in the scenario of mushroom mystery tumors benign and is fully explained, because it can be recognize that they share the same etiological origins.

Benign or malignant tumor depends on the nature of reality from ability to tissue response consisting of specific authority otorbieniu fungal cells and eliminate them in rozrośnięcia larger colony. This is easier to reach, where the ratio between differentiated cells and connective tissue is beneficial for those first.

Situated between the impervious noble tissues and vulnerable tissues of different structures cumulative total (Especially the structure of the gland) represent the average component, which is only slightly susceptible to attacks because of its ability create a special kind of defense.

This is where benign tumors arise, namely, where in the connective tissue can be created and hyperplastic hipertroficznczne cellular barrier against parasites. In turn, stomach and lung, in which There are no glands and equipped with a small capacity Defensive exams are at the mercy of fate and the invaders.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that many types of intimate fungal invasion do not means the emergence of malignant or benign tumors, but some type of benign tumor (specific degenerative changes), which can observed in the case of certain bodies that do not have special glandular structures and attacked in their connective tissue, albeit to a limited extent.

If we take into account in multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, psoriasis, general nodular arthritis, etc.., the possibility of fungal growth in the three-dimensional time is indeed limited the anatomic configuration of the affected tissues, so that possible is only a longitudinal expansion.

Returning to the precondition in the form of areaktywności, which is essential for the development of cancer in certain individuals, the limit is the assertion that every internal and external element in the human the body that causes deterioration of body function, body or tissue, has oncogenic potential. That is not the end because the ability of property destruction and species favoring development fungus (cancer).

At the end of a causal network which is largely part of the modern oncology, or concerning the toxic, genetic, immunological, geographical, moral, social and other factors is the correct classification only in the light infection fungal, when the arithmetic and diachronic summation of harmful factor acts as a cofactor of external aggression.

Conventional therapy vs therapy przeclwgrzybicza

After presenting the theoretical basis of equivalence of cancer / fungus it becomes clear that the interpretative key produces a long series questions concerning contemporary therapies, both oncological and antifungal.

Which of the ways of dealing with patients suffering from cancer is therefore Today the best, especially since conventional oncological treatment, not directed at the cause, may from time to time boast with positive results, and in most cases causes damage?

From the perspective of fungal surgery significantly decreases the effectiveness of due to the extreme and invasive fungal rozpraszalność conglomerate. Thus, surgical solution to the problem is related to case may be, that is, the conditions in which someone manages to successfully remove the entire colony (which is often possible the presence of a sufficient encapsulation and only in cases of tumors benign).

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy produce almost exclusively negative results, both in terms of their specific ineffectiveness, and due to its high toxicity and harmfulness to the tissues, which the final result encourages aggressiveness of the fungus.

Quite different is the case in the event of an antifungal with focus on the antitumor therapy, which takes into account the importance of connective tissue, including reproductive complexity of the fungus. Only a fungus attacking the full spectrum of its forms, in phases, in which he is most vulnerable from the nutritional standpoint, you can have hope to get rid of it from the human body.

So the first step that must be done, is to strengthen patient suffering from cancer means to the overall reconstruction of the body (lotions, tonics, regulation of rhythms of physiological processes) that are able to enhance immunity.

Striving to create pharmaceuticals in the form of easily diffusing, and therefore effective antifungal substances useful may be taken into account the very high sensitivity of Candida sodium bicarbonate (Na-HCO.). This is consistent with a large capacity reproductive Candida in an acidic environment.

Theoretically, considering if it failed to find such treatments, which allow direct contact with concentrated hydrogen fungus sodium, we would probably witness the regression of tumor mass.

This is happening for many types of tumor, for example, colon and liver, and above all of the stomach and lungs - the first suspect is a regression because of its "external" position, and the latter because of the high solubility of sodium bicarbonate in bronchial system and high sensitivity to general measures Reenactment.

The application of such a therapeutic approach has been achieved many patients with complete remission of symptoms and normalization of data instrumental. It should be noted that these cases are just an example this. what may become a new way of perceiving the complexity medical problems, especially in oncology.

Critical remarks

It would be appropriate to examine what's new and concrete can emerge in cancer pathology. If you carefully look at the proposed method of treatment, it is possible that whatever actual efficiency will notice that it also has value as a theory of innovation. First, it is a challenge for the present methodology, particularly its assumptions. Second, it offers a concrete alternative to the enormity of assumptions and positions, which sound very authoritative, but are too vague, and consequently inefficient.

Identification of a single cause of cancer, even when all possible general objections will be a step forward necessary to depart from the results caused by the lack of passivity characterized behavior of doctors, whose beliefs are based more on faith than on actual knowledge.

With regard to this. unconventional approach that can bring more benefits to certain patients - from every point of view - than the official methods of treatment and it can be demonstrated valuable results, we should feel stimulated to continue research, avoiding while patronizing attitudes that are both restrictive and unproductive.

We may wonder whether the sodium bicarbonate is or is not wyzdrowień real reason or whether they result from the recovery interaction of a number of conditions that were created or are not the result of the identified factors or neuropsychiatric the result of something completely unknown. What, however, there is no doubt the fact that a number of people who are not supporters of the methods Conventional able to return to normality without suffering and mutilations.

Learning resulting from this experience is the need for incitement to seek solutions that are in keeping with the simple hipokratesowskim obligation of the well-being man, which means that we need to look critically at our current cancer therapies that cause suffering. When the assembly together malignant tumors. which sometimes tend to be, a. honest, I never be cured (such as stomach cancer or lung disease), with tumors, which are on the border of kindness (such as most tumors of the thyroid and prostate, etc..), or even those who do not have positive outcomes as a result of chemotherapy (for example, Child leukemia), we see that all this makes an impression devious and misleading, and that its sole purpose is forcing consensus, which otherwise would not be achieved by adhering to ethical behavior intellectually.

The fact that modern medicine not only can not offer relevant criteria of interpretation, but. What is more, shall methodologies that are both dangerous and pointless - even if they are applied in good faith - it is something that needs to push us all the human exploration and logical alternatives. At the same time there is a need for a cautious, with an open mind and logical reflection on my theory or point of view, that make a step forward in the battle with this monstrous and inhuman enemy, which is cancer.

At this point, words of thanks are due to all those who are aware of the harmfulness of conventional therapeutic methods, and all time trying to find alternative solutions. People like Di Bella. Govallo and others, although they are guilty of using the same unfortunate principles of official medicine (the show too conformist attitude), in fact, guided by a healthy sense, trying to relieve cancer patients in their suffering through the use of pain-free methods, and in some cases succeeding in achieve remission, even though wandering in the dark when it comes to knowledge of the real causes of cancer.

Thus, viewed from an alternative perspective, it would create new approach to experimentation in the field of oncology, leading epidemiological etiological, pathogenic, clinical and therapeutic research in line with the renewed microbiology and mycology, which would lead us probably to the one previously conclusion that the tumor is a fungus Candida albicans.

Possible discovery that fungi can be attributed to nothing but responsibility for the tumors but also for most chronic diseases degenerative disease, would be a qualitative leap that, revolutionizing medical thinking, greatly contribute to extending and improving quality of human life. Such views could be redefined cover a broader spectrum of fungal parasites (for example, connective tissue diseases, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, some forms of epilepsy, type 2 diabetes, etc.)..

Finally, it should be noted that the world of mushrooms - the most complex organisms - has been left out and left without observation is too long, and hope the author of this work is to awaken awareness of the risks, which are the microorganisms, so that medical resources were not addressed in the blind alleys, but against real enemies of the human body - the external factors capable of infecting.

Addendum - Note on the treatment of cancer

The implications of my hypothesis that cancer is a fungus that can be elimination of sodium bicarbonate. are as follows:

1. Eighty years of genetic research and their applications could not do. especially when we take into account. that the genetic theory of cancer has never not been proven.

2. The loss of millions if not billions, of lives, including their suffering does not bring anything positive.

3. Billions of dollars spent on chemotherapy, radiation, etc.. were wasted.

4. Recognition and awards given to researchers eminentnym for nothing.

5. Oncologist doctor could replace the family doctor.

6. The pharmaceutical industry will suffer huge financial losses (Sodium bicarbonate is inexpensive and it can not be patented).

My methods are treated people for twenty years. Many of my patients were completely cured of cancer, even in cases where official oncology surrendered.

The best way to eliminate the tumor is the treatment with a sodium bicarbonate and it is through the closest possible contact - oral in cases of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and through the gates in rectal diseases, irrigation in the case of diseases of the vagina and uterus, Intravenous injections for diseases of the brain, lungs and the inhalation diseases of upper respiratory tract. Breast tumors, lymph nodes and subcutaneous tumors can be treated by indigenous perfuzjami. Bodies interior can be treated by placing the sodium bicarbonate appropriate catheters in the arteries (liver, pancreas, prostate and limbs), or in cavities (pleural and peritoneal). (It should be emphasized that sodium bicarbonate should not be used in cancer prevention.)

It is important that each type of cancer to treat the right dose. In the case of infusions given to 500 cm3 in the next interval - 5-percent solution on the first day and the next 8.4 per cent - in depending on the severity of the patient and his condition. A stronger dose probably be necessary in the case of lung cancer and brain Depending on the type of tumor (primary or metastatic) and its sizes. As for external administration, just check that the solution is salty. Sometimes it is wise to combine different types of administration.

In each treatment, remember that the colonies are reduced tumor between the third and fourth day, and their collapse occurs between fourth and fifth, hence the six-day administration is quite sufficient. Full-effective cycle consists of four repetitions sześciodniowych drug administered divided by the six-day break. The main side effects of this treatment is the desire and weakness.

In case of skin cancer (melanoma, epithelioma, etc.) to the victim surface of the skin should be applied once daily siedmioprocentową tincture of iodine for 20-30 days in order to create a complex of several layers shell. If after one month of such treatment, the first shell will go down, and the skin is not yet completely healed, repeat treatment in the same way, until you create a second shell, and heal eliminated. (This procedure is also recommended for the treatment of psoriasis). After such a treatment of cancer will disappear and never come back.

For more information on the use of sodium bicarbonate can be found develop? Protocol Treatments with sodium biocarbonate Solutions " (? Protocols for treating solutions of sodium bicarbonate), which is at:

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Dr. Tullio Simoncini is a medical doctor and surgeon specializing in oncology, diabetes and disorders metabolism. It also has a doctorate in philosophy. As a humanist is an opponent of intellectual conformity, which it often lies view, not supported by any facts or ideas of lies. Regularly participates in medical conferences and interviews, during which explains the lack of conventional theory and treatments for cancer and promotes his fungal theory of cancer and describes a study involving patients healed with the use of powerful antifungal agent, which is sodium bicarbonate. His book, Cancer is a Fungus: A revolution in the therapy of Tumours (Cancer is a fungus - a revolution in the treatment of tumors) is available in Italian, English and Dutch at at which you can also find additional about his theory, therapy and cure cases.

Translated by George Florczykowski


1.P.K. Feyerabend, Contro il metodo (Against Method), Feltrinelli, Milan, 1994, p. 26

2.O. Verona. / / Il vasto mondo dei funghi (expansive world of mushrooms). Edizioni Nuova Italia. Firenze. 1973. p. 1

3.Tamże. p. 2

4. A. Rambelli. Fondamenti di micologia (Basic mycology), Edizioni Guida, Naples. 1972. p. 35


6.Tamże, p. 28

7.O. Verona, Il vasto ..., p. 5

8A Rambelli. Fondamenti ..., p. 31

9.Tamże. p. 28

10.Tamże. p. 29

11.Tamże. p. 266

12.Tamże, p. 273

From the Editor:

For lack of space we can not print the full version of the work of Dr. Simonciniego, which can be found together with a summary description cases at:

Is the common fungus can cause cancer?

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